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Everything posted by theguyfromspark

  1. You have to do it in Free Skate apparantly. If you want to do some online stuff, i'll be about tomorrow : peace:
  2. It's not crush is it?
  3. I think you do... no idea at all!
  4. I thought RTM was the Retail version.
  5. Cheeky! NOT Grim Fandango, but Monkey Island 3.
  6. Makes Forza 2 look like Postman Pat on the C64
  7. They could call it "Super Smash Brothers: Armed"?
  8. I posted these achievements in the Bioshock thread But yeah, they look ok, the secret ones probably give away story details i guess.
  9. How long does it take to finish the main game on Easy?
  10. Maybe the cursors change size/shape depending on what weapon is equipped?
  11. This has probably been linked to before but here it is again... the Whogasm!
  12. This is "Condemned: Criminal Origins". Great game
  13. Achievements have been revealed: http://www.xbox360achievements.org/achievements.php?gameID=271
  14. Bugger, I knew both of them!
  15. Old Woman : "Here Pat, could you deliver this parcel to my grandson? It's a new football, he's a really big Man Utd fan!" Pat grabs the parcel Pat <into intercom> : "Consignia, this is Pat, I have the football, repeat, the football is in play." Old Woman dies due to recently being in contact with Pat. Can't Wait!
  16. There was that news item recently saying many devs are dropping PS3 support in favour of Wii so maybe things will turn around in the 3rd party software side in the next year or so. I think Sony's problem is that they've spent so much money on getting the PS3 created and manufactured that the execs are trying to cut back the spending everywhere else in the gaming department, hence the job losses and loss of exclusives. If there's no monetary incentive for devs to release a game solely on one platform then why bother? Especially when sales of the console and games are slow anyway. It's going to take a mammoth task by Sony to get the PS3 at the front of the queue if the current trend continues, the first two years for a console pretty much make or break the system.
  17. I use swapgame as the distribution center is just down the road so I get sent games on the day I post the old ones usually.
  18. Finally, a happy ending to one of these stories. And I suppose he can enjoy a healthy advance for the book rights too, he's suffered enough for it!
  19. Well mine a rental (as usual for me) so no worries about losing money here. I'll post some impressions tonight or tomorrow, you lucky lucky things!
  20. They'd better improve the actual gameplay this time, if I have to replay the last 30 minutes of a mission because some tit decided to drive into me while i was walking on the pavement the game is going in the bin.
  21. It's sitting on my hall floor right now, I'll play it tonight... if I don't get distracted by The Darkness.
  22. Competition is good, I'm also waiting for the Zune 2 to see what new features that brings (I'm hoping for xbox marketplace compatibility, games downloads, wireless syncing, and something using live anywhere / media center)
  23. You can also kill people, restart the checkpoint, kill them again and it will register all the kills if you want to get it over with. But I'd play it through again on Normal to be honest, I'm up to the first "Hell" bit and it seems to get easier as you get more powerful.
  24. I'm not happy about this really, Donna in every episode could become a bit grating. I'm hoping for some sort of surprise when Martha returns, maybe Donna isn't really Donna but someone shape shifted to look like her to get a key to the Tardis.
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