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What are your Wii launch day plans? [New podcast Hot Topic]


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hey guys,


Great job last week with the Hot Topic thread, hopefully we can get a similar response this week! We chatted in the new podcast, just up, about our plans for launch day, so we want to know what you guys are getting up to on the Euro launch (which is now technically 8 days away!).


Thanks to different reasons, you have like two and a half days before we record pocast 14, so try and squeeze it in. :)


Cheers lads!

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I'll get back from my last a level lesson next friday expecting to see that my Wii has been posted from Gameplay, and then i'll spend most of the night messing around with the console/mii and Wii Sports and shizzle. I really hope Zelda comes on the friday, but as i've ordered it from Play.com it may come on the saturday. Once I start Zelda i'll be totally immersed.

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Couldn't someone pick it up for you? Mom? Dad? Pepping Tom next door?


Mum wouldnt have a clue what she is doing. I could send Ollie to go get it for me as he will be picking his up at the same time but I like the whole going to pick up a new console feeling and wanna go myself.


1 more day extra isnt too bad i guess :shakehead

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Until I get my Wii I will spend almost all of my sparetime studying because once I have this little seducive box in my hands I guess I won't get away from it for several days.

And the mechanical engineering exam is 4 days after the Wii launch. So I guess I'll blame Nintendo if I fail :P

I ordered my Wii at a local gameshop however I'm in Zurich at Uni during the week. But my parents will pick my up in the afternoon and we'll rush into my homeland and to said local gameshop to claim the preorder I did over 2 month ago.


Then I plan to dance around in joy and kiss the Wii box, I have had to wait over two years for, hook it up to my TV, play around with the menus a bit and then get into RedSteel and play until either I fall asleep or I can't properly move the wiimote anymore.

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Not likely to get it on launch day (though Martinist says he'll brave the stormy sea of people that will inevitably clamour for that precious second shipment in order to procure one for me. God I love him.) so, probably getting wound up, trying to get my scratched 4th-hand copy of Battalion Wars to work probably.

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Im working. Start at 7am, finish at 3pm but then work has paid for Ice Skating at the Tower of London from 4pm onwards... so yes I wont be able to pick up my Wii until the saturday..... Noooooo :(


Same here, (well I'm not going ice skating there, but I wish I was) I'm working 8.30 - 5 (or 4 if they let us have extra getting ready time) then it's the christmas party so I'll be out until 1ish. Mine's being delivered though so hopefully I'll still fancy playing it when I get back.

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Midnight launch at Gamestation Luton. Dodge the chavs and goons and jump in a taxi. Play on my Wii until around 2am, go to bed, get up at 7am. Go to Uni for an exam. Return home, play on the Wii some more, nap in the afternoon. Go to work for 9pm.


All in one day. Now thats dedication. *record breakers theme tune ensues*

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i'll be getting up around 6:50am ish to get a lift into Dumfries with my mum and then around 8:15am i'll be standing outside GAME to claim my pressious wii, after obtaining said wii i shall wonder round to Argos, Woolworths ect. to see if i can pick one up for Gaggle 64, failing that i shall claim another from GAMES second shipment on the 15th of December. After obtaining second said wii i shall PM Gaggle 64 with the good news and drop it off at his house some time around christmas

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i'll be waiting for my wages to come through into my bank account (can take until about 5pm)


Then i'll be wandering around town in search of a Wii, Tesco first, then WHSmith, Woollies etc.

Failing a Wii i'll probably buy a X360 or new graphics card and RAM for my comp (probs with a copy of Oblivion).


Worst part is i'll have to go to bed about 10 because work want me in at 6:30am the next morning :(

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well back on the 19th i went to zellers (a canadian store) an hour and a half before launch (even though i had a preorder i wanted to make sure i got zelda) so i met some nice people and then my mom finaly showed up with my pre-order ticket at 11:45 and five minutes before the store was alowed to legaly open they opened and i went and grabed zelda an extra wii mote and nunchuck and then waited for my mom to get back from costomer service with the wii , excite truck and rayman (the games i also pre-ordered. so anyway when i got home my sister her friend my mom dad and dog came down to my basment and started anoying me. it was harder to set up then i thought and i had to call my dad back down after he finally left so he could get the internet set up. finally i was able to play zelda one problem i could only save to the system memory. so while i worked on that my friend called me up (he didn't get a wii) and asked to come over. so i let him. with his help i finaly found out that i needed to transfer the file to my sd from the wii settings menue. any way my invited friends came just after my sister got of (we were on 45 minute shifts) any way she was going skating no anyway. so my lanch party started and we had lots of fun.


(the end)

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I say T. To the store I go, got a preorder down so I'm guarenteed ho.

I say W. With the game in hand, gonna sit on down and pick up the pad.

I say I. I put Zelda away and play Wii Sports with my pal - he's kinda gay.

I say L. Lucky sonovabitch. Looks like my gay pal beat me at that Tennis shiz.

I say I. I'm pissed real bad, throw him outta the house and he goes home kinda sad.

I say G. Go away Wii Sports, time to play with an guy in a girly skirt not Tennis shorts.

I say H. Happy to see that shitty Gamespot's 8.8 was quite unecessary!

I say T. To the Twilight Realm, I'm some badass wolf with Midna at the helm.


I say P. Princess Zeldas her name, Hyrule needs savin' and I'm certainly game.

I say R. Remote slashing about, down goes a moblin with a mighty big clout.

I say I. I fuckin' love this game. Now I've played it I don't think I'll ever be the same!

I say N. Nachos. Nothing to do with the Wii, but a tasty snack for you and for me.

I say C. Cool shit be happenin', lots of classic weapons in the dungeon I'm in.

I say E. Evil lurkin' ahead. Swipe my remote once and that sucka's dead!

I say S. Storyline is so whack, full of more twists and turns than hairs around your sack.

I say S. Sad to see it all end, so get the GameCube version and play it all over agaaaaain.




That should be on the back of the box.

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After my Maths and R.E mock exams, (2.00) 10 or so of my buddies and I will be heading down to town with £200-300 in our pockets, some of us picking up Wiis, others just tagging along. We will then head back to one of homes and waggle until Saturday morning.

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