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Everything posted by theguyfromspark

  1. Anyone know where i can get the full version of the theme tune (series 2 onwards) as it's pretty cool. Also does anyone know where I can get that little 2 second popping tune that occurs between scenes, it would make a good text message notification.
  2. "Great. My mate and your woman have gone off somewhere to fuck. What are we going to do now? Build a tent in the living room and eat Dairylea? Is that what you want? 'Cos that's what's gonna happen!"
  3. An interesting comment was made by someone on a forum elsewhere: When MS or Sony release the XBox 720 and Playstation 4 you won't expect the Xbox 720 and PS 4 games to work on the 360 and PS3. MS are aiming for the same cut off in Windows OSes in regards to gaming.
  4. List your favourite Xbox 360 achievements here; they could be your favourite because they're rewarding to unlock, because they have a funny name, because they're interesting and different or any other reason. My recent favourite is from Shadowrun: "Brother from Another Mother" because it's got a cool name and to achieve it you have to resurrect someone using the opposite platform to you!
  5. Have you won the lottery or something? Let me know how they both play when you've had a good go on them, I'm thinking about picking both up at some point.
  6. After you've selected the theme you want, do you click the "use Default" button, then apply?
  7. What cursor are you trying to set as default? Is it a built in one or one from a third party? If it's third party you may need to install it by right clicking the inf file of the cursor and selecting install.
  8. I like how all the "Last Seen at:" dates in the friends list are screwed up.
  9. SP1 won't be out until early next year, it got delayed because Google wants to override the default search with it's own version (short story). Although, Service Packs in Vista are going to be less important as most of the fixes in them will have already been delivered to end users via windows update, months before. Service Packs in Vista will be viewed as "service milestones" meaning that when SP1 arrives, Vista has reached the next level of stability with most of the major issues patched.
  10. The Vista only games are Vista only because of the Games For Windows thing, which Microsoft wants to keep solely on Vista. This is to promote Vista as a gaming OS in order to encourage more people to upgrade. This probably sucks for those who won't be able to upgrade for a while but that's the nature of business and the nature of PC gaming: Businesses want you to buy the latest stuff right away and in order to play the latest games, you need to upgrade your machine. The fact that Microsoft has done this should come as no surprise. Most PCs today come with Vista, in a years time you won't be able to buy an XP PC brand new. The DirectX 10 thing is a separate issue, I'm no hardware expert by any means but there are some articles out there that state that DirectX 10 is intended to be a clean slate of sorts. It uses the new driver model of Vista completely and is therefore incompatible with the XP driver model. As I said, I don't know enough to say whether this is true or not but it sounds plausable anyway. Chances are most people haven't got a DirectX 10 card anyway and those who do fork out for one will probably be fine in upgrading to Vista while they're at it anyway. No Direct10 card? Just play the game in 9 mode. No Vista? Just play the game in 9 mode.
  11. That made me feel ill...
  12. Championship Soccer on one of the Atari's I think
  13. In 32Bit, the max ram (Dependant on processor type and other factors) is 4 GB In 64Bit, the max ram (Dependant on processor type and other factors) is 16 EB
  14. It dependent on your processor. If your processor has physical address extensions enabled then you'll be able to access all your ram using either 32bit or 64bit Vista. If it doesn't then you'll probably only be able to access about 2-3Gigs. Today it is probably best to use 32Bit vista if at all possible as all drivers on 64bit have to be digitally signed by Microsoft, meaning that there are less compatible drivers at the moment. Other than that, there's not too much difference between versions, especially from a user perspective.
  15. Just ordered! Thanks!
  16. I want to buy a game today but not sure what I want: maybe Shadowrun, maybe Dirt, maybe something else... or maybe I'll wait until next week and get The Darkness or RE4:Wii
  17. He's not leaving just yet. He's got the same duties for Series 4, Executive Producer and Writer for 3-4 episodes. Just thinking that maybe they'll re-do the tardis interior for the next series; it's just been buggered about with by the master and it's due for a revamp.
  18. It just felt a little forced, "look kids, here's some modern music that YOU like!". I still enjoyed the episode though.
  19. Eeeep, looks like Forza has a very limited life span. Glad I rented it. What about Dirt though peeps?
  20. My thoughts for the next episode
  21. Had a look at Legend the other day and couldn't see a "Downloadable Content" section that would host the Anniversary content once available. Unless they send out an update to Legend that includes this I'm not sure how the whole thing is going to work. Plus there's the whole achievement issue, I'd expect 1000 points for Anniversary but the max they could add to legend is 250 i think.
  22. P.S. I love you Happy now
  23. So people who post meaningless drivel every other minute should be respected more than someone who makes a fantastic post every other day? Respect is earned by actions and words, not post count and not forum status.
  24. All nintendo need to do is team up with yahoo or google or ICQ and integrate their IM software into the Wii. That would mean that the Wii would get friends lists, messaging and online presence for free and the IM software vendor would get increased membership (good for their ad revenue sales). Add a link to the friends list in the home menu and you're all set, with minimum cost to Nintendo as they're using an already established network.
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