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Everything posted by theguyfromspark

  1. My guesses: 1. Phantasy Star 2. Wing Commander 3. California Games though they may be the sequels of these games, I'm not sure
  2. I got to the bit where you go underwater, get some new equipment then have to fight a worm boss thing after traveling around for about half an hour. When I died a few times I really couldn't be arsed doing it all over again. I hope 3 has better distanced save points, especially just before bosses.
  3. FF6 is my favourite one of the series that I've played so next week should be even better!
  4. They're usually announced on Sunday/Mondays unless there's a leak or the developers tell us.
  5. If anyone wants the song from the trailer, let me know
  6. I saw him in the trailer talking to Mr Burns in his mansion
  7. 800 points? I have no imagination
  8. I'm a realist. The glass is both half empty, and half full
  9. Similar in style to the Zelda retrospective and the current Final Fantasy Retrospective being covered by the illustrious H-O-T, this Metroid retrospective over at GameTrailers will cover each of the Metroid games up to the present day. Part 1: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/22771.html Part 2: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23047.html Part 3: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23387.html Part 4: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23700.html Part 5: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24118.html
  10. Haze is coming out on the 360 as well early next year, and by the time I've played all the other games I want this year (Mass Effect, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, Halo 3, Assassins Creed, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band, COD4, and all the Wii Games I want) it will probably be out too! I realize this is all personal opinion about what games certain people like but I reckon that on average, most people would find more games they want to play on the 360 this year than PS3. It's more than likely however that next Christmas there'll be a ton of PS3 games I want and hardly any 360 games, so then I'll pick up the PS3.
  11. Fantasy Zone?
  12. Wing Commander is balls! Save time and don't download it! Also, what's the exclusive line up for PS3 this christmas, I couldn't really see anything I liked that wasn't on the 360. I'll pick a PS3 up next year most likely, after the next lot of price cuts.
  13. Finished this yesterday and am currently playing the OooP game. I have no idea how they could translate this final book into a decent game, OooP is fairly open with the whole of Hogwarts and the surrounding areas open to you so maybe in the final game they'll open up the whole of England (well, the wizarding villages anyway) and you have to explore to find the horcruxes etc.
  14. I did exactly the same thing! Spooky!
  15. 2nd one is Soul Blazer... I had Sky Blazer in my head when looking at it but knew that was wrong!
  16. The first one is Alien3 on the SNES i think
  17. Yep, that was quick!
  18. Bioforge, correct! And for the record, when searching for the screenshot, I thought it was called Bioshock too!
  19. Nope, not system shock or Bioshock (Bioshock is coming out soon so will have way better graphics than that)
  20. I read that and instantly thought: "I'd rather have a bowl of Coco Cox!"
  21. Two more from me, not sure if these are easy or hard! 1: [ATTACH]1276[/ATTACH] 2: [ATTACH]1277[/ATTACH]
  22. Anyone buying Wing Commander? I want some online space shooty action stuff!
  23. Anyone else get the feeling that Richard Bacon wrote that review without seeing the movie?
  24. I remember my computer phoning up my mates house so that we could play some multiplayer Doom! Then his Mum answers the phone and freaks out.
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