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Your Holiday Goals

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1. Get over the man flu

2. Get my 3 nights of work over and done with (last night, xmas eve and xmas day night)

3. beat zelda

4. go out with the lady.

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1. Play the shit out of Zelda when I get it tomorrow

2. ???

3. Profit!

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Chill out. I get married next weekend.


Congratulations for next weekend incase I forget to say it nearer the time :hehe:

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i forgot to mention i'm making a wireless wii sensor to use the mouse mode of darwiin remote (mac wii-mote driver) so i can play runescape with a wii-mote so my friends stop bugging me about playing it again.

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1. Eat xmas dinner

2. Play wii

3. Goto leicester for new years

4. Do 5 past papers

5. write a 2000 word lab report

6. research atom lasers

7. prepare a draft of a 5000 word essay

8. do some revision for collections

9. goto uni and do more work


I love holidays.

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1. Get photos for college printes off.

2. Get sketchbooks done.

3. Revise the hell out of maths for an exam on the 16th.

4. Finish Zelda.

5. Actually play and try to enjoy monkey ball, its a good game I just cant get into it.

6. Buy Donkey Kong Country on VC

7. Try to pay off my TV, £300 ish left :D

8. Sell Monster Trucks 4x4...

9. Try to not fail college.

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1. Play the shit out of Zelda when I get it tomorrow

2. ???

3. Profit!


Genius, as normal.

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Get a girlfriend...


ahh thats my goal for life but it looks less likely by the day and Zelda isn't helping.

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1. Finish Zelda TTP (GC)

2. Start my dissertation

3. Learn C# for my dissertation :hmm:

4. Wash my car

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1: Eat, Drink in hedonistic amounts

2: Finally get the balls to ask out a girl I've been dancing around for years

3:Play more Zelda

4: Drink even more (plus even more depending one outcome of No. 2)

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I plan to sob over the fact that I'm not getting a Wii, write some souless poetry and ignore the existance of a new years party and instead, play with party poppers in Animal Crossing.


Then i'll throw up sick and blood because nobody wuvs me.

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1) Learn some more kanji (haven't had the time since I got a wii)

2) Complete Zelda

3) Complete Red Steel

4) Catch up to today in animal crossing (haven't played that since I got a wii either, so I'm time travelling to catch back up so it doesn't ruin my fruit cycle)

5) Revise for mocks in january

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4) Catch up to today in animal crossing (haven't played that since I got a wii either, so I'm time travelling to catch back up so it doesn't ruin my fruit cycle)


you take animal crossing to seriously

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you take animal crossing to seriously


No, it just sucks if you have a load of fruit to pick on one day and then none on the others. If I took it too seriously I wouldn't have the need to catch up in the first place.

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How long is the undefinied holiday?


Spose I should finish my assignments that are due next week. And find that £40 I've lost somewhere.

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I go back to work tomorrow :(


So do I. Straight through to some un-named point next week. Probably the Saturday.

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To everyone who is getting a Wii tomorrow-


FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!1


I couldn't get one :sad:


aww merry christmas too you too!


right, now I'll be having a little game of Wii tennis now. Bye :grin:

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