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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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sorry subtitle should be Defender of the Stars.

Dragon quest is heading to the ds in a main entry Dragon Quest 8, square/enix anounced it today at there press confrence the title is being developed by Level5 and will include online support.

pretty dam exsiting news


heres a low rez shot taken by famitsu.


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This is really wierd news. A Wii continuation of the series seemed somewhat likely, but on DS? So many Japanese fans must be incredibly torn over this...not many franchises take a massive visual step back for their next instalment.


Anyway I guess this is still good news. Dragon Quest 8 bored the utter hell out of me and I haven't touched it for months now. This game appears to have a more engaging combat system as in the fight screen 2 people are attacking simaltaneously, suggesting a real time battle system similar to Tales of Symphonia, FFXII, etc.


Thats great news, and since the Wii has similar graphic power, i fully expect a Wii version


I think comparing the DS's 67Mhz ARM9 processor (and 33Mhz Arm7, but they cant both output to one screen at the same time) to the Wii's 729MHz IBM Broadway/ 243MHz ATI Hollywood combo is a bit of a stretch. All the assets for this game will be made with the DS in mind, not the Wii, so a Wii version just isn't going to happen. Now if both the Wii and Dragon Quest 9 are successful on the other hand....then maybe Dragon Quest X could be headed to Wii.

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I think its a really smart move on s-e (and Level 5 to a lesser extent) part seen as more people are buying DS's and alot new families have the system and because its dupposed to have coop in the game. Theoretically speaking means more copies of this game should be sold.


Which means they as a company will have more money to invest it in a brand new Wii title

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Square Enix held a press conference in Tokyo today to announce the next entry in the main Dragon Quest series. In a surprise move, Japan's most popular series will continue not on the PS3 or the Wii, as many had expected. Instead, Square Enix will be bringing the game to the DS.


The full name of Dragon Quest 9 is Dragon Quest 9: Hoshizora no Mamoribito. The surname can be translated to "Protectors of the sky."


Level 5 will be handling development on the game. The hot-shot development studio headed up development on Dragon Quest 8, before turning to a couple of projects for Sony. On the DS, the studio is currently working on Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village, to be self-published early next year.


Development staff on Level 5's end is the same as from Dragon Quest 8, right down to company president Akihiro Hino, who's serving as producer. Other staff members should come as no surprise. Series father Yuji Horii, heading up the project once again, was in attendance at the press conference, and said, "The DS version is not a side-story, but a true part of the series." Kouichi Sugiyama will be lending his talents to the game's soundtrack. And all future Dragon Quest soundtracks, it seems, as he took the stage today to say "I will continue making Dragon Quest music until I die."


Development seems to be quite far along. The online arms of magazines Famitsu and Gemaga, report that a demo was held at the press conference, with Horii and other guests playing the game live. Dragon Quest 9 features an action-oriented battle system playable cooperatively by up to four players via Wi-Fi. This is the first network-based Dragon Quest, Horii noted. The DS's dual screen setup is also put to use, with the top screen showing a map and the bottom screen housing all the action.


Horii is aiming for a Japanese release some time in 2007. With Dragon Quest 8 pulling in favorable sales internationally, expect a release outside of Japan to follow.






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I dreamt of this day. DQ's gameplay design is so different from today's "popular" theatrical RPGs like FF, I always felt that consoles which could host DQ's true essence is gone forever.


Then, I realised DS is it. I can't believe they actually picked it. Theoretically, this is a very wise move. I can imagine many original generation of DQ players pissing themselves in awe right now.

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New stuff. :)








Square Enix and Nintendo answer some pressing questions.


In attendance at the conference were Square Enix president Yoichi Wada and Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. The two suits fielded questions from the press on the announcement.


Iwata was asked to comment on the news of Dragon Quest's arrival on the DS. "More than the fact that Dragon Quest has returned (to Nintendo hardware)," said the Nintendo president, "I'm personally more impressed that it's being released on a portable machine. Portable gaming, which was in a corner of the gaming industry, has been moving into the main stream since about last year. This announcement has come as part of that trend, and I'm extremely pleased."


Square Enix's move to put the next numbered entry in the franchise on something other than the PlayStation brand has been taken by some to be a nod by the firm at Nintendo's recent business direction in comparison to Sony's. Iwata was asked to comment on the impression that the PlayStation management is trailing behind. "As we've stated before, we're not thinking about fighting Sony, but about how many people we can get to play games. The thing we're thinking about most is not portable systems, consoles, and so-forth, but that we want to get new people playing games."


Wada was asked the fundamental question: why bring DQIX to the DS? "We ended up bringing it to DS under the consideration that we want to deliver to as many people as possible a Dragon Quest that offers a new experience," explained the Square Enix boss.


And the big question that we're sure Wii owners have been wondering since the announcement: any plans for Wii connectivity? Wada fielded this one, stating, "We're making a product that uses the DS's wireless features. I don't believe there will be any connectivity with the Wii. Also, looking at the game design side of this new Dragon Quest IX, there won't be ports to other hardware."

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Square-Enix stock has received it’s biggest boost in over 21 months. The cause of the jump…the Dragon Quest IX on DS announcement. A Square-Enix spokesperson made a statement saying that the DS was chosen because of it’s install base compared to other platforms. They also made a point to say that Dragon Quest IX would not be ported to other portables/consoles…you will only find it on DS.


Behold the power of DS!

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