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Perfect Dark Zero Offical Thread.


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Theres been loads of threads on new videos info pictures etc so just keep them all in here :),


I would like to start the topic by asking why people are disapointed with PDZ so far i think it loks awsome, people say its changed but at the end of the day first persons have changed loads in 6 year or when ever PD was out on the N64, everytime i whatch a vid see the graphics hear the music i get chills down my spine :P.

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The problem being most of the video's I had seen didn't do it justice.


Then I saw a few that REALLY did it justice!


Looking back on the other vids i've come to the conclusion that the person playing while it was being recorded was utter rubbish!


I thought it had control issues but it was simply because the guy playing it was poor, REALLY poor! The last few vids I've seen have put my mind at rest and have sold me on this game, it's a definate MUST-HAVE title!!!

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This is much more like it!!!


http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=8057&type=wmv (49mb)


The daytime level in this video is AMAZING; the action is just non-stop (helped along by the game showing you where to go!)!!


A few things though;

- Joanna is almost like a completely different character (so far removed from the original Perfect Dark); i know she's meant to be younger, but only by a few years and with her neon/styled hair and her casual clothes, it's a little wierd.

- I'm not sure about some of the 3rd person; the leaning around corner thing is really cool, but things like climbing ladders and entering pipes is not needed in 3rd person.

- Why are there ziplines everywhere?? How convienient!! Are they supposed to be telephone cables doubling up as them; because they sound like ziplines!


As a standalone game it really does look good; i think the problem is that it appears to be so unlike the original; therefore it depends how you want to look at it;


- Standalone game - Great!!

- Part of the Perfect Dark series - Dissapointment!

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I was hoping for BIG things, but seriously as long as it's 'fun' it really doesn't bother me!


Kameo though, i am expecting that adventure feeling like Zelda, a epic! If it isn't there WILL be trouble, because Rare have had plenty of time to make that right!


I can't wait to play PGR3 after hearing so many good things about it!



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you cant really say that tho, "stand alone game great!"


Cause they cant just copy the n64 version with new levels and graphics cause it would feel very "out dated" with no melee attacks and things like that, its got to have changed alot and i think people are still getting used to it, once people play the game through have tricks in the story line and everything else i think people will love it alot more.


Kisses! <3



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If PDZ turned out to be what GoldenEye or PD was for the N64 (landmark FPS that set the standard) then I was thinking of buying an XBox 360. But it doesn't look like it will, I've read nothing but disappointment and that feature on teletext was a bummer.

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Kameo, PDZ, PGR3 and possibly dead or alive 4 for me.

I'm still not sure whether to get a 360 or not and here's why;


The games that are tempting me to buy a 360 are;

Kameo, Perfect Dark, DOA4 and Too Human


Then there's;

Sonic the Hedgehog and Resi 5;


If I knew for sure that Sonic and Resi, were definately not going to be on Rev, then i think i would almost definately buy a 360; I wish Nintendo would say something!!


Then there's the fact that out of all next gen consoles, I think whenever Shenmue 3 etc... are revealed, they are most likely to be on the 360!

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ive heard (sorry have no link) that resi 5 is only gonna be on the ps3 and 360.

We know, but capcom also said they are developing it for other platforms aswell(Rev/PC most likely) its just they said they have yet to reveal it as they can't or something(Rev more likely)

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