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Guest Stefkov
Do you get anything for getting platinum medals?

apart from a message saying well done you got a platinum medal, your awesome etc etc.

No. Nothing I can recall anyway.

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I like it, I often find myself coming back to it as a bit of a distraction after playing red steel or zelda. Firing up laser hockey with my parents is a good laugh too. However my mums insanely bad at it, but blames everything possible, yesterday she blamed the fact that the red paddle glows more brightly than the blue one for her 8-0 defeat.


Shooting: Great, I keep wanting to do that little bit better all the time (712 at the moment)

Find mii: Boring as hell

Table Tennis: I like single player (199-so annoying), but multiplayer is ruined by the fact it screams obstruction every 5 seconds.

Pose mii: Boring

Laser Hockey: Amazing in every way, so much neony goodness

Billiards: Good but i'm not a big fan of pool/snooker in computer games.

Fishing: Pretty to look at, but not a great game.

Charge: Too easy to get a perfect score, not great.

Tanks: By far the best game, its just so simple yet strangely addictive.

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Guest Stefkov
Yep, as is Table Tennis. Which I got a platinum medal on today with a rally of 236!


I like the note you get on the message board afterwards too:


Can't see me doing that anytime soon! :heh:

I got to 100 and it gave me a gold medal and finished. can you go again and get more?

Played more tanks last night, love that game.


I cant believe i got to level 41 on find mii.

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Isnt it cool the way different folks like different games on this?


Ive played the game a little, twice in one player and twice in two. I think the shooting and racing are probably the stand out games but maybe when I get more skilled opponents Table Tennis will become lotsa fun.


In one player I like to play the bubble one... I take it thats Pose Mii? Why you all bashing it? I like it!! :hehe:

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Considering this game was cheap, it's nice. But it's pretty limited... why only 9 games? Why no different modes of games? If you can have a billiards game, there's no reason why they couldn't have included pool, it would've been so easy to add.


Anyone else get 100/100 on the table tennis on their first go? Bit easy :heh:

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Guest Stefkov

Table Tennis is pretty easy. However too much of it, it gets annyoing. I was just playing it and got 148 my highest. Grr


Just got Platinum on the shooting aswell. 600 odd i got.


78 levels on Find Mii :heh:

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Considering this game was cheap, it's nice. But it's pretty limited... why only 9 games? Why no different modes of games? If you can have a billiards game, there's no reason why they couldn't have included pool, it would've been so easy to add.


Anyone else get 100/100 on the table tennis on their first go? Bit easy :heh:


I was at 70 something before my brother walked in the way of the screen. I can't be arsed to to it again.

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For the £5, I'd say it's well worth it. Good for getting people used to the wiimote, a little light relaxing or some light competition. I wouldn't say it'd have been a better pack in than WiiSports though, not at all. Like people have said, it's pretty limited, and I 100% agree.

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Guest Stefkov

Find Mii is actually quite fun in mulitplayer. Me and my sis have been playing that quite a lot. I keep qinning and she says lets keep playing until I win.....


I laughed in her face.

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