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1,000 Posts at long last.


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You know, I've not spied one of these threads around in donkeys - maybe they've been outlawed have they? Ah well, lets get it underway anyway. :smile:


I, darksnowman, joined the cube-europe absolute yonks ago. My decision came after ages of lurking before I finally thought I might have something worth saying. As we all know, Cube-Europe went on to bigger and better things and has become what we now know it to be... a non-xorbit based and less problematic community.


Ah yes, I've seen many names come and go over my time. I guess I must still be a lurker or I'd have reached this milestone a good while ago, I'm not even sure I reached 500 before the switch.


Thanks, then, would go to anyone around here who has created decent threads and/ or made good comments around the place. Without them I'd not visit and wouldnt have anything to post responses to. Thank you all, and keep up the good work.


I'll be on my way then, to the meaningless spam thread, to get my next grand of posts underway. I leave this thread to everyone else who has not yet reached the 1,000 post mark so you can notch up one more for yourselves.


Ciao! :hehe:

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..it'll be a while before I'm at 1,000.. I too lurked in the shadows in the cube-europe days (and came runner up in a competition I shall not mention because I got needlessly hammered for it in the 'comments' section)


..but as I sit here with my little Donkey Kong figure all the way from Japan, I'll say thanks for the contribution and being almost influencial (not really :heh:) in my purchase of Skies of Arcadia..


..give us another 1,000 (hopefully a lot of them in the online thread complaining about how much I crush you on the DS..)


..nice one, dude :awesome:

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