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You And Your Hair


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Instead of hogging the post your meaningless thread with comments about hair products, I've decided to make a thread for this. (yay)


What filthy products do you use to make your hair look great?

Does gel make you look like a sexy beast? (*looks at Moria*)

Or, do you just prefer to let your hair grow as nature intended?



I use this fructis wax, its called manga head, or something daft.

I've got thick black hair, and if my hair grows for too long, I get quite a horrible xenomorph spikey look, as the spikes end up being quite...pointy.


If you can provide piccies of you and your hair, do eeet!

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Does gel make you look like a sexy beast?


It does indeed! I'll get loads of pics and things tonight and attempt to post them up tomorrow.


At the moment I've got gel called "V05" and wax made by a company called "Dax". The gel is amazing and will easily last a whole day/night. The wax just doesn't come out... ever, even after swimming/shower 3 times in a day.

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That's weird. Wax shouldn't be that hard to come out.


You need to experiment lots. I've used quite a few different types of wax before I stuck with this one.


I should be getting my hair cut soon. I'm always excited about that, cos then it means it's more manageable. Having more hair is quite cool, but having shorter hair is easier.

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My hair right now is getting too long (getting a bit past shoulder length now I think), so I'm gonna try to get it cut either tomorrow or Saturday. I hate going though, but oh well.


For my hair, I will usually use some gel after washing and drying it (happens every other day), because it becomes all dry and bleh-ish and doesn't look very good. With the gel (I barely use any, you can't even see it) I can get it to look a lot nicer. I use 'Out of Bed' gel by L'Oréal, just because I stole mom's supply once and kept using/buying it after that.

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I have no style to my hair. It's either short or longer and messy/curly.


I have this hair, its very dull.


It starts off normal, straight and average, and then week by week it starts to wave, but only one huge one in the middle. Eventually it curls more and more, but it doesn't curl, it just fluffs, like a white man's afro.


Hence I leave it to meander how it wishes for 6 - 8 weeks and then restart the circle. My hair is never the same length.:blank: :blank:

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I use fructis surf hair, just enough to flick my fringe up and get it looking dry. My hair is a long short cut if you get me.


I have tried to grow it long, but with failure. It usually gets to the top of my ears then it just starts bunching up and keeps getting all curly and starts tickling my ears. I wish i could just skip all the growing bit and get it long.


Heres a pic...bout 2 week old. I couldn't find the colour version of the photo, but you can see my style...Evil eyes.



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I dont use anything anymore. My hair is thining out and receding like there is no tomorrow so i leave it as it is... it looks ok and I dont have any problems with ladies ;) It has also knocked off a lot of "getting ready to go out time" which is a bonus.


When I used to style my hair I liked using this wella putty stuff.... think it was in a small green tub called rough and ready ?

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I keep getting mine cut short (now that I do favours for my hairdresser its cheaper) because I know I look better with it shorter, but prefer it longer. I'd like longish (like just past ears) blonde hair but it doesn't work.


As far as products, something... dunno, just use it at work. I hate product in my hair so its something that feels natural and dies easily.

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The downside of putting stuff in your hair means that you have to wash it out, otherwise you look like a fool.


I can't count the number of times I've woken up and was late for something (school or uni, or something else), so I've had to run out of the house with yesterday's hair.


I can be a proper scruff sometimes.

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The downside of putting stuff in your hair means that you have to wash it out, otherwise you look like a fool.


I can't count the number of times I've woken up and was late for something (school or uni, or something else), so I've had to run out of the house with yesterday's hair.


I can be a proper scruff sometimes.


Well lately as 7.30 is a lie-in (normal wake up is 6am) I don't bother in the morning. Stick on a hat and just take something to work/uni and do it there. But most of the time I just keep the hat on. Easier.

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