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Digital drugs


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Have you guys tested any digital drugs?

They aren't really drugs. Just sounds that allter your brainwave patern.

And I have been browsing some forums. Most people find that they work and do alter your state of mind. Alltough not radically as a drug does.


If you wanna try them just google "Idoser" and you should find the program for free :smile: [Program http://aardvarked.co.uk/joonz/i-doser.zip ] The program comes with different "drugs". I recomend trying cokain (weird alert state). The opium one makes you slow and rellaxed.

Remember to use Stereo headphones. The best ones you have.

The type that goes into year ears are recommended.


Please post your experiences or lack thereof. I'll post my experieces also.

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I found a torrent for I-Doser through a google, but it's on demonoid and won't let me download it without being registered and it won't let me register either. I'm gonna try looking for another torrent, but if anyone has a good one let me know.


Looked at some of the other google links too, but they all seem to come with just like 1 or 2 'drugs', sure you can't post us a link to a decent download pack DiemetriX?

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It may really be placebo, but it's fun to try differnt types and see what happens.

The cocain one had me strangly focused and hyper. And the opium one made everything kinda slow.


I'm gonna try Anasthesia next.


I read somewhere you should take 30min breakes before listening to another one.


And as stated earlier . The affects come when the brain changes mode or pattern. These sounds play according to diffrent brain patterns, and the brain tries to copy it.

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Ok I'm listening to Juice it at the moment which is supposed to improve reaction time and reception, I'm having trouble:


a: reading a book on AVR


b: finishing the final stage of project rub.

So I'm going to test it out on project rub to see if I'm any better.

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sounds cool if it works, am doing the esstacy one atm and its at 50% and am not getting, obviously not follwing the intstructions correctly, if anyone finds a decent one post here!


are you using steroe headphoens? And are you in a quiet place where other sounds don't distract it?

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