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Everything posted by Will

  1. That's awesome thank you so much! You can see it in action here: http://apps.facebook.com/videogametest/
  2. Looks good, I love GRID and the other Codemasters racing games so I'm sure this will be great. Hopefully they stay in business long enough to release the finished game.
  3. He'll be back next year... I hope. On the Schumacher front I really hope he does well, and to be honest I really doubt he'd have come back if he wasn't expecting to be right at the sharp end of things. If Alonso and Ferrari aren't in the fight I hope Schumacher is.
  4. They do look great, and the game should be good too going on previous games using the same engine. Only problem for me is the release timing, why can people never get F1 games out in time for the actual season they represent?
  5. Batter ideas are good, but amazingly it turned out to be not quite what I was after. Any other help would be much appreciated.
  6. I'm really really looking forward to the weekend now, so glad F1 is about the restart. Loving all of the hype getting into action. Who does everyone pick for qualifying and the race? I'm going to go with Vettel for pole and Alonso the race win.
  7. I want a scooter, London traffic does my head in at the moment. A Vespa S is my current target.
  8. Hey guys, I've been working on a little facebook app over the last couple of days, it's basically a quiz where a random screenshot of a video game is shown and the player has to guess what game it is from. Now I need to get a couple of logos just to finish it off all nicely. What I'm after is the following: a 16*16 pixel icon a 75*75 pixel logo both of which need to follow a similar theme and put over the fact that this is a video game quiz app. Anyone able to offer some help? It would be really good if someone can.
  9. You have to remember that this isn't a day 1 dependent title, sales should follow a flatter curve than blockbuster titles. You also have to bear in mind the total inaccuracies of numbers that are reported on the net.
  10. If the whole event is as thrilling as that then we're all in for a treat. Can I have my name on the first post, I feel left out not being on there.
  11. Well you shouldn't have too much problem in finding something to do here. It's definitely worth making a long weekend out of it come on Friday stay till Monday type thing. The hostels are pretty cheap or stay somewhere nicer outside of the center. Tube makes it easy enough getting about so not too much to worry about on that front.
  12. All excellent points, the low standards is definitely a plus when with a group of internet geeks. I must admit I always imagine Molly to be Princess Leia, she better not disappoint.
  13. As long as this doesn't clash with summer holidays I will most certainly be there. I shall note it down in the diary this minute, hopefully the parents don't ruin it with a great plan again.
  14. Why? They have a car ready to go, a lot of ex-Toyota people behind them and a budget for racing. Right now I'd say they are the best option for the vacant slot on the grid.
  15. Yep they really need to just let them go completely. I doubt they would be able to make it next year either, how exactly will they keep themselves funded? There really is nothing to lose in giving Stefan GP the slot now, hopefully with Villeneuve in one of the seats. As to earlier conversation I'd say Red Bull and Ferrari will be the top teams in Bahrain with McLaren and Mercedes just behind them. A win for Alonso would be a great start imo.
  16. I'd be surprised if Stefan GP don't get their spot at this point. USF1 just seem to be a complete mess.
  17. My problem is I can't stand it if I'm not parked perfectly. Going in forwards my visibility is crap and I mess it up almost every time. My mirrors are the exact width of the rear of my car though and I can generally get in pretty damn well going in backwards.
  18. On the reversing subject I pretty much always reverse into parking spaces, find it much easier in fact than going forwards usually.
  19. They're all of the same horrible variety though, no misconceptions here. Got pulled over by the Police this morning on my way to work, no issues apart from my car is registered as a white convertible Honda motorbike (wtf?). Had a good chat with them, seemed like really decent people actually.
  20. So we should ring them up before hand if we're going to be burgled? Seems fair enough, can't expect them to react to things as they happen.
  21. Haven't they confirmed that no teams can miss any races? They've had long enough to get it sorted, if Lotus can manage it being the last confirmed team then there's no excuse for the others. Get a car out or give up the slot to someone who can I say.
  22. God I hate the brummie accent, makes the cleverest person alive sound like an idiot. Pretty old clip if I remember rightly but the whole filming/picture taking thing is way out of hand still.
  23. I'm not saying that all of these groups are totally innocent of anything, but to automatically assume they are doing something suspicious/illegal is a pretty sad state of affairs. The Tomlinson case is utterly ridiculous, ultimately a Police Officer killed him, and should be punished as such. I haven't followed the case much recently to be honest - what's actually happening with it now?
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