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Red Steel Thread


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Good to hear you people mostly loving this game. I know I do.

Haven't played to game for two weeks, Wii Sports and VC are keeping me away from it, I have to say the game isn't perfect.


It never was, I was thinking the other day. Red Steel really brings back memory of GoldenEye on our good old 64. But what GoldenEye superior to Red Steel is that Red Steel is way too easy. I'm not talking easy as in you never die, cos you mostly like will. It's the damn save points littered around the levels and the regenerating health bars.


I mean, how wonderful would it have been if you had to restart a level or start from a checkpoint about 1/3 and 2/3 of the level. It would have made the game a lot challenging and exciting.


Remember that mission in the control room in GE (mission 16 i believe?)? You had to play almost perfectly in order to stand a chance in the "defend Natalya (that was her name right?) while she's doing her stuff and enemies start coming from all sides" part. That was SO exciting to play and you felt you've conquered something. A similar mission can be found in RS, but if you die there or the person you have to protect, you just start over a few minutes before that event.


The checkpoints makes you breeze through the game, while it would have been a much longer and challenging game if there were less checkpoints. Eh, i guess you get the idea huh?

The regenerating health isn't THAT much of a problem, but combine that with the checkpoints and it suddenly is.


After this long rant, I still love, enjoy and recommend this game. Let's not forget, it's still a launch title. Should Ubisoft have decided to delay this till March, I believe it could have been an ever better game. Im really looking forward to a sequel to this game. Iron out the problems, up the textures and graphics even more, add in an expansive multiplayer mode and even online play. Wow, what a great game it will be :P

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Pity that you're gonna be trading in the Rabbids and RedSteel, two of my favourite Wii games - though all my Wii games are equally my favourite so far cos they havent much competition yet! Its definitely a pity you cant get into this, I felt the first mission was pretty painful, but that was a combination of the Wii being new and Red Steel not controlling like Duke Nukem 64, GoldenEye or Perfect Dark.


Im telling you, once you learn how the game works, its great fun. I mean, Im not even half way through it and Ive enjoyed it so far and Ive read that the levels get better as you go on! :bouncy: Could you not give it one more blast before orphaning it?


IMJ hit the nail on the head, if there were less checkpoints - maybe like a half way point one in each level, the difficulty would be up significantly. The checkpoints are funny in that, when you reach one you expect there to be a sword fight or reasonably gigantic shoot out around the next corner.

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Buy COD3 Dyson. Red Steel while being exclusive has an inferior average ratio and has already sold sufficient copies for Ubisoft to temporarily support Wii with more games. COD3 on the other hand, desperately needs your support, to increase the chance that Activision will continue to make games for Wii. Lack of online for both games really hurt them, as do the lack of GOOD controls.

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Buy COD3 Dyson. Red Steel while being exclusive has an inferior average ratio and has already sold sufficient copies for Ubisoft to temporarily support Wii with more games. COD3 on the other hand, desperately needs your support, to increase the chance that Activision will continue to make games for Wii. Lack of online for both games really hurt them, as do the lack of GOOD controls.


He wants to know why HE should buy CoD3 or Red Steel, and you're not really answering the question are you? i think he's referring to which ones better in terms of gameplay (overall).


*sigh*. Solitanze, you're an idiot.

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I really don't understand these "controls are awful" I must of learnt some of these "awful controls" really well. I can control it fine.


Its not that they are awful its just that Im so used to playing FPS games on a 360 pad, which IMO is very comfortable, that Im having a hard time to adjust. I hated the whole move the controller forward to zoom thing. Each to their own I guess.

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It took me the first level to get fluid with them. After that I pretty much flew through the game. Went back to the first level to improve my rating, man it felt so easy the second time, :D


Can you redo any level you want once you have beat it ( like Lost Planet ) to get the best rating or do you have to start a new game all over again?

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I really don't understand these "controls are awful" I must of learnt some of these "awful controls" really well. I can control it fine.
Same here... in fact the "controls are aweful" put me off buying it for weeks. When I bought it, I was like "So... where's the awful controls...?".


Personally Im used to PC FPS (mouse + keyboard). They're just too good and I could never get used to "joypad" FPS. Wii remote + nunchuck overcame this problem for me. Playing red steel doesn't feel that different from PC FPS games, but maybe it's partly a question of player's technical ability.

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Guest Stefkov

I've just done the Docks level. And I'm up to choosing who to do a job for, so I've started with the woman and the geishas.


I'm liking the aspect of just running and gunning people, its great. Still I'm not fully adapted to the controls, just need to play a bit more. I love how you can shoot an enemy in the head, from a long way away with a pistol. I went through a whole level gunning people in the head.

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Buy COD3 Dyson. Red Steel while being exclusive has an inferior average ratio and has already sold sufficient copies for Ubisoft to temporarily support Wii with more games. COD3 on the other hand, desperately needs your support, to increase the chance that Activision will continue to make games for Wii. Lack of online for both games really hurt them, as do the lack of GOOD controls.


Dear God, you must be a sad person.

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I know what Im supposed to do, I just keep dying, therefor cant make progress


Try to crouch a lot and get somewhere where you can't be hit when you need to replenish your health. And don't zoom in too close with the sniperrifle, you won't see who's actually shooting at you then.

Hope that helped. ::shrug:

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