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Everything posted by Will

  1. Will

    PSP Go

    I'd have thought so, if it's on the online system it should be available in store too.
  2. It is shit to be out of work but there are jobs out there, you just have to keep slogging away until you manage to get hold of one. Can be very demoralizing while you're looking but something will come up eventually.
  3. I really don't have any idea how people can possibly be happy about this? It's without a doubt the worst thing that could have come from this. Hopefully this will be resolved before it's too late, and at worst one season of breakaway racing before someone smashes all their heads together and gets everyone back under one series.
  4. All very serious at the moment this thread, just seen this and it made me chuckle. Sorry if it's been posted before:
  5. On those issues, The transition isn't too tough, you'll notice the difference in the evenings by being a bit knackered, but overall you'll be too busy during the day to really take note. By the time you sit back and think about it you'll be used to it anyway. Yes you still have loads of free time, it's only a 3rd of 5 days in the week. Still got weekends and holidays for other stuff. I'd love to get out of it, unfortunately I need (a lot more) money before I can. I don't think we work too much, unless I had so much money I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted I think I'd get bloody bored not being at work.
  6. 9-5?! I'm lucky if I manage 8-6! It's a shock to the system at first but you soon get used to it. Uni is very very laid back in comparison to real life but the vast majority of people manage it ok. Money will obviously be way more than as a student. I wouldn't worry too much, once you're in the swing of things you'll probably find it quite enjoyable/rewarding.
  7. Oh there's nothing wrong with it at all. Like many others I loved the original EyeToy games. I just don't see what this is going to do above and beyond that to live up to the hype. For all it's great efforts EyeToy was generally something used a few times as a novelty and then put away never to come out again. I can see this going the same way unfortunately. It's a bold move for Microsoft to put the gamer right in there as the control method, I just don't see that the realworld advantages of it are as big as people might think. I certainly wouldn't want to play a traditional game using this and I'd rather use a remote to play my movies. Sometimes what's already established doesn't need to be improved upon.
  8. Haven't games used voice commands for a while now though? I can see the attraction of Natal but I don't really see what its going to do for games other than being an advanced EyeToy.
  9. Sony's you wouldn't have to stand at all, same as a wiimote. Natal is meant to be fine with you sitting down but I imagine it would depend on the game. Most of the ones they demoed obviously you'd need to be standing but I'm sure others wouldn't require it at all.
  10. How do you mean? As far as I can tell the camera is just for positioning, same way as the Wii Sensor Bar works.
  11. I don't think Sony's will require the camera unless being used for pointing, in the same way the wii remotes don't always need to be line of sight with the sensor bar. You'd have to imagine they will add analogue sticks to their remotes before they're on the market, it would be a massive oversight not to.
  12. Wii M+ and Sony's solution are practically the same. The main difference is Sony's pointing method is probably a bit more robust, using the high quality camera of PS Eye rather than the slightly poorer cameras incorporated into the Wii Remote. Overall the Sony solution is the more advanced, does it matter? Not really. Essentially we've got the same control solution on both platforms, which should lead to more core games being cross developed for both platforms. Large install base of Wii being backed up by active core market on PS3. It could lead to problems for Nintendo if these start performing better on PS3 and so development moving more towards high end PS3 motion controlled games, possibly this will bring forward the launch of a Wii HD to maintain development parity between the two machines. Whatever happens this is good news for gamers and should lead to a better and wider selection of games on both machines.
  13. Will

    PSP Go

    The vast majority of people don't buy a machine for the piracy, it's something that they get into afterwards, often without realizing what they're doing is wrong. PSP will have slightly more people planning to do it due to the more hardcore skew of the userbase, and it is becoming a bit of a problem. Fortunately the more hardcore/early adopter nature of PSP users would suggest that a lot of people will be looking to get into this, and that should cut down on piracy/2nd hand sales, making the PSP a once again viable platform for developers. Hopefully this will kick start a bit of a revival for the machine/software.
  14. Will

    WWDC 2009

    I really hope your right, I want a new one! The problem is they can make more money by selling all of the 3GS models to new customers while still keeping all the 3G owners locked into contracts. I'll wait and see but at the moment I'm not confident.
  15. Will

    WWDC 2009

    Completely agree, I certainly won't be getting one for a good while. I think I'll let my contract expire and move onto o2 simplicity when it does. On the o2 site there is absolutely no mention of it and says current iPhone users should download 3.0 for new features. I don't think we're going to be able to get a nice and easy upgrade.
  16. Will

    WWDC 2009

    Christ those seem expensive, also, we can't upgrade from the 3G until our contracts are up? Absolute rubbish.
  17. Will

    WWDC 2009

    Well yeah I get that, but I don't get why you'd pay probably a lot of money when Google Maps is more than useable for getting around.
  18. Will

    WWDC 2009

    Looks nice but I don't really see the point. Google maps does a decent enough job for finding places.
  19. Will

    WWDC 2009

    Onto the good stuff!
  20. Will

    WWDC 2009

    All nice so far, just get on with the iPhone though, thats the only one I really care about.
  21. It's completely fair that they got in. We live in a society where the uneducated, as you call them, have as much of a say as the educated do. Rightly or wrongly this is who a sizeable amount of people want to be represented by. Perhaps you would prefer the government to tell us who is right to be representing us and we go along with it without any say?
  22. I find it odd that people complain about the BNP getting seats. They won them absolutely fair and square in the system all parties have to operate under. Just because you personally don't agree with them doesn't make it disgusting and unfair that they have gained seats. The people that want to be represented have chosen them with their votes and that's that. I don't agree with the views of the BNP at all, but to say its disgusting/a disgrace/unfair etc. that they have some seats is pretty much lowering yourself to their level.
  23. The Game one I have is excellent, unless they're really bad they will easily be fine for what you want.
  24. Haha, I think it's about as far as I can go with the merchandise before looking like a cock so you won't have to see anything like that again Those Choro Qs are cool, the kind of thing I could see myself buying loads of and then doing absolutely nothing with.
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