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Everything posted by theguyfromspark

  1. Nope, but warmer!
  2. Lol, exactly. We got Mr Plow when we were expecting Football In The Groin!
  3. Well that screenshot is from the NES version, there was a mega drive version which obviously looked a bit better, maybe you were remembering that version?
  4. Damn, you win by that pesky "Is actually alive" rule!
  5. Ouch! Joystiq doesn't like it!
  6. Get a red felt tip and cover 3 of lights with the red ink inside. Then connect 3 controllers. This is the best way because you get 3 red lights and also your system works still.... ... oh hang on, there's some guy in a white coat outside looking for me, won't be a sec.
  7. Did anyone download that really long Too Human trailer that was released last week... to be honest, I thought it was pretty badly done
  8. Here's two from me, games that I played in my childhood and recently re-discovered in the attic! [ATTACH]1234[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]1235[/ATTACH]
  9. Yeah I'm renting it at the moment and it's pretty cool, though at later stages when you have loads of minions of different types it's hard to control them exactly how you want.
  10. Are Wii Games written using OpenGl or some other technology? Just wondering how easily smaller studios will be able to create games.
  11. I say lets make it much easier for people to obtain a donor card rather than enforce an opt out. Why not make it mandatory for many more forms to ask if you want to donate your organs. For example, when opening a bank account, voting, tv license, gas bills, etc. Surely the lack of donors is because of general laziness rather than people's desire to keep their organs after death?
  12. Fortress of Fear: Wizards & Warriors X!
  13. not until it's 300 quid or less
  14. Any rpg with random battles... I always start the game and think "It's ok, i'll just put up with them" but after a few hours I stop trying to explore each area for fear of running into another random battle so I just run through all the areas to advance the story, then I come across a really hard boss that I can't beat because I didn't play enough random battles and level up. Then I quit playing. IMO one of the best rpgs is Paper Mario 2, just because there were no random battles and no need to grind much.
  15. This reminds me of Petrol prices.... it's stupidly hight for most of the year, then when a superstore knocks a few pence of the price every goes wild and buys a load, even though the new price is still way too expensive compared to other countries. Good marketing strategy I guess.
  16. If i bought a PS3 from Canada when I'm over there, what would I have to do to make it work over here? Besides price, what are the advantages and disadvantages of getting one over there rather than over here in UK. Sorry if it sounds a bit like an exam question!
  17. Shadow of the beast 2
  18. Bomberman when it comes out too.
  19. They recently sent out a ton of emails telling members to agree to the new TOCs or they'll send the boys round to steal your Wiis, therefore the server received a load more hits than usual. Given that the NOE server is probably a P75 with 16Megs of RAM, it crashed.
  20. I'm in a tiny minority but... COD3 or The Darkness.
  21. According to the E3 trailer, it's on all platforms ever! [ATTACH]1207[/ATTACH]
  22. Well there was that underwater screen shot so it could be possible!
  23. I've only played the first level of sonic and it seems faithful enough, not sure what people could complain about... but I'm no Sonic fan so maybe there's something I'm missing.
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