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Zelda WW vs Zelda TP vs OoT

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I still havn't beaten Twilight Princess and i got it at launch, one day i promise myself this year i will beat it. Wind Waker is a great game, the two tedious parts are the sailing (which is solved later in the game) and the Nintendo gallery (if anyone actually completed it, you know why). Wind Waker is more animated and funnier in places, and makes you want to play it again. I just decided to complete it again with Link in his Outset clothing, up to the 5th temple with Medli.


Out of both games, Wind Waker is better slightly that Twilight Princess.

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Really surprised Twilight Princess doesn't get the love it deserves. It's inevitable in such a big game that there'll be one or two tricky bits, or a couple of moments that don't hit the spot for everyone. On balance, though I loved Wind Waker, I just felt so cheated. It presented a stunning new art style for Hyrule and it's inhabitants with such colour and exuberance, then went and dropped the ball when it came to giving us a game of any merit. It felt as though the rest of the game was going to turn up on another disc, but Nintendo forgot to put it in the box. I completed it so quickly and was shocked at the end. I remember thinking, is that it? The sailing was the least of my complaints, though obviously Nintendo used it to cynically expand the length of the game. It was a lack of everything else that broke my heart in the long run.


By comparison, I've loved every moment of Twilight Princess. I can understand how some feel it paid too much homage to Ocarina. It's a fair point. It's a very traditional Zelda, so is quite linear feeling next to WW's open seas. But for me the epic story and the wonderful characters kept me gripped, and none of it felt laboured. I loved the whole wolf thing and Midna so much. I won't say it's perfect - there's obviously so much to do that can improve on the Zelda series - but for me it's the better Zelda of the two. It delivered a game I could get my teeth into. It completely made my Christmas last year. :D


I do still feel there is a lot of mileage in the WW art style for Zelda, but it needs a proper game behind it. I do hope they return to it one day. But in this poll, out of the two, I pick Twilight Princess as my fave.

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I do still feel there is a lot of mileage in the WW art style for Zelda, but it needs a proper game behind it. I do hope they return to it one day. But in this poll, out of the two, I pick Twilight Princess as my fave.


I think Minish Cap counts. Sure, it's not 3D or cel-shading, but it's the same art style.

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That was brilliant, and I whole heartedly agree.


I know I'm very late, but thank you, King V.


WW also had the best story and ending hands down and the tag-team dungeons were very good.


Ah, the room full of mirrors you had to find, position and bounce light off... Most enjoyable puzzle I've ever seen in any game. :)

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Well whatever, in my opinion, TP is much better than OOT, and i played both.

Just by coicidence,the ones who find OOT better than TP are the old gamers who played it when it came out


And just by coincidence, most of the ones who didn't play OOT at the time, loved TP better.


We may never know which one is in fact best.


But its obvious to me that the one who has the best content is TP, and that's everything that matters to me.

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So here's what happened:


GTA III came, rulled a lot


GTA Vice City came, rulled a lot


GTA San Andreas came, rulled a lot


GTA 4 came, rulled a lot, little to add from GTA San Andreas, therefore a desappointment...




Even if I don't like GTA that much, I know that GTA IV innovated in a lot of stuff, and so far I have yet to see someone who was disappointed by it.


The Legend of Zelda OOT came, rulled a lot


The Legend of Zelda MM came, rulled a lot


The Legend of Zelda WW came, rulled a lot


The Legend Of Zelda TP came, rulled a lot, little to add from previous versions, therefore a disappointment...


I was 9 years old when OoT came out, and I bought my N64 around 2000/01 (late, I know). I didn't know what kind of popularity Zelda games had back then.

But the fact that people keep hailing OoT as the "best game ever", and not MM, leads me to believe that MM wasn't as popular as you think it was. And considering WW still divides opinions, I highly doubt WW also "rulled" that much at the time. We're talking about games that were quite different than OoT, mind you.


Think about it before coming to the next point:


It doesn't matter, its true that TP added little to OOT, but the fact is it still has more than OOT, therefore, even though it was a disappointment, Legend of Zelda TP IS BETTER THAN OOT.


Does TP allow you to use the hookshot to cling to trees and roofs? Does it use the 2-world system? Does it have a Trading Sequence, Magic spells or Lens of Truth?

Your argument falls flat when you consider OoT had a lot of things TP didn't (and vice-versa).


And wether a game is better than the other, it's still subjective. You can't prove that as if it were a fact (like you're trying to do right now).


Look, TP had its strengths, and wasn't a bad game. But I still prefer OoT/WW for a lot of reasons.


Well whatever, in my opinion, TP is much better than OOT, and i played both.

Just by coicidence,the ones who find OOT better than TP are the old gamers who played it when it came out


And just by coincidence, most of the ones who didn't play OOT at the time, loved TP better.


We may never know which one is in fact best.


But its obvious to me that the one who has the best content is TP, and that's everything that matters to me.


Well, that's fine, as long as you don't try to pretend it's a fact.

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Well seeing as I was only 9 when OoT came out and I had it anyway, you could possibly argue that I'm biased. But frankly you'd be wrong, because I didn't play it properly all the way through until much later, when I was old enough to appreciate it. The thing that makes it better than TP for me is that the characters in the game have, funnily enough, a LOT more character. You can talk to everyone you can see and they all have their own personalities. In TP there weren't enough people in the huge world that was created, it didn't feel "populated" at all. In some ways the scale of TP held it back because it meant longer trips and less room for side quests and NPCs.


And frankly Maase the one reason your argument falls flat is because you are giving an opinion. No matter what you say and what your arguments are there is no way you will ever convince someone your opinion is right and theirs is wrong. You seem to forget that you do NOT know everything and that not everyone has to agree with you. Fine, you liked TP more than OoT. I didn't. Get over it and stop trying to tell me I'm wrong when that clearly isn't possible.

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Well whatever, in my opinion, TP is much better than OOT, and i played both.

Just by coicidence,the ones who find OOT better than TP are the old gamers who played it when it came out


And yet the one who prefers the newer, graphically better game is the one who is only 14 years old and is probably used to that standard.


Sure there are older people with that view, but I'll bet there's far fewer than younger people who prefer OoT.


We may never know which one is in fact best.


It's weird, this forum is the only forum where I've met people who completely believe that something that can never be more than opinion can actually be fact. Saying one game is better is completely opinion. It just so happens that the more popular opinion is that OoT is a better game, but this doesn't matter if you don't agree with that, as you have your own opinion.


My opinion is that MM trumps them all.

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And yet the one who prefers the newer, graphically better game is the one who is only 14 years old and is probably used to that standard.


Sure there are older people with that view, but I'll bet there's far fewer than younger people who prefer OoT.




It's weird, this forum is the only forum where I've met people who completely believe that something that can never be more than opinion can actually be fact. Saying one game is better is completely opinion. It just so happens that the more popular opinion is that OoT is a better game, but this doesn't matter if you don't agree with that, as you have your own opinion.


My opinion is that MM trumps them all.



Urgh, no stereotyping, please...


I don't care about graphics, why do you think i brought a Wii? As long as i understand what they want me to see, i'm happy.


Also, my father is 44 years old, he played TP and OOT, both in his 43 years, wanna bet which one was the one he liked the most?


Yep... TP... And he doesn't care about Graphics either, he loves playing PS1 more than PS2 and Wii, FFS




So, let me start again:


Better items, better dungeons, better skills, better bosses, better story, worse side quests, worse atmosphere.


My opinion: Nothing of value was lost


Most of your opinion (at least it seems that way): EVERYTHING OF VALUE WAS LOST.


My opinion on your opinion: WTF?


Your opinion on my opinion on your opinion:

[big argument about how i am a kid who loves graphics, and don't know shit about games and my argument fails because its my opinion, yadayada]

Hurr Durr

[/big argument about how i am a kid who loves graphics, and don't know shit about games and my argument fails because its my opinion, yadayada]


My opinion on your opinion on my opinion on your opinion: DON'T STEREOTYPE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


Now, its your turn, please don't make me cry inside again...

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well, the whole debate wont be settled. for all my infinate love of oot, i can see its flaws, but i love it any way. i played it in a time when it was cutting edge, i still remeber looking at the graphics in awe.


i can still play it today, which is as stong a testiment to the game as any outhers i can think of, but the thing is, i realise most of my love from the game is the memories and feelings associated with it. i know that shadow gannon was a total wtf moment, and that the shadow temple used to scare me sensless. (i have no idea why, its as scary as ham) i was a kid when i played oot, things are better when your young, tp was played while i was a full beard wearing adult, i was never going to be as excited by it. i dont think i could ever love it as much, but the game is, in most senses superior. i agree it had less side quests and a little less charm, but the aspects of oot that i'll never forget (dungions, bosses, cutscenes) were all out done by tp.

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Urgh, no stereotyping, please...


I don't care about graphics, why do you think i brought a Wii? As long as i understand what they want me to see, i'm happy.


Also, my father is 44 years old, he played TP and OOT, both in his 43 years, wanna bet which one was the one he liked the most?


Yep... TP... And he doesn't care about Graphics either, he loves playing PS1 more than PS2 and Wii, FFS


And as I said, but you chose to ignore, my friend who played them at the same thought OOT was better. So thats 1 - 1 for zelda noobs.


Better items, better dungeons, better skills, better bosses, better story, worse side quests, worse atmosphere.


To be honest, aside from better skills and probably better bosses, those are debateable. I can't remember any of the tp dungeons being particularly memorable, and neither was the story, really.


And actually, aside from the colossus rip offs, i preffered OOT's bosses. Hell, if you want to judge it on the final boss, OOT wipes the floor...

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To be honest, aside from better skills and probably better bosses, those are debateable. I can't remember any of the tp dungeons being particularly memorable, and neither was the story, really.


And actually, aside from the colossus rip offs, i preffered OOT's bosses. Hell, if you want to judge it on the final boss, OOT wipes the floor...




Seriously, how can't you remember the Snow dungeon? Best dungeon in a Zelda game.


And the story is the best story Zelda had, no debate on this one.

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Well, you could hide the last paragraph, as your argument fell after that :heh:


But really, TP has some good twists, and the Midna and the crazy bastard make the story absolutely great...

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Better items, better dungeons, better skills, better bosses, better story, worse side quests, worse atmosphere.


See, opinions apply here, too.


IMO, Hookshot>Clawshot and the Lens of Truth are so awesome. TP has awesome items too (although they could be better used, but still good), but it's not unquestionable which is better.


The same goes for everything else (except for the non-existant OoT skills). IMO:


-Water Temple(OoT fave)>Ice Mansion(TP fave);


-OoT's story>TP's story, but Midna&Zant>Most OoT characters


My opinion: Nothing of value was lost


Most of your opinion (at least it seems that way): EVERYTHING OF VALUE WAS LOST.


My opinion on your opinion: WTF?


Welcome to the internet. When different people complain about separate things, it looks like everyone is complaining about everything.


Never let that stain your opinion of something, though.

And play more handheld Zelda games. They're gems, and some of the better games of the series. That's something I think we can all agree on.

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Your father's a noob. lol.


Seriously, we're not questioning your preferences or why you prefer it, but you need to know that opinions ain't worth shit without something to base them on.


Also, facts have to be something verifiable. For example, it is a fact that OoT was revolutionary for its time (I remember commenting with my friends, "hey, you can grab sticks and beat monsters with it, and there day/night cycles, and you can even fish!"), if you search around the internet, you'll reach the conclusion that a game so open and free was rare or non existent. It is also a fact that TP, despite being a good game, was just another among other good games at the time.

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Your father's a noob. lol.


Seriously, we're not questioning your preferences or why you prefer it, but you need to know that opinions ain't worth shit without something to base them on.


Also, facts have to be something verifiable. For example, it is a fact that OoT was revolutionary for its time (I remember commenting with my friends, "hey, you can grab sticks and beat monsters with it, and there day/night cycles, and you can even fish!"), if you search around the internet, you'll reach the conclusion that a game so open and free was rare or non existent. It is also a fact that TP, despite being a good game, was just another among other good games at the time.


well, that may be true, but look were oot and the industry was at that time, im not sure you could even fit in that many revolutionary aspects in a game these days, not without a major overhall of the games industry.


its like saying jurrasic park is better then, well, a modern film, because of how impressed we all were from the cgi.


we all infact know jurrasic park is superios to any outher film as it contains both dinosarus and samuel l jackson. a winning combination in any books.

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Maase: Fine, have your opinion. You think TP is better. FINE! Just stop trying to convince us you're opinion is right.


My opinion: I enjoyed OoT more than TP. You cannot change my opinion no matter what you say, so stop trying!


For the record I did really really enjoy TP, but overall I found OoT better.

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