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007 Daniel Craig


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'Prequels' seem to be the new 'sequel' in teh movie biz, no?


.. I'm all for it! I think it's better to have a radical new approach (i.e. a Blonde Bond - big deal) compared to a Brosnan look-a-like. I am a fan of prequels - or at least the idea of them- As a character Bond can hardly progress can he? At least this gives us a chance to see how he became the Bond we know now.


I like the idea of no Q as well -- Not because I don't like John Cleese (or Desmond either) but just because it means already the whole formula of Bond films is being tinkered with, and tinkering is most certainly what's needed for the stale loaf that is the Bond movie.


Bond being a noob. Why not?

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How can you say that the 'Palmtop' controlled car and all it's features or the stealth speedboat along the Thames were no good??



I can say they were no good, because they were no good :p.


When I sit down to watch a bond movie, I dont want to see all that gadget crap. It used to be Bond surivied using only his, charm, skill, chrasima and a good old fist fight. Pierce didnt have these and always had to resort to gadgets which was an aweful shame as he was great in the last good bond movie goldeneye. No fault of his I guess but they really should hire scriptwriters that have read the books and not just people who try to think of what gadgets to throw in.


Still dont like the choice of bond but i guess just dye his hair, get the screenplay sorted and all will be good :)

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The simplar the gadgets are the better. An invisable car - cmon.. Look att he simple stuff - an exploding pen and that original Aston, Sheer class. Bong needs to go back to the roots and focus on a fukcing decent storyline. Just make all the film set in the 70s and 80s. No one can beat an ex-Soviet baddy :)

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It used to be Bond surivied using only his, charm, skill, chrasima and a good old fist fight. Pierce didnt have these and always had to resort to gadgets.

I kinda see what your saying and 'Blackfox' i agree the invisible car was a step WAY to far, but to say Bond only used to get by on his charm and skill etc...

How about his Jetpack! (they're hardly an everyday thing!!!), his little yellow Micro-light plane, as i mentioned; his plastique toothpaste with the cirarette explosive etc...


I think Brosnans Bond was just going with the times; using technological advances as any secret agent should!! They've got to be the best! But again, the invisible car was too far!

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Guest Offerman

To me, its as if Pierce never really did many Bond films. I mean, I swear Connery did loads. We could have done with at least one more Pierce film.

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Still a bit disappointed that Brosnan won't be back to right the wrongs of Die Another Day (CGI surfing sequence... oh dear), but this chap looks like he could come up with the goods.


Anyway, what's with this about the first blonde Bond - you know he could always dye it! :grin:

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How can you say that the 'Palmtop' controlled car and all it's features or the stealth speedboat along the Thames were no good??



They were God damn stupid. I'm willing to suspend my belief if I need to, but the inclusion of stupid shit like that ruined Bond for me. It went from 'Bond, you cunning sly genius, you can get out of any situation because you're so damn good', to 'OH HOW LUCKY YOU JUST SO HAPPENNED TO HAVE AN INVISIBLE LIZARD MAN KILLING AEROPLANE IN YOUR BACK POCKET'.

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I'm amazed at how many people don't know who he is, hasn't anyone seen Layer Cake? Well you should because it's a quality film and Daniel Craig is great in it! I see absolutely nothing wrong with him being cast as the next bond, at least he's English!

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What I am not feeling about this bloke is that on the way back home from having an eye test they mentioned him arriving on a boat flanked by Royal Marines or something, and they mentioned him wearing a "red tie" which sent alarm bells in my head. Bond does not wear red ties [And if he has in a film it was part of his disguise ¬_¬]. The reporter also said it was as he wasn't stepping off the boat as Daniel Craig, but as James Bond.


Later I see him on his dinky boat and not only is he wearing the red tie I heard before, but a blue shirt. BLUE! James Bond is not a tacky stock broker from Hull. He wears white shirts and black fucking ties!

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What I am not feeling about this bloke is that on the way back home from having an eye test they mentioned him arriving on a boat flanked by Royal Marines or something, and they mentioned him wearing a "red tie" which sent alarm bells in my head. Bond does not wear red ties [And if he has in a film it was part of his disguise ¬_¬]. The reporter also said it was as he wasn't stepping off the boat as Daniel Craig, but as James Bond.


Later I see him on his dinky boat and not only is he wearing the red tie I heard before, but a blue shirt. BLUE! James Bond is not a tacky stock broker from Hull. He wears white shirts and black fucking ties!

That wasn't anything to do with the filming of the next James Bond; as that doesn't start until January.

Those videos of him arriving on a boat have been shown on the news all day; I think it's just him turning up to the official announcement (I only saw the headlines each time)!

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I'm amazed at how many people don't know who he is, hasn't anyone seen Layer Cake? Well you should because it's a quality film and Daniel Craig is great in it! I see absolutely nothing wrong with him being cast as the next bond, at least he's English!


HAHAHAHA I love it when people say Bond is English :p


Bond is not English and I will repeat Bond is not English.


Quoted from wikipedia.org


James Bond is the son of a Scottish father, Andrew Bond, and a Swiss mother, Monique Delacroix, both of whom died in a mountain climbing accident in the Aiguilles Rouges, when Bond was 11 years old. James went to live with his Aunt, Miss Charmian Bond, in Kent. Bond's family motto, which was later adopted by James Bond during "Operation Corona" in the novel On Her Majesty's Secret Service is Orbis non sufficit (Latin for "The world is not enough").


It must hurt to know that one of the greatest Englishmen on film is actually a Scot :p.

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That wasn't anything to do with the filming of the next James Bond;

Good thing I never said it was then.


I think it's just him turning up to the official announcement (I only saw the headlines each time)!

... Get away? Even then he should at least try to make an effort and dress up.

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I heard bond was being dumbed down so that it will get a 12 rating and will be aimed at a younger audience. Bring Agent cody bond whooooooopie[sarcasm]


Ermm theres only one bond movie rated higher than a 12, so your news is like 40 odd years late :p.

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Yeah you are right, i heard that aswell; they are making it more for the whole family.
Director Martin Campbell said the 21st Bond film would be "definitely darker, more character, less gadgets".
haha!, this looks to be the shittest bond yet, shittier than never say never

Are you kidding me? Casino Royale is shaping up to be the best Bond flick in years. From the sounds of things, they're returning to the roots of the franchise, which if you ask me is a return long-overdue. I mean, just take a look at the last few Bond movies; they portrayed Bond as more of a super-hero figure than a spy. Die Another Day was a mockery of the greatness of the early films.

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