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Everything posted by theguyfromspark

  1. It says the graphics aren't a dead ringer for Xbox 360 graphics, meaning not as good...
  2. Probably worth trying a different keyboard just to make sure it's not something further down the line.
  3. Looks fantastic, GOTY material.
  4. Can we merge the E3 boards with the main boards now, we obviously didn't get that much increased traffic to warrant them this year, for multiple reasons, and now we're getting duplicate game threads in both areas. P.S. I've answered the "multiple image attachment" question in the Name the Game thread in the Retro Board
  5. Ah, didn't notice that screenie.... it's "On The Ball"!
  6. Just FYI peeps, here's how to show multiple attachments in a post: Upload the attachments using the paper clip attachment icon. The down arrow next to the paper clip will show each of the attachments you have uploaded, when an attachment is clicked on it will insert some markup into the body of your post which will look something like this <ATTACH>Unique Attachment Number</ATTACH> except the angle brackets are square brackets. When previewed, they will be your uploaded pictures.
  7. Because it's not finished?
  8. Maybe there'll be some sort of calibration option within the game similar to the ds calibration where you have to aim at the corners of the screen. Either that or people just have to learn to not aim down the sight.
  9. I don't think they'll drop the price until after Halo 3 comes out... people will be buying consoles for it, and it's selling reasonably at the moment.
  10. Oh.. well there's one here that's also in the UK but might ship where you want: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B000B5O7DA/ref=dp_olp_1/203-4629621-5895938?ie=UTF8&qid=1184166330&sr=8-1
  11. Have you tried Tesco? The one near me had a copy the other day
  12. Does it save your progress once you complete levels like the mega collection version did (I think) Apparently, the Ace Combat 6 demo is up now.
  13. Aren't Sonic and GA both cheaper on XBLA though? Plus GA has co-op over live and proper 60Hz support... Sounds like I'm employed my MS now! Oh and it looks like the Blue Dragon demo is off for fixing, there are a few game stopping bugs in it apparently.
  14. Anyone played the XBLA Sonic game and is it a good conversion regarding speed and HD-ness?
  15. if you have a wireless keyboard it's probably that, test the batteries and the placement of the sensor.
  16. Proving my point a little, looks like we have at least 4 people who are going to buy the game who wouldn't have it was full price. I hope publishers take notice.
  17. The only worry I have is the combat actually, I mean, the Pirates of the Carribean game had sword fights that looked good as a video but played by just pressing "A" a lot. I hope the fighting in this game is as fun to play as it is to watch.
  18. The couple of times me and Stef have played Crackdown for some achievements have been great fun and we probably wouldn't have had that experience if it wasn't for achievements. Therefore, for me, achievements are a great addition to the Xbox360 feature set. Looks like there's a new rule for the 360 thread: every 10 pages there must be a mini debate about achievements... I like it!
  19. I prefer COD3 multiplayer because of the class system and these days the netcode is fine, quick connections to games and relatively lag free.
  20. I use lovefilm for dvds but not games as at the time they were really slow with them, but that was when they first introduced them so maybe it's improved.
  21. I'm skipping this one (the first Nintendo franchise game on the Wii I won't be getting) and crossing my fingers that the next one is actually good.
  22. This is interesting actually. If this game was 30-40 quid, pretty much nobody would buy it. But now it's listed as 17-20 quid I imagine they'll sell tons, in fact i imagine they'll sell well over three times the amount they would have sold if it was twice the price. Maybe this will encourage other publishers to lower their prices over here at it will give them a better return due to increased sales.
  23. Does anyone know of a customer support line that IS any good though, especially for IT/Tech Support.
  24. I've found that a Vista machine that was upgraded from XP is generally more prone to errors and oddities than a machine that has Vista installed on it only.
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