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You And Your Hair


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Guest Stefkov

I dont use gel, I just let mine grow see what happens.

For some reason when its long it likes to curl when it near my shoulders. When its short and I ask for anumber 4, whatever that means, it about a millimetre high so its too short.


I love my hair the length it is now, ish maybe longer. Becuase its pretty thick hair I can make it stand up sometimes. Like when I was in Spain with my school on holiday. I lay dow a lot so I moved my hair around and it stuck up quite cool. Everyone keptt saying they loved my hair, which was cool.

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I have so much hair on my head it makes my head look really big and if it is a bit longer it still stands up and looks kind of retro.

I used to put in lots of Gel to counter that effect, TecniArt or something from L'Oreal to create lots of spikes.

But recently I'm too lazy to do so because the Gel tends to create scall-like things and that means I have to wash my hair more often.

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I've tried styling my hair but it just doesn't happen. I can't stand it short so I just let it grow until I think it needs cutting. It's usually quite long but not down to my shoulders or anything. The only annoying thing is how it frizzes up whenever I wash it and I look like a muppet...

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I have crazy hair. Really crazy. Here, I'll take a picture pre-wash [Too tired to have one tonight...maybe I'll get a picture one after a shower tomorrow - you should see the frizziness.]



Couple of days ago I strraightened my hair. Here was the result:



It's still got a little bit of the straight left in it. I don't use any gels/wax/cream in my hair in case you're wondering.

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Speaking of hair, I want to grow mine longer again. Im aware I look better with short hair, but I prefer long. I keep thinking if I do everything 'right' (wash it like 5 times a week with expensive products and all that) it will grow okay and not just stop at a length but I don't think its actually going to work.


Maybe I should speak to my hairdresser.

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Ooh, I'm getting my haircut tomorrow!


I just let it grow - it's ok, nice and straight (unlike a certain somebody!) and also has lovely blonde highlights in it. My fringe is kinda annoying me - it's a little to long so it swept to the side a little to much - I can get it cut to what I want but then it just grows to annoying-length once more.

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it's ok, nice and straight (unlike a certain somebody!)


My fringe is kinda annoying me

The only downside about my hair. It gets in my mouth and in my eyes alot - my eyes have actually gotten slightly less responsive since I've had long hair, it's like eye curtains :P

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Mines fairly short at the sides and then longish on top in my face, sort of Tom Delonge style. It looks ok-ish for like 2 weeks and then goes crap, and I have to straighten it all the time, but i look like a **** with short hair, as I only discovered after growing it for a while and looking at pics of myself.

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I agree with ThatGuy, i used to think my hair looked alright short, but now that i look back at photos, i had a riiight pea-head.


Heres my hair at its best (bit blurry) I use shockwaves putty stuff, and i really like it when it works. Wash it about once a week (yeah i know, slap me)



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