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Saddam Hussein - Executed


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I hear he has a terrible hangover....[/Quote]


It's probably wrong to, but I had a chuckle to myself. Oh, foxy.


In all seriousness, terribly unprofessional. They are hanging a former dictator - should mobile phones have reallty been allowed, ffs they are confiscated from weddings of celebs! Albert Pierrepoint would be spinning in his grave... (wikipedia him.. he would hang criminals in less than a minute...)


Is there only footage from one phone? Or have there been more?

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It's probably wrong to, but I had a chuckle to myself. Oh, foxy.


Yeah, weshouldn't laugh at jokes in which suspended sentances were handed down...



Is there only footage from one phone? Or have there been more?


No idea, but still, they should have all been searched....

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Is there only footage from one phone? Or have there been more?


There was an official one that was released to the press, but it was only released up to just before he was actually hung.


I can't believe that they allowed someone to sit there with a phone though, if they wanted to have control over what people saw.

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People who think death penalty to be a proper way of punishment should go throw themself outside a bridge in my opinion. He would have suffered more if he sat in jail for the rest of his life. That´s more of a punishment. For him now, death seemed probably a releaf..

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People who think death penalty to be a proper way of punishment should go throw themself outside a bridge in my opinion. He would have suffered more if he sat in jail for the rest of his life. That´s more of a punishment. For him now, death seemed probably a releaf..


It was done for the victims, and why should the taxpayers in iraq pay for someone who killed their relatives to site in prison all day? He deserved it.

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It was done for the victims, and why should the taxpayers in iraq pay for someone who killed their relatives to site in prison all day? He deserved it.


in iraq, prisioners get $30 a week in lost earning since the new goverment took office, doesnt matter if your conicted or not.



PS. there are no tax payers in iraq, only trade customs.

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People who think death penalty to be a proper way of punishment should go throw themself outside a bridge in my opinion. He would have suffered more if he sat in jail for the rest of his life. That´s more of a punishment. For him now, death seemed probably a releaf..


throw themselves outside a bridge? :D Ah ok sorry your not english that just made me chuckle.


Don't you think its a bit ironic that you are wishing death on people who are pro death penalty (and Im not one of them). Thats if you are wishing that im still unclear.

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in iraq, prisioners get $30 a week in lost earning since the new goverment took office, doesnt matter if your conicted or not.



PS. there are no tax payers in iraq, only trade customs.


You still have to pay living costs, which are a lot more than $30. Even if there aren't taxpayers, it's not really fair on the system to pay for someone like that.

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I find it dumb when the news presenters say "Hanged for crimes agaisnt humanity" Like hanging somone is very humain

Its kinda ironic.

But I guess he deserved it.

Maybe Bush should be "hanged for crimes agianst humanity" to

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I find it dumb when the news presenters say "Hanged for crimes agaisnt humanity" Like hanging somone is very humain

Its kinda ironic.

But I guess he deserved it.

Maybe Bush should be "hanged for crimes agianst humanity" to


Bush should be hanged for crimes against intelligence.

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After seeing those be-headings on Ogrish.com, seeing that was a let down. Maybe I've been completely desensitised..


lol awesome post, I've seen them too, so a guy hanging from a bit of rope like an old haggered tampon isn't gonna give me any sleepless nights.


That is actually quite incorrect, as there are clearly some shades of grey in Saddam's reign. He was clearly insane fuckhead, but he was also solely responsible forthe fact that 90 percent of Iraqians can read. During early 70's he established new school network, granted free hospitalization to everyone, and gave subsidies to farmers. Iraq did have one of world's most modernized public-health systems, and in fact, Saddam even got prize from UNESCO for his humanitarian work.


In addition of these improvements, Saddam was also responsible for Iraq's shift from agriculture to heavy industry. He also improved woman's rights and basically said big "fuck you" to islam extremists. In fact, before Gulf War, Iraq was both richest and most progressive country in the area. There is good reason why many Iraqians do idolize him.


Further to what you were saying,


Saddam saw himself as a social revolutionary and a modernizer, following the Nasser model. To the consternation of Islamic conservatives, his government gave women added freedoms and offered them high-level government and industry jobs. Saddam also created a Western-style legal system, making Iraq the only country in the Persian Gulf region not ruled according to traditional Islamic law (Sharia). Saddam abolished the Sharia law courts, except for personal injury claims.


Domestic conflict impeded Saddam's modernizing projects. Iraqi society is divided along lines of language, religion and ethnicity; Saddam's government rested on the support of the 20% minority of largely working class, peasant, and lower middle class Sunnis, continuing a pattern that dates back at least to the British mandate authority's reliance on them as administrators.


The Shi'a majority were long a source of opposition to the government's secular policies, and the Ba'ath Party was increasingly concerned about potential Sh'ia Islamist influence following the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The Kurds of northern Iraq (who are Sunni Muslims but not Arabs) were also permanently hostile to the Ba'athist party's pan-Arabism. To maintain his regime Saddam tended either to provide them with benefits so as to co-opt them into the regime, or to take repressive measures against them. The major instruments for accomplishing this control were the paramilitary and police organizations. Beginning in 1974, Taha Yassin Ramadan, a close associate of Saddam, commanded the People's Army, which was responsible for internal security. As the Ba'ath Party's paramilitary, the People's Army acted as a counterweight against any coup attempts by the regular armed forces. In addition to the People's Army, the Department of General Intelligence (Mukhabarat) was the most notorious arm of the state security system, feared for its use of torture and assassination. It was commanded by Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, Saddam's younger half-brother. Since 1982, foreign observers believed that this department operated both at home and abroad in their mission to seek out and eliminate Saddam's perceived opponents.[citation needed]


Saddam justified Iraqi nationalism by claiming a unique role of Iraq in the history of the Arab world. As president, Saddam made frequent references to the Abbasid period, when Baghdad was the political, cultural, and economic capital of the Arab world. He also promoted Iraq's pre-Islamic role as Mesopotamia, the ancient cradle of civilization, alluding to such historical figures as Nebuchadrezzar II and Hammurabi. He devoted resources to archaeological explorations. In effect, Saddam sought to combine pan-Arabism and Iraqi nationalism, by promoting the vision of an Arab world united and led by Iraq.


According to Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, torture was systematic in Iraq under Saddam's regime.[15]

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That video was horrific. Still glad I watched it.


Word. It was weird. I guess its one of the very few times (only?) Ive seen someone die. Its weird to watch stuff like that.


Very evil dude, but I think leaving him to rot in "the shoe" for life would of been better.


Anyone got any other videos of people dieing? Im not a psycho, just its a strange feeling and Id be interested to watch me.


(Yeah I really do sound like a psycho)

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Please refrain from posting any videos of dying, execution (other than that in question), beheadding etc here.


I wouldn't really encourage looking at all but if people feel the need to find other way to communicate it, just don't post it in here.

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Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has described the circumstances of Saddam Hussein's execution as "deplorable".

Mobile phone footage showed Saddam being told to "go to hell" by people attending the hanging, while the ex-leader mocks their "bravery".


Mr Prescott told the BBC those responsible for the scenes should be "ashamed of themselves".


Interesting that the people taunting him were chanting for Al-Sadr, who's Madhi Army has been responsible much of the bloodshed in Iraq with attacks on American troops and the Iraqi police.

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Interesting that the people taunting him were chanting for Al-Sadr, who's Madhi Army has been responsible much of the bloodshed in Iraq with attacks on American troops and the Iraqi police.



that is so wrong, infact, its totally wrong.


The mehdi army fought US troops 2 times. since then, it joined the political process. it has not carried out any attacks against iraqi police or army. they have not carried out any bombings.


the only thing they do regarding violance is carry out kidnappings against sunnies, most of which support the "insurgency" where al mehdi sees it as revenge attacks in retaliation to the bombings carried out by some sunnies.

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iit has not carried out any attacks against iraqi police or army.


Hundreds of militiamen linked to him battled local police in Amarah and destroyed police srtations. It was claimed that his men were ignring his orders to play nice, although this could be because the recent Western appeasement of him, switching from the previous painting him as a dangerous and brutal islamist nut job who wants an Iran style islamic theocracy into a legitimate part of the political process.


One of his senoir aides was arrested last year under suspicion of kidnappings and killing and he's previously said that the current US backed interim government are worse than Saddam. But his view of the US forces and the current leadership seems to chop and change as much as the western view of his militia does - it wasn't that long ago he was saying he'd attack Americans again if they attacked Iran.

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Hundreds of militiamen linked to him battled local police in Amarah and destroyed police srtations. It was claimed that his men were ignring his orders to play nice, although this could be because the recent Western appeasement of him, switching from the previous painting him as a dangerous and brutal islamist nut job into a legitimate part of the political process.


exactly, so they arnt opposed to the goverment, infact, they are with the goverment and have joined up with the army and police, seeing that there is no political resolution to protect the people from terror attacks, they carry move out without orders.


also keep in mind that sadrs group, from dawa party and onwords were the most oppressed people in the country, thus it would be resonalble for them to see saddams execution as a revenge act.

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exactly, so they arnt opposed to the goverment,


See my edit above. he's said they've gone through three stages of resistances against the American occupation, passive, military and now political. Just because he's giving the ballot box a try for a bit rather than the AK doesn't make him any less opposed to the US backed interim government.

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