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I'm on the final part of the game now I think. There will be a few more levels till the end i think. I can safely say this game rocked my world. As i said it before, this game is nowhere near as bad as the reviews say. Controls took some time to get used to, but i'm moving fluently and shooting with lots of accuracy.

The story is kinda compelling. It took a few missions till it took off, as the hotel levels are kinda lame. Graphically it's a mixed bunch. The first few levels are again the worst part, after that, it looks quite good and has some very nice effects. Definitely one of the better looking Wii games out there.

I hope Ubisoft continue this game as a franchise and put a lot of effort in it to make a worthy sequel that has that extra polish to it.


For those people considering this game, I'd say it's worth it. I'm gonna try COD3 on my mate's Wii soon, so i can get an accurate comparison. But Red Steel already has the advantage of being a new IP, COD3 is like COD2 but slightly different :P

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Brought this game today. And I adore it.


It really really reminds me of the N64 style FPS's well by that I basically mean goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Soild Ragdoll models nice compact levels. I am having no trouble whatsoever with the aiming left it on medium setting at it seems fine.


Ive only done the first little level up until the lift but I dont regret buying this and think if it stays like this all the way through its been done an injusticice in the majority of reviews.

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I got this game for Christmas, and even though I've only completed 3 1/2 levels, it f***ing rocks, much better than CoD 3, in which the controls are somewhat broken, for example, sometimes, for no reason, you start spinning around like there's no tomorrow, and the bloody bomg, ARGH!


On the other hand, Red Steel's control were much easier to get used to and is, overall, a lot more fun than CoD 3.

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Brought this game today. And I adore it.


It really really reminds me of the N64 style FPS's well by that I basically mean goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Soild Ragdoll models nice compact levels. I am having no trouble whatsoever with the aiming left it on medium setting at it seems fine.


Ive only done the first little level up until the lift but I dont regret buying this and think if it stays like this all the way through its been done an injusticice in the majority of reviews.



if ur loving the first few levels already, then it only gets better later on. have fun!

shame to hear about the shite controls in cod3 though

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Theres a good collection of positive views here, and I think Im gonna weigh in with some good feedback, too. Last night before Match of the Day I fired this up and played the first mission... Ill get the negative outta the way first:


  • I had bother loading the game and had to unplug the Wii and start again.
  • Then I found the Menu's a bit weird to navigate and quite difficult to read.
  • The game was very jerky and speech was broken up. This could be linked to the initial loading bother I had.
  • Controls were difficult, I changed to low sensitivity to try and get used to em.
  • When I was speaking to her father after saving him from being shot, he fell through the floor! Like he was there one minute and gone the next! There was only his head and hsoulders poking up through the ground!
  • My arm hurt after.


Positives ahoy!


  • Ill get used to the menu style of the drag and drop though cos thats v.cool.
  • I like the style of the cutscenes.
  • Ill get used to the controls, the main problem I had was actually just moving well with the Nunchuk and combining that with moving the 'mote.
  • Hopefully get some great two player games sometime!
  • Ive no problems with the graphics.
  • Its seems like a cool game and Im looking forward to progressing!



Its a good game and Im happy enough to own it. :hehe:

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I've finished it yesterday. Kinda shame it was over. I clocked 9 hours something to finish the game, though that's just the time I've saved. In total I guess I'm more around 15 hours. I'm already on my second game now. Trying to get better scores and... well, it's just so much fun blasting those badasses away with a shotgun or picking headshots with a sniper or handgun.


Gonna try multiplayer soon, hopefully that'll add even more fun to it.

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I don't have the game, but I know it has two endings. That is probably why some of you don't have full 100 percent.



two endings? ANy idea what has to be done different? i don't remember many moments when you get to make a choice that would effect the storyline?

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Yeah i finished the game with 76% i believe. I'm replaying now and having a better ranking adds more % to it. I'm at 80% now. You get the second ending, I believe if:



@The Peeps: No co-op in single player, as that would be multiplayer, haha. But yeah, I'm afraid there isn't. Also, there are no bots in multi. Gonna try some multiplayer against some mates today. So I'll post some thought about it later.


If you ask me if it's worth it to buy, I'd say yes. i've said it before, but this game isnt as bad as the reviews make them to be. Perhaps they were too hyped about it. It's certainly not in the league of as GoldenEye or Halo was in their time, but it's a lot of fun. It takes some time till the game and story really takes off though.

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I went into this game not expecting much, having read the dodgy reviews on it, but it has totally blown me away.



One of the above posters mentions how much it reminds them of N64 shooters, and I got that very same feeling.


It just feels right.


And compact.


Minor niggles are the loading times, which make the Wii do a naughty noise and sometimes losing control of the pointer.


I dont understand how people are annoyed at the turning circle speed, its near enough the same as goldeneyes c-button thingy.

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I dont understand how people are annoyed at the turning circle speed, its near enough the same as goldeneyes c-button thingy.


True but it could be argued that shooters have moved on from this, and that turn speed circles and aiming have moved on to a new level of precision from the goldeneye days. That new precedent has been set by various next gen shooters one that maybe Red Steel doesn't quite hit these heights, in either graphics or controls.


Having said that I still enjoying it. Gonna try some multiplayer tonight.

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I dont understand how people are annoyed at the turning circle speed, its near enough the same as goldeneyes c-button thingy.


I don't see how it's any slower than dual analogue....If anything it's faster, and allows for quickly shooting people while turning.


I'm hoping for a sequel with a better plot/cutscenes - tbh, even tho the game is fun, the plot it total crap. It never explains why it's worth it to kill hundreds of people people for one girl, or whats do special about that darn sword - and the "cutscenes" themselves are utterly horrible. No memorable characters, either.


Other than that, the only other thing it needs is better multiplayer, co-op and better death "animations" (rag doll). Don't really care about it been linear (I hear people complaining that this game is linear...have those people ever played HL2???)


Haven't finished the game yet (currently risking my life to protect a sword), but I'm not expecting much from an ending. I'm predicting it's just whatshername hugging whoeveryouare.

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So, I've finally played some multiplayer Red Steel, as well as my first dips in Call of Duty 3. Here are some thoughts and impressions:


Red Steel multiplayer (only 2P, instead of 3P as planned):

- We only played one mode and two levels, but it seemed kinda limited

- You can't zoom in as in multiplayer, but certain graphical effects are still there, like sunbeams coming through

- amount of characters were limited, though i gotta admit, we played on a new save file (15%), so playing on mine would perhaps unlocked more characters

- Wiimote seems to act differently than in single player, but i adjusted to it rather quickly.

- Played fluently, no hic-ups

- 1 shot headshot with a handgun from the other side of the room. Awesome moment!

- Lots of fun and gets quite frantic at times, even with 2P. Should be a blast with 4P


In conclusion: Havent played every mode yet. The 3rd mode should be the coolest mode in which it uses the speaker. Have yet to try that. Even in the limited modes we played, I had a blast playing with my mate. Decent multiplayer that's more of a tag-on to the single player game.


Call of Duty 3:

- Looked very much like GameCube's COD: Big Red One. The game's structure is the same as every other COD, ie: cutscene, move forward, shoot, repeat

- Aiming worked very well. No problem at all. Though it must be said, I was playing on my mate's setting, which according to him had been tweaked a lot.

- Lost the pointer at the start of mission 2, so i was suddenly turning around and around. WTF?!

- Wii controls are quite fun. To hit someone, push Wiimote forward. To switch weapons, swing nunchuk left/right. Those in-game one-on-one 'fights' with your enemies are quite cool, though get tiring a bit. Other motions like driving and rowing are yet to be experienced.

- No grenade tossing like in Red Steel. Just hold a button and release. Boo!


In conclusion: CoD3 seems like a very decent FPS. If you've played any of them before on the Cube, you know what to expect. Wii controls are accurate, but those "lost pointer moments, so let's turn around" moments are odd and annoying.

So if you ask me, get Red Steel or CoD3? I'd personally go for Red Steel. You really can see it's made from the ground up for Wii. Grenade tossing, tilt your gun gangsta style, Wii-graphics, blowing things up. It just feels good. Maybe CoD isn't quite my game. It's too much put in scene to me. There's no interaction with the environment. I'm not saying Red Steel is without its problems, but that would be my 1st choice as the FPS for Wii at the moment.


Sorry for the long post. Hopes it helps people out there!

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I just did something really stupid... :sad:


I beat the game, but didn't break Otoris sword in the final sequence, got the sad ending and now theres no way for me to obtain the "happy" ending other than to play the whole game all over again as I didn't make a copy of the file. :cry: This is gonna haunt me forever, can someone please tell me what actually happens or even better, post a video of the ending on YouTube or something or have a link to a video/pics of the happy ending somewhere?

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