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Everything posted by Will

  1. I paid the deposit on my car today, just 6 or so weeks and it will be all mine! Got them to give me this fetching fleece to go with it: Somehow I don't think I'll be wearing that one outside of the flat.
  2. I'm up for coming along to this, not 100% sure I can make it so put me down as a maybe. It's local though so whatever happens I'll probably be able to pop along at some part of the weekend.
  3. To be fair to them they've put out some 'proper' games with decent ratings on the system. Also their mini-game compilation is pretty much the best 3rd party effort. I don't think they're even in the same league as most offenders.
  4. I like it but I think it's the worst of the 3 shown so far. Really looking forward to seeing what these cars a capable of on track.
  5. Potentially that could happen, though I would not be able to deliver much at a time In reality I'll be using it as my daily drive + a bit of UK touring about. Will try and get a few trackdays and a Nürburgring visit in this year but nothing too serious.
  6. Elise, for what I'll use it for it was by far my preferred option.
  7. I don't think there's anything wrong with being shallow over a car!! I have to say I'm very excited indeed, the 6 week build time is going to kill me.
  8. I quite like the Toyota - I'm starting to think I'll just like all of them this year, so simple compared with the last few years. Toyota as a team don't really do anything for me. Like Honda they just seem far too corporate and as if they're in the sport for all the wrong reasons. I do like Trulli though, Glock has yet to do anything for me to warm towards him.
  9. I bought a slot on the Lotus production line. Got to go to the dealer on Saturday to sign the final contract at which point it will be made into a car.
  10. So far my day is going incredibly well, had the morning off to sort out my new car, got every extra I wanted for a very good price and I've been approved for their finance deal. All I need to do is sign the form and pay 10% and my car will be on the production line - absolutely cannot wait :) The 6 week wait is going to kill me though. Back at work now, few things for 2008 reporting to do but nothing too major.
  11. Makes me very glad I'm not a young driver anymore. Your insurance must be higher than the value of the car!
  12. Just about to leave the office (which is always good) and I've managed to finish some European Charts which are an absolute pain to put together - really glad that's over so I can do something a little more interesting tomorrow. Also managed to find my no claims certificate so I can get on the case of sorting out some new car insurance over the next couple of weeks. All in all a very good day, half day tomorrow to sort out my new car so I'm feeling pretty good atm!
  13. The whole of Cranborne House? Good deal I think!
  14. I've had a really good day today, got a car quote that came in at my target price. Now everything I get off it in negotiations will be a complete bonus!
  15. I really think that new Ferrari looks fantastic. So clean and simple and the new size wings look good too. Even more excited for the coming season than I was before now.
  16. Just had a little look and it all seems very nice. A bit too simple for me but sound execution of the idea imo. If you're going to try and add more info to each game be aware that without a LOT of users it will take an incredible amount of time to get much stuff on there. I tried it with IGDB (Latest design) and even a few years on its pretty bare for most titles. Still it helped me massively in getting my current job (the reason why it's still half finished). If you guys can keep up the good work then no doubt this will do very well for you.
  17. A few £10 wins is all I've ever managed to get. Don't play much anymore but always get tempted when there's a big jackpot. I tend to put most of my money into premium bonds now, chance of winning a big prize and I can always get the money back.
  18. Looking at my budget I seem to spend about £100 a month on food. Probably add a few meals out onto the top of that but it doesn't seem too bad to me.
  19. Luckily devs don't have to rely on VG Chartz for their sales figures - they're way way out in almost all cases.
  20. Well it's certainly up there, I've had to play most of them and while most of them are utter utter rubbish at least Carnival does what it sets out to well. I certainly can't think of any that are better than it although it has been a while since we last got any in - might have been some that improve on the idea over the last few months.
  21. There's a few reasons it's sold well. It's the best of the mini game/party game on the system, budget price, and most importantly it's been well bundled with hardware.
  22. Just had an email with some partner offers (No idea quite how we're a partner) for a Nissan dealer. They're selling off the 350z GT's for around £19k, down from £31k. I know its being replaced early next year but I've always liked them, very tempted to have a test drive and see if I can haggle them down even further. What do you guys think?
  23. Here are mine, going through the list it's actually been quite hard to find games to fit in some areas. Pretty poor year bar a few exceptional highlights for me. I'm hoping 2009 will be much better. The Best Visuals In A Game SUPER SMASH BROS: BRAWL Not much competition to be honest. The Best Online Game Of The Year MARIO KART WII Not played anything else online, still the game I play the most across all platforms. Best Use Of Wii Controls In A Game WII FIT I'm still not convinced it's actually a game but I do love it. It's hardware like the Wii Board that is keeping Wii in the public eye. Best Soundtrack In A Game NIGHTS: JOURNEY OF DREAMS The prequel has the best soundtrack ever imo, this comes close and doesn't stray too far from the theme. Best Multiplayer Game Of The Year MARIO KART WII Very easy choice. Most Underrated Game Of The Year NO MORE HEROES Best single player game of the year imo, sales figures sadly don't reflect that. Suprise Game Of The Year - Can't say anything has surprised me this year. WiiWare Game Of The Year TV Show King Decent fun in multiplayer and I didn't think too much of the others. Virtual Console Game Of The Year - Not interested. Best Wii Game Of The Year MARIO KART WII Easy winner for me. Best DS Game Of The Year PROFESSOR LAYTON AND THE CURIOUS VILLAGE Classic puzzles wrapped in a great game. Very pleased to see it getting the success it deserves. Best Nintendo Related Moment Of The Year The end of it Doing this has made me realise that on the whole it's been a pretty poor year, bring on 2009 I say. Most Anticipated Game Of 2009 House of the Dead: Overkill Looks great and lightgun games really suit the Wii. One of my favourite series getting a new title. Most Innovative Wii Game WII FIT Probably the only Innovative thing I've seen on the Wii this year. Most Innovative DS Game - I don't think the DS has had any innovation this year. Best Single-Player Experience NO MORE HEROES Probably my only one of the year. Worst Game of the Year STAR WARS CLONE WARS: LIGHTSABER DUELS Only basing this on games I've actually spent time with, this is just awful. Glad I didn't pay for it myself.
  24. I really hope they get rid of the race fuel in qualifying if they are banning refuelling. It's bad enough right now when the strategies may be different, if they are all qualifying on the same strategy then it's going to defeat the point of promoting overtaking. Hopefully they will get back to qualifying on vapours. I'm glad they are banning refueling though, will help no end with on track excitement - much better than who can do the fastest stop excitement. I also hope the medal system comes in in some form or another.
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