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Super Smash Bros Brawl Controls: Your Ideas


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So, now you've all (well, most) now used the Wii Remote with new games, plus "traditional" ones like Zelda, how do you think the controls will work for Smash Bros Brawl, or do you think they should just use the Classic/GameCube controller?


I think they should do something similar to Zelda, and simply find a way to "map" the GC controls onto the Wii Remote, but add simple motion controls too (but entirely optional in this case).


My control idea:



C - Block/Dodge

Z - Grab

Up (Stuck) - Jump

Flick Up (Nunchuck) - Jump

Left/Right (Stick) - move

Down (Stick) - Duck



A - Attack/Item

B - Special Attack

+ - Pause (into the camera mode thing)

- - Pause Menu

D-pad - Taunt

Waggle - Attack/Item (like how Link's sword in TP works)




(p.s. I've made this separate to the "official" one so there isn't much "speculation spam" or whatever you want to call it in that thread)

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Is the Gamecube-Pad an alternate method or is it required? I have them but still I would like to be able to use the Wii-Controller and to use it the way you always use it...

But OK... It will be fun this way too and there are other fighting games coming that are probably using the Wii controlling scheme...

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no gamecube pad isn't alternative it is the only choice or you can use the classic controller


*Sigh* Once again one urban rumour that has nothing to do with reality... Here is what happened...


During this years E3 Sakurai, main developer of Smash Bros, said during developer interview that "players shouldn't throw their cube controllers away", hinting at the possibility of Cube controller support. Of course, Nintendards started to draw hasty conclusions and soon net was full of reports "Smash Bros will use only Cube controller!1!! Zomg! olololo!!1!". Because no one decided to think for more than second, it was soon standard belief Smash would support only Cube controllers.


Let's fast forward two months. Sakurai was interviewed by Famitsu. During the interview Sakurai said that game wouldn't use wiimote's special functions at all. Unfortunately, due poor translations, many gaming sites reported that Sakurai said "No support for wiimote at all". Few major gaming sites which actually have jap rep (suc as IGN*) translated article correctly. Unfortunately, shitty translations just cemented Nintendards belief that game wouldn't suppor other control methods than Cube controller.


In general, whole situation is pretty much testament for Internet stupidity, and how easy it is to stir shit. Honestly, does someone really believe that Nintendo would require you to use additional controller device** for their top-selling flagship title? Little common sense goes long way.


* Here is IGN's version: http://wii.ign.com/articles/737/737632p1.html


** that isn't even manufactured anymore..

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This game doesnt need Gimmicks Innovation


haha, why can't people see that whilst the Wiimote will no doubt suit certain games, it won't suit others. Someone was asking how it would work with a traditional starfox game, I think that would be another example of a game which worked best with normal controls. But back to topic, Smash Bros will use the classic controller.

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haha, why can't people see that whilst the Wiimote will no doubt suit certain games, it won't suit others. Someone was asking how it would work with a traditional starfox game, I think that would be another example of a game which worked best with normal controls. But back to topic, Smash Bros will use the classic controller.


and your proof is where?

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the one problem with this for me is by using the gamecube controller isn't it an admission of failure that the wii controller simply cannot handle certain types of games?!


I think they should try and implement it even if it's only slight, look at mario strikers that's only very simple implementation.


wots wrong with holding it in nes controller position and having motion controllers to implement some moves etc...

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the one problem with this for me is by using the gamecube controller isn't it an admission of failure that the wii controller simply cannot handle certain types of games?!


I think they should try and implement it even if it's only slight, look at mario strikers that's only very simple implementation.


That's why I thing a Zelda: TP-style transition will really suit Smash Bros.


And it's around 0% confirmed that it will use the GameCube/Classic controller. (basically, at the time they didn't know how they would use the Wii Remote for it) And TBH, I think Nintendo what a stupid idea it is (as an extra control option, it's fine).

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Smash Bros on Gamecube used the following to my memory...


Up on the Stick/X/Y to jump

The other directions on the stick for movement

A for melee attacks

B for special attacks

Z for Grab

R/L for Shield

D-Pad for Taunts

C-Stick for easy Smash Moves


Wii can easily replicate that...


Up on the Stick to Jump

Other Directions for Movement

A for Melee

B for Special

Z for Grab

C for Shield

D-Pad for Taunts


All it loses are the easy Smash Moves which frankly are cheap anyway but could be replicated with a waggle of the Wii Remote if felt necessary. It means that you don't need to splash out on Gamecube controllers/Classic controllers if you don't have them and frankly it'd work just as well. Just because the Wii remote has all these fancy abilities doesn't mean it needs to be used for that. It has all the same buttons and functions of a regular controller too.

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