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What I want GTA 4 to be like


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i'd like the next gta to NOT piss the holy shit out of me.

the last one i played was San andreas,terrible graphics,camera,horrible lock on target combat and had voice acting that makes you want to break your fingers off a stone wall.i mean how many times do we need to hear 'keep it real'?

vice city was the better game.


i think a trip to the 70s mightened to it any harm.Though it's probably going to end up being gta londan.i hope not.the last thing i want is an eastenders game

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In the last one I tried having clipped a lamp post while riding a motorbike the bike (with me on it) got sort of dragged up to the top of the lamppost.


I think that was about third GTA game I'd given a go. Never played one for more than about 30 mins at a time because I've always been put off by some sort of crash or strange event like the lampost one.

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Why not have a character that you follow through various stages of his/her life. That way you can see stuff develop, and a city build up around you. Plus since policing also develops, there's a natural reason to increase dificulty.


Also I think it should take place in Shanghai. Freaking love that city. Diverse, huge, and it has a real character. Plus driving would be hilarious because they can't do it for sh*t over there.

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No, it would have to be america. Shanghai wouldn't suit it, no matter how cool shanghai happens to be.


The character development would get boring, and would be too dragged out, or to quick to have any meaning. The point with the policing is good though.

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1. the option to play as a Male or Female

2. full character customization

3. more weapons

4. more cars

5. cool cars

6. full car customization

7. bigger city

8. deeper story

9. lovable characters


10. more drama then violence



1. meh.. don't really care about this one.


2. They just should make it more straghtforward, changing the clothes in san andreas just takes too much time.


3. Maybe some new weapons?


4,5,6 I think they should just replace the whole driving system. I only use cars in missions that requires you to use them. The introduction of bikes in VC made cars pretty much useless. But they should make more bikes :p


7. The san andreas was big enough. They should just concentrate more on creating the cities and other areas.


8,9,10 ???


Maybe they should redesign the whole game engine. I'm sure that current pc's can handle more polygons that san andreas threw to the screen. Or better yet, make the engine more scalable.

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I want GTA 4 to be set in England or Japan-not too much to ask for i think.


Thing about england is that the getaway is already doing that......really badly and japan..

well.I personally couln't stand to have a load of japanese people suddenly talk english and if it uses text to translate the japanese you know a lot of the people who play the games can't read

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Not at all, I just dislike the Gansta subculture. I found the Mafia based storylines in GTA 3 and Vice City were much more enjoyable than the Gansta based one in San Andreas. Nuff said.


I agree. The 'Gangsta' style was a huge jump on the hip-hop rising bandwagon. 'Gangsta' life style portrayed by the music was/still is the trend and they used that to gain sales, fact.


GTA London 2 please Rockstar.

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GTA would be awesome set in the 1930s America.


Tommy guns and pinstripe suits, yes please.






I liked how the cars handled in this. Too bad the cars sucked though...


Lately I've been playing SA, And after two years I'm still finding areas that I haven't visited. And the 'gangsta' culture is just a small part of the game. But the soundtrack is crap. I only like 3 or 4 of the songs on the game. There's no Vrock :nono:

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