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Guest Stefkov
What is it?

That PS3 tv addon thing I think.

I'm intruiged to how it works. Are there specific PS3 channels that we watch or does it use an arial to pick up tv?

If that's what it even does.

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That PS3 tv addon thing I think.

I'm intruiged to how it works. Are there specific PS3 channels that we watch or does it use an arial to pick up tv?

If that's what it even does.


Looks like you need an ariel. Not what I was hoping for as I dont have a cable running through my room.

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Nice, can you post some impressions for us Jav? I'm gonna be picking one of those up when it's out. :smile:


Sure. I played around with it some last night.


It basicallly picks up freeview channels through your aerial. You need an aerial cable to go from the TV socket in the wall (or an indoor aerial i guess) to the device and you get a USB cable to connect the device to the PS3.


You get an install CD and it sets it up within minutes. You then get a new icon along the PS3 menu called TV where you start up the program. You do a search for channels and voila (i got 88 or something, 55 tv, the rest radio).


I think its pretty much the same as Virgin Media, but i've never tried that. You can literally pause and rewind live TV (one thing i noticed is this uses a buffer, so you cant flick to a show and think 'oh i've missed 5 mins' and rewind it back - it can only rewind what you've been watching or what you've recorded).


But yeah, you can record while watching another program, set it up to record the same show daily / weekly / monthly and it has the option to choose if you want it to record in the background while you play games and stuff. It records while the PS3 is in standby as well of course. Shows use up your PS3 hard-drive memory as the device doesn't have its own storage.


You can use the PS3 controller to do everything easilly too so that's cool.


If you dont have sky or Virgin Media then i'd definitely recommend it. It depends on the signal in your area though, the quality of the TV channels will depend on that, but if you've had freeview before then you should know if its okay. Personally my signal gets a bit screwed up at night time which is odd, as it was fine all day long and the weather wasn't bad. But you canget cheap signal amplifiers for a few quid i've seen so its cool.


By far the coolest thing though that should decide if you get this is if you have a PSP and are online. It's amazing. You can access PlayTV using remote play wherever you are using a WiFi internet connection. You can then watch live TV on your PSP! Or you can watch what you've recorded, or you can set up a recording if you forgot to set it! It's awesome, and it actually looks pretty good on the PSP as well. Obviously, it depends how much you go out and how many shows on freeview you watch to whether this will be useful, but i can see it being very useful.


Say if there's a footy game on you didn't know about but you have to stay late at work, or you've got other plas. Simply use your PSP to access it and set the recording! How amazing is that. It's definitely the X-factor of having PlayTV rather than other services.


To be honest though, i wouldn't have paid for it, i love Sky too much and am waiting to get Sky+. But if you're happy with freeview, you could do worse. There's no HD channels if you were wondering, they wont be available until they become available on freeview.


Hope that helps... god i went on a bit. Sorry.

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Thanks for that Jav, was very handy ^_^


I only have freeview in my room, and miss an awful lot of shows, so this would be really useful, the interface looks pretty too from what I have saw.


But £100 right? Mmm, won't be getting it anytime soon as I'm skint XD


EDIT: Just realised it's £70, not too bad then :)

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I really want that bomber jacket but they only have it in large. Curses.


Speaking of tk you're no way a large...what gives?


The clothes came today, and the jacket is really tight and really yellow XD


I'm a small in everything else, so I thought before returning it I would ask you if you want it?


It's quite small, but would send you it for a fiver as your so kindly sending me the dvd? ^_^


Let me know yeah?

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