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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Pretty much the same as yours Dante except number 5...


1. Majora's Mask

2. A Link to the Past

3. Twilight Princess

4. Wind Waker

5. The Minish Cap.



I just never got that 'into' it. It was the first post N64-release zelda I played but I wasn't there at the very beginning so maybe that is something to do with it.

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3D wise:

1. Ocarina of Time

2. Twilight Princess

3. Wind Waker

4. Majoras Mask


HOWEVER, I havn't finished Majora's Mask or TP. Also, I'm not one of the people that goes around screaming that OOT is the best game ever - it was immersive etc but compared to modern day it's not much. Twilight Princess would have it if I didn't find the dungeons quite so frustrating.

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Also, I'm not one of the people that goes around screaming that OOT is the best game ever - it was immersive etc but compared to modern day it's not much.

Mm, well I think it does personally, I played it 6 years after release and yet love it more than any other game out now bar two.

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Termina is just a version of Hyrile in my thougths.


I like to think Kingdom of Hyrule, Lybrana, Holludrum, Termina etc etc... are all islands in the same world (Hyrule)


It's interesting reading all of your views on the other Zelda games.


I prefer to only rank the 3D Zeldas together, so after much thought:


1. Ocarina of Time: 10/10 (as Mike says earlier in this thread, perfect pacing, perfect story, perfect dificulty curve and the Ocarina songs are an amazing addition)


2. Majora's Mask: 10/10 (3day time travel, moon crashing into Termina was such an amazing concept for the game, brilliant stuff. Literaly JUST behind OOT for me, though I found the Ocarina tunes a bit of a disappointment)


3. Wind Waker: 9.5/10 (the best looking Zelda game ever made, stunning visuals, brilliant animation, nice twist on the standard Zelda recipe. Those 2 lost temples and an improved triforce hunt and it would have been a masterpiece)


4. Twilight Princess: 8.5/10 (again as Mike says, fantastic game but not a patch on the other 3, far too rushed especially later on and was missing that magic feeling that the other 3 had)


(all scores out of 10 are in comparison with other Zelda games, NOT relating to other games in general. If I were to review any of them for IGN, they'd all be +9/10 if not all 10/10.

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I'll do my countdown in here too, before this thread is filed and we creaate one for top ten Zelda's of all ages. I hope it won't be too predictable, but I think I'm not letting down saying that it will be quite impredictable. So ehre we go, the final Countddown.


5. Link's Awakening DX

Lovely. just, plain, old lovely. A better game could not be created, though I'm playing through A Link to The Past now and it might top it. This one is a classic and it belongs in a list like this. Great gameplay, interesting graphics for it's time and a great story. Sad about the 'it's only a dream', but you could expand on that later to make a new game set in Koholint Island, like in every Hylian's dreams. Top notch.


4. The Minish Cap

Flagship has made the best portable Zelda game ever. It's pure and simple magic to play this game. It feels like a Zelda should with loads to discover. Sadly enough, it's a little short. but it's inventive. the two-world plot still does the thing and the story of the game is round-about remarkable. I don't give it a second thought putting it on four, and i'm not moving it, except up.


3. Ocarina of Time

You aall know it. magical forest, sprawling woods, dead deserts, flowing waters and heated lava are the recipe for a winning team. With everything we loved from the old series ported over to three dimensions and showing the love of detail, from slashing a signpost to the sprinkles of magic in the air, make this a tremendous game from the very beginning to the end. And everything in between, from trees to fire and shadows, over light and water and through the dessert, is simply sublime. It's so fine-tuned, it could be marked as the most revolutionairy game ever.


2. The Wind Waker

It's so shiny and polished. It's not as revolutionairy as ocarina of Time, but give it the same standards and you'll find it's Zelda with that extra thing on top. When ocarina of Time would be the pie, this would be the cherry. From the first moment link awakes untill the water invades Hyrule near the end, it's a great game. Yes, it had it's flaws, but I love the music, the quirckyness and the overall feel of it. It's so much more than a game. It's a living cartoon, it's a thousand-pieces puzzle and it's magic. Nintendo did their job, and did it well. And it controlled much more flexible than ocarina of Time.


1. Majora's Mask

It's dark, it's eerie. It's a game that stands out from the series like a dark, clouded, black sheep. The only thing that truly dissapoints is the final battle, but everything, from the beginning of 'lost in the forest' untill the moment the moon hits Clock Town, is so polished in between that there's no denying. Yes, there were lesss dungeons than Ocarina of Time, but then agaain, they were bigger, meaner and mightier then ever. They were great. From your first time as a goron to the turning upside-down of the temple, it's a remarkable achievement that Nintendo pulled out of their sleeves in just half of the time of an ordinary three-dimension Zelda to make. This game was sublime because it improved over Ocarina in so many ways, and actually made you feel the treat of Evil, looming, literally, over you. No denying.

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1: Twilight Princess (Shocker, isn't it?)

2: Wind Waker.

3: Ocarina of Time.

4: A Link to the Past.

5: Majora's Mask.


"WHAT?!" Says everyone who read nº 1 and 5. Yes, my favorite is TP, so what? I felt that the quality of the story telling was much superior to any previous Zelda games, plus, I started OoT when I was young, and it was my first Zelda game and RPG, so I had a much harder time getting into it.


Also, about nº 5, I couldn't really ever get into Majora's Mask, even though I enjoyed it when I played it, I just couldn't snap into it like TP or OoT.

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I think Wind Waker is a rather childish and underwhelming game with a serious lack of dungeons (which they tried to compensate for with the FETCH QUEST Triforce Hunt) and HUGE land masses other than the sea which was almost completely bare although the game did feature some new unique additions and had some originality about it. But obviously judging by my list, I had greater disappointment in Twilight Princess with the expectations I had of the game...


They are both dead even on average ratio on http://www.gamerankings.com, but Wind Waker has a lot more reviews, so I suspect another review less than 9.7/10 being added and it'll drop below 94.7% (Twilight Princess that is).

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Temporary List:

Ocarina of Time

Link to the Past

Wind Waker

Links Awakening



I'll get back to you once I've played LoZ, TP and MM. Might take a while. Should try and find some more of the handheld ones too. Also, I'm going to put a voodoo curse on the next person to diss Wind Waker. That game was beatifully realised and tightly focused piece of gaming art, and you all know it.

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People please! You shouldn't compare 2d to 3d. Anywho...


Oh yes, you should. People keep saying that Mario Bros was better than Mario 64, and they compare too. For the sake of the series, they are compareble. only not graphicly, but GamePlay-wise they have mostly always had teh same layout. So we can compare. just don't say that Ocarina of Time looks prettier and that's why it's the best.

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My top 5:


1) TP

2) MM

3) TWW

4) TMC

5) 4SA.


Don't like the NES ones much, haven't played ALttP or the Oracle games, and I didn't find OoT to be much entertaining or fun (probably because It made me give up at one point, and I left the game alone for 2 years...what a n00b I was back then...It wasn't long after I spent hours looking for a bungee rope on the Dam level in GoldenEye)

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1:Twilight princess

2:Ocarina of time

3:majoras mask

4:wind waker


twilight princes becouse of the much more dramatic storyline al his friends are captured or the part where u have to bring the Zora prince to a doctor i loved that part or the part where ''.....'' breaks free from the seal


2: ocarina of time was a masterpiece i loved the ocarina flute, the gerudos , Sheik , in game music almost everything , too bad they did not used the ocarina flute in Twilight princes that is what made link more special or the special powers he had in here Dins Fire , farores wind , and Nayru's love ,


3: in majoras mask i also loved the story and the mask transformations where awesome , the bosses in every zelda game are my favorite


4: wind waker , mmh it whas oke but not really like the others , he wasn't even the real chosen hero he just was asigned by the king of Hyrule to save the last of hyrule and that you have to find the fragments of the triforce of courage , when you played the game twice the hyrulian language will change in english , then you will read wat that big fish had to say he said he is not the chosen hero but he has a lot of strong courage in him


so in my ears it was just some kind of Zelda filler like you had with naruto Fillers but it was a great game i have to admit

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sent you a private message the-chosen-one


I can't believe people think you can compare 2D to 3D Zeldas. To me they're two different things.


Why not Motion2000? :wtf:


You can compare 2D/3D games with gameplay and storyline but not by the graphics.

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