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Where would you live.....


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I can't see why anyone would want to move to Japan? It's a wierd little place, full of little people.


There are so many reasons to want to go there...... How about the food? The weather? The amazing cities? The beautiful scenary? I can't see why some would not want to if not live there at least visit the place. It's really amazing.


Well, scientists predict that the natural decrease in the population (due to the high price of living (another reason not to move there?)) will leave the little eastern Asian islands with a significantly reduced population. I should think the infulx of Waps would counterbalance this trend.


It's a hell of a lot cheaper then London. :-/ Seriously, so much cheaper then here........ :-/

Oh and the the word "waps" is really stupid. :-/


The general reason is because of Maid cafes, Akihabara, and a lot of peoples deluded thoughts that because they are gaijin, they can get some japanese chitsu pretty easily.


That's the reason why a lot of people want to go there yeah.... You would need to find more then that to want to live there though........


Basically he's saying some foreigners can think that they can get off with Japanese women due to the fact that they are foreigners and all the cafes in Tokyo with women dressed up as maids that serve you.


It's not think, it is true that a foreigner can get a women pretty easilly there....... It just depends on what kind of women you are looking for. :-/




Oh and I plan on moving to Japan myself when I graduate. :)

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I learnt in geog that Japan is hella' expensive to live in, that's why they can;t afford large houses and raise lots of children - hence the number of kids being born is lower and the population is in natural decline. The same can be said about every major city - the only thing with Japan is that the cities are the only real places youc an build cheapy - since the other 75% of the country is mountainous - unlike England, China, USA, wherever..

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If I could get the work and survive there as its rather the tourist honey-pot, I'd like to live in Annecy. Great summers... and more to the point: incredible alpine winters would make for an amazing locale to enjoy playing the Wii, DS and to surf N-Europe from. :heh:


Ill edit y'all in a pic if you cant be bothered googling...








And for comparisons sake, heres a winter snap!





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There are so many reasons to want to go there...... How about the food? The weather? The amazing cities? The beautiful scenary? I can't see why some would not want to if not live there at least visit the place. It's really amazing.

June man, June. Can't fucking wait



It's a hell of a lot cheaper then London. :-/ Seriously, so much cheaper then here........ :-/

Oh and the the word "waps" is really stupid. :-/

I have japanese friend who goes to the same uni as me, and she lives in Tokyo, and she basically says how she would rather live in Japan then here, and that its much cheaper.



That's the reason why a lot of people want to go there yeah.... You would need to find more then that to want to live there though........

That youtube video, US Otakus in Japan, really annoyed me.




It's not think, it is true that a foreigner can get a women pretty easilly there....... It just depends on what kind of women you are looking for. :-/

A lot of people actually think this, which is why it annoys me. Like you mentioned, Roppongi Hills, a place i will avoid in June.



Oh and I plan on moving to Japan myself when I graduate. :)

And there i will meet you :)

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I learnt in geog that Japan is hella' expensive to live in, that's why they can;t afford large houses and raise lots of children - hence the number of kids being born is lower and the population is in natural decline. The same can be said about every major city - the only thing with Japan is that the cities are the only real places youc an build cheapy - since the other 75% of the country is mountainous - unlike England, China, USA, wherever..


Only if you want to buy land in inner city areas. Living costs and house prices are a lot lower.

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I would like someone to wipe my memory of all electronic technology and then I would like to live a simple life in A) a quiet forest village, B) a quiet beach/seaside village or C) a quiet mountainous village. I want my mind to be void of all modern technology as I think I would lead a better life without them yet I doubt that I would be able to lead such a life knowing that they existed.

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It's not think, it is true that a foreigner can get a women pretty easilly there....... It just depends on what kind of women you are looking for. :-/

Yeah, there are a lot of women who are just desperate to get a husband for the social status, and I suppose they think gaijin are rich (as that's the stereotype of us in Japan).


But anyway, you people going soon are lucky... I won't be able to go at least until I finish my degree, and I haven't started it yet... :hmm:

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I like where I live. Although I wouldn't mind moving to the other side of town to the Four Oaks area, nice houses there.


I always wanted to move to Japan. Probably Tokyo. Although I would always like to stay in England, some of you would love to leave this country, but, maybe it's because you don't live in the same area as I do.

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it would probably be canada, but somewhrere hot in canada.


i owuld prefer the USA but im an arab and im not bothered getting stopped at every bus/train/plane stop. so i guess canada it is.


unless tunisia becomes a better place to live by cooling down a little.

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Earlier on I was giving a couple of reasons of why I would want to live in Japan..... Here are some photos.


Sapporo snow festival:





Basically every winter they have a festival with massive snow statues and these are some of the cool ones I quickly found on google.... I couldn't go because I went in the summer, but, when I live there I will make sure to go. :)


Okinawa tropical beaches:




Yeah ermm, pretty much self explanatory..... Okinawa has some amazing beaches. lol


Jigokudani (hell valley):




This is a really cool place if you like the whole volcanic activity thing. :)


Jigokudani onsens:




They seem to enjoy it. :)
















(Ok at this point I'm really starting to miss Japan.... :()


Ikebukuro (my home away from home in Japan.... My hotel was here so I really got to know the place ^^):




If you turn to your left when looking at the picture there are 3 awesome arcades. If you turn around and walk down the road you will come up to Milkyway an awesome restaurant that has the best milkshakes ever, eventually you come up to an all you can eat Okonomiyaki place where not only is it all you can eat, but, all you can drink as well (much like many places in Japan as it's normally you just pay for a bottomless drink) the really impressive thing about this is alcohol was free as well.. If you can get there with 4 friends it is really worth your money. :)


Oh oh oh and straight ahead there is a building, inside on one of the floors there is a cool Aquarium which has seal shows like every 30 mins.... It also has a food museum..... Sounds strange, but, it basically has lots of food you can eat.. Very very nice food. :)




Mitaka is from what I saw a really nice and quiet area which I got the impression was on the outskirts of Tokyo (I never looked it up, but, that's the direction we were going on the train =P), it also happens to be the home of the Ghibli Museum. ^^d




Oh and this. :-/





Oh and here's Akihabara:




Yeah that tall building on the right is an arcade..... One of the worse arcades that is...... Yeah, still kicks the poop out of the Trocadiro. ; ;




This is another of there 7 floor shops (like any of them aren't atleast that tall) guess what they sell........ =P








So nice! Don't let the look put you off. lol


Omu Raisu (Om rice - I don't really know how you're meant to spell it =P):




Egg, rice and ketchup you say? Give me more please. ; ; (I get it made for me quite a lot ^^;)






Beef/pork + boiling water (might not have been water.... Oil?) + mystery sauce? Yes please........ You can find all you can eat Shabu-Shabu places as well and it's really nice. I nearly turned it down.. So glad I didn't. :)






You all know what it is..... You might have problems ordering it at a ramen place cause a lot of them you order through a machine....... It's all written in Japanese. lol






In Japan you will discover they are really big on nice/pretty(?) deserts over there... The parfait is one you will see a lot....... I ate more ice cream with random fruit, sauce, creme and ermmm corn flakes then I have at any point in my life. =P


Crushed ice:


Ok I can't find a picture of this, but, it's pretty much ice that's been crushed and flavoured.... It's everywhere in Japan during the summer...... There are some really nice flavours and they aren't stingy with it.... You don't end up with just ice... :) There is also a special kind of this sold in Akihabara which is beautiful.... Before one friday smap episode that was aired in Japan whilst I was there there were only two places that sold it.... This is the 3rd I know of.






This goes back to my thing with them really liking deserts... Short cakes are another example...... Very nice cakes over there....


Creme puffs:




They have actually finally made it over to London, but, there is a lot more choices in Japan..... :)



Ok, I'm going to stop now because I have to go out soon, but, these example are just the tip of the iceberg really..... I think I covered my examples from earlier quite well though. :)

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That all looks great if you want to visit the place, but I couldn't see any reason to live there unless you worked there. All those things will become the 'norm' eventually. I mean how many times are you likely to visit the food museum or the ghibli museum.

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FFS, there's cakes in every part of the world!


I didn't say there wasn't.... Infact that shortcake was from a french website I think... The thing is that in Japan restaurants put more effort into deserts then they do atleast in England... I'm not saying there is this one place with really nice deserts.... I'm saying that pretty much everywhere I went did... In England it's not the case..


That all looks great if you want to visit the place, but I couldn't see any reason to live there unless you worked there. All those things will become the 'norm' eventually. I mean how many times are you likely to visit the food museum or the ghibli museum.


Well to live there you would have to work there no? Also my point is that in England there isn't that much to see/do..... In Japan it's hard to see everything the country has to offer.. There will always be things to do on days off etc... And Ghibli museum I would defo go again. Same thing goes for the food museum..... In this food museum you don't just look at stuff you go there to try different food... And it's all really nice.. Why wouldn't you return?


The city pictures are also common place so if that's what you like then that's what you get.... Temples like I showed if you wanted to go to one and you wanted to live around such beautiful places you could.. It's not like you have to go far out of your way to get to them.... Infact that picture of Harujuku is just 2 mins away from a nice temple. :-/


Next are the beaches.. Loads of people move to countries for beaches, why would Japan be any different?


Sapporo festival I was kind of showing for a contrast in what you can get in the country... You can go from that to a tropical beach by travelling only half way accross a relatively small country.... Hokkaido is in general a very beautiful place.....


Now the onsens, there are lots of people who would love to live near them.... My girlfriend is one of these people.. :-/


The food, please tell me somewhere in London I can find that food and actually made well..... I know one place I can find Okonomiyaki and it's fucking expensive.. I have to a) make it myself or b) spend a lot... In Japan it's a very cheap food. :-/


Seriously I can find many reasons in there to live in the country. :-/



Oh and them things becoming the norm? Yes fucking please. o.o;;;

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I can see the attraction, I just wouldn't want to live there myself, it would be somewhere I would want to go on a long holiday and enjoy everything but not over do it.


They get some real nasty treatment from mother nature there too, that's one thing I love about this country, the weather is so tame, nothing scary.


Going back to things to do in England, there are lots of things to do, how many times you been to London Zoo or Alton Towers, etc etc.

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Yeah it's not the only place in England, but, there is nothing overly special about anywhere else either. :-/


I can see the attraction, I just wouldn't want to live there myself, it would be somewhere I would want to go on a long holiday and enjoy everything but not over do it.


They get some real nasty treatment from mother nature there too, that's one thing I love about this country, the weather is so tame, nothing scary.


Going back to things to do in England, there are lots of things to do, how many times you been to London Zoo or Alton Towers, etc etc.


Yeah whilst I was in japan two Hurricanes just missed the places I was in... We got a bit of rain...... It's not really scary though.... They are also in one of the most earthquake prone places in the world... To counter this they also have one of if not the best warning system. *shrug* Not to mention Englands rather strange weather recently I'm not too worried about it..


London zoo is alright, I've been there lots though..... Alton Towers is the last place in England I really want to go to that I haven't been to..... Oh not including the Emirates Stadium.


I don't see how you could over do it so to speak though... If you haven't already overdone England how could you do it in Japan? lol

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That is the biggest dessert I've seen in my life! I know there's some perspective involved, but it's still massive.


And now you've just made me want to go to Japan even more...


Like I said, it had the same effect on me. ; ;


Oh and I think I saw the place that served them exact desserts (as in that big) it was in Shinjuku I think.

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