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I think answered that two times before. Are you asking more often in hopes I write better about it :Þ


But yes I like it and will probably pick up more later on. Only thing I could complain about is that the whole becoming a superhero and meeting a superhero team was a bit to casual and straightforward.

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I think answered that two times before. Are you asking more often in hopes I write better about it :Þ


But yes I like it and will probably pick up more later on. Only thing I could complain about is that the whole becoming a superhero and meeting a superhero team was a bit to casual and straightforward.


Ah cool, I musta missed them both times lol.


Yeah....I think those complaints would be rectified when you get round to volume two. : peace:

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OMG OMG OMG. Ive just orgasmed everywhere, and drooled on everything. Technically havn't bought yet but "pre-ordered" and day one buyage for the new Green Lantern T-Shirts. (I want to get each colour, as soon as they release them) Anyway so I have already ;


Sinestro Corp (powered by ability to instill fear)


also in Yellow.



and of course I have


Green Lantern Corps (powered by willpower)



and I have just ordered these babies, they're out next week (or week after due to Englandage) I cannot cannot cannot wait for this shizzle.


Red Lantern Corps (powered by rage)



Violet Lantern Corps (powered by love)





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OMG OMG OMG. Ive just orgasmed everywhere, and drooled on everything. Technically havn't bought yet but "pre-ordered" and day one buyage for the new Green Lantern T-Shirts. (I want to get each colour, as soon as they release them) Anyway so I have already ;


Sinestro Corp (powered by ability to instill fear)


also in Yellow.



and of course I have


Green Lantern Corps (powered by willpower)



and I have just ordered these babies, they're out next week (or week after due to Englandage) I cannot cannot cannot wait for this shizzle.


Red Lantern Corps (powered by rage)



Violet Lantern Corps (powered by love)






The fact they have one for each corps is one of the greatest things I've ever seen.


Star Sapphire is related to the purple lanterns, isn't she? Or is that something else?




All from New Look









And some pants, for a fiver. It said on the pack "3 for £10", so I assumed that each pack was £10, with 3 pairs in it. What it actually meant was that 3 packs with 1 pair in each would cost ten pounds.

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Well I planned on just getting shoes, but bargains and stealth released (Web of Shadows) crept up on me! Woop!


I couldn't find purple trainers so, Im gonna buy some white/orand/black ones and locate some purple laces online. Anyway...I'm happy with my retail therapy. ~ Grrr photobuckets pissing about ~






*Reads Invincible*


AHHH! Fucks sake...page 3 and theres a cliff hanger already lol. LOVE THIS COMIC!

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Well I planned on just getting shoes, but bargains and stealth released (Web of Shadows) crept up on me! Woop!


I couldn't find purple trainers so, Im gonna buy some white/orand/black ones and locate some purple laces online. Anyway...I'm happy with my retail therapy. ~ Grrr photobuckets pissing about ~






*Reads Invincible*


AHHH! Fucks sake...page 3 and theres a cliff hanger already lol. LOVE THIS COMIC!



Lol, i love it. We get paid and you go buy loads of gooooodies. If only I wasn't steeped in traveling debt. :(


What is the bionic thing...a model? And whats the purple thing? Shame you had you to buy the daily mirror to get the free lego. Love the batman hoodie. :)

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Lol, i love it. We get paid and you go buy loads of gooooodies. If only I wasn't steeped in traveling debt. :(


What is the bionic thing...a model? And whats the purple thing? Shame you had you to buy the daily mirror to get the free lego. Love the batman hoodie. :)


Yeah...I need to save my money really but...meh.


The Bionicle thing is LEGO....I actually hate Bionicle with a passion, but this was a) massively reduced and b) it has some good and unique elements and c) I had £10 Woolies voucher from Vibe award. My customer service FTW. Purple thing is just a t-shirtage. :)

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lol. Hell, that there is more than I buy in several months. And kudos Molly for taking a stab at the Daily Mirror. Because, you know, if we all do it then hopefully they'll stop selling such a low-brow newspaper. And plus, if they had any credibility, the lost it with the My Chemical Romance fiasco.

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