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1 day to go!


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I'll just sit with my laptop in teh front room staring at the large windows waiting for the post man and then hitting him with the box thus killing him... or something.

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If you can drive, in theory you should be able to pick it up from your local depot.

You'll need photo ID and a corresponding recent bank statement proving that the address on the box is your residence.


You've got 7 days to find out where your depot is and get there on the Thursday. Worth a shot if you're desperate/have too much time on your hands.


I like the suspense of waiting for a parcel.. that is unless I forget about it like my laptop. Then it is the wickedesy suprise ever.

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Its almost certain I'll be working on launch day so it'll basically be a case of turn up at Game for opening - Buy Wii and bits and pieces (And go running around elswhere to track other bits down if Game are out - I'm talking my extra nunchuk that I didn't pre-order) and then arrive home. Set the Wii up and then probably a case of get ready for work and set off :( I won't get a chance to play it until either 10:00 that night or the following day :( Friday's a slow day too always so I just know it'll drag.

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Hopefully I will get my Wii at midnight on Thursday, so i will play it till about 1am on Friday morning and then go to bed and wake up again at 7am on Friday and get some serious hours in!


Instead of worries about the postman, i have worries about the suppliers to the shop that i am getting it from, i will be buying mine from an independent games shop, it is not part of any wider series of shops at all, so if there are fewer units available than expected, i don't think that the suppliers would be more loyal to the independent shop than they are to something like woolworths etc.


I would trust the man who owns the shop with my life, but not the suppliers!


These are nervous times for all of us!

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I'll probably be asleep after playing the Wii all night, getting up soon to restart, and if all me housenates are still asleep then I could check some one player stuff out and create a hundred Mii's!!! My girlfriend is over for a few days, we finished Prince of Persia last night (amazing game) and are moving on to Wind Waker today - must finish before Thursday!! Or when she leaves.... I love having a gamer girlfriend, first I've ever had, though how I've tried to covert......

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I'm picking mine up in the local EB Games thursday night, thats great cause i'm not at work next friday, so I can play all night+day .... how convinient is that!!


I have ordered Rayman, Zelda and WiiPlay + RGB Cable and an extra nunchunk for around 380£ - Yes, the danish prices is too high!


Pretty disapointing to see that the local store not had a single poster, there was NOTHING indicating that Wii launches next week. They get 20 machines, but has 30 preorders.

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The gamer girlfriend.


My girlfriend thinks the DoA girls are hot, i win... or something. She actually beat me a couple of times and DoA is quite a specialty of mine :)

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