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Everything posted by theguyfromspark

  1. I want something completely new from Nintendo, no sequel or Mario spin off. Something we can mention with the likes of Mario, Zelda and Metroid as true classics sometime in the future. Is that too much to ask?
  2. For me, Eurogamer has the best reviews and previews. Kotaku and Joystiq have the most up to date and interesting articles that update almost every hour. My main criticism with N-E is that it's Nintendo only so if I want to spend 5 minutes looking at gaming news, I'm not going to come here. However, N-E does have the best community, even if they're skewed a little too young for me.
  3. just MyStuff and it's associated TAPS that come in the zip file. Follow the instructions and it's easy. MyStuff turns an OK PVR into the best you can get
  4. From a different forum:
  5. Which did you get, if you got a topfield, let me know when it arrives and I'll tell you what software to put on to make it the best thing ever.
  6. I've got a TF5800 and it's the best thing in the world once you load a few bits of software on it.
  7. Yeah, and I think they now have to call Jess his "Mixed Race" cat.
  8. Shocking news for the fans of this long running series: click Just like Jack Bauer is reportedly leaving LA in the next series of 24, Postman Pat is leaving Greendale in the next series of Postman Pat. The writers promise the change will bring new exciting storylines, which is a blessing as I for one was bored of all the "missing sheep" storylines that plagued the last series.
  9. I think they have. They're those ones with the Father and Son playing golf, football and others while the Mum watches... it's all a bit cheesy but effective in the 5 seconds it has between shows
  10. Deadrising 2 should be GTA/Crackdown with all the other people in the city as zombies. It should be free roaming with extra areas unlocked as the story progresses. There should be no timer as I want to spend a few hours running around experimenting with weapons and environmental kills without being told that the story has ended off screen because i wasn't over the other side of the planet when a man decided to tie his shoelaces. It should save you progress a la crackdown and allow you to move instantly to certain start points whenever you like to reduce travel time (monorail or subway or something). I just hope capcom listen to the customers, Japanese devs seem to be a little blind to the outside world most of the time these days.
  11. That should help!
  12. Is it Omikron: The Nomad Soul?
  13. Correct! Nope, It's SNES... well, the one I own is anyway (and that screenshot is).
  14. It said on the commentary that they included the scene involving the master's ring being picked up next to his ashes to give future series producers room to bring him back when they want, but there'll be no more master in Series 4. RTD also said that his plan was always to bring back one well loved villain a series as the main enemy for that series (daleks, cybermen, Master) and that trend will continue into series 4. Which begs the question, who is next? My money is on Davros but I'm not sure how they could do it.
  15. Apparently, yes. I'm not at home so can't try it yet.
  16. Not quite, but very close!
  17. I think the Master's Drumming will become his signature over the coming series, when he comes back he'll be in a different body. The give away at some point will be a pan down to his hand which is drumming away in the same beat, a nice bit of dramatic irony.
  18. I've got two here: 1: [ATTACH]1152[/ATTACH] 2: [ATTACH]1153[/ATTACH]
  19. Multiplayer deathmatch style is a bit no no for me in Metroid games, but how about some stand alone co-op missions? I can imagine some puzzles involving one person in morph ball and the other manipulating some switches to open and close pathways for the ball to move through... that sort of thing.
  20. So, this or Bioshock, that's a toughie!
  21. Payday today for me, picking this up after work at tesco for 35 quid. I doubt it's any cheaper online really (after postage)
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