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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Two What ifs, basically. What are the chances someone has HIV then if they have HIV what's the risk factor, need a round number encompassing both.
  2. It could be the attempt of everyone from Kenya attempting to piss all over Norway... http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/kenya/
  3. That's quite useful, yes. Thanks Moogle! You're still awesome I still need to get some facts for protected sex, however, as those appear to be unprotected statistics. The reason for this is that until 2002 the open sale and advertisement of condoms in China was banned as they were considered a "Sex life enhancer" rather than a medical product. In other words, the government viewed them in the same category as vibrators, blow up dolls and edible body paint. So it's essential to get people educated on the importance of their use. EDIT: So I found a little more information: something like 1 in 250 people in the "At Risk" group of people have HIV, and it's approximately 1 in 3000 chance of contracting it in an encounter NOT using protection. Can someone with a maths brain better than mine -i.e. everyone, help me work out a statistic for this. 0.4% chance of person having it. 0.03% chance of you catching it from that person having unprotected sex. Do you multiply the two together to get a statistical likelihood? It comes out as 0.013... Does that sound right?
  4. Obviously I meant HIV positive... goddamn spelling.
  5. Middlemarch George Eliot No-one quite "does" depressing country life quite like her. Well done. :/ It's well-written, but the subjects are painful to read. 7/10
  6. What's the name of the Muppet's Single? China still has Youtube blocked and I haven't found a reliable proxy to get round the Great Firewall yet.
  7. Be careful of an ongoing jacket saga, ask Flink for advice. How did that resolve, by the way? Never written for the main site, have we?
  8. I need a few little bits of statistical data for a leaflet I'm helping transcribe into Chinese. What is the actual percentage chance of contracting HIV from a HIV negative female during unprotected vaginal intercourse? What is the actual percentage chance of contracting HIV from a HIV positive female when using a condom for vaginal intercourse? What is the actual percentage chance of contracting HIV from an HIV positive male during unprotected anal intercourse? What is the actual percentage chance of contracting HIV from an HIV positive male during protected anal intercourse? Sorry for the graphic-ness of the questions, but they're not questions I've found easy answers to so far. I'm volunteering with a group helping on sex-ed amongst migrant and sex workers here and they need these numbers. There's a whole lot of conflicting data, some of it says "You will get HIV regardless." -I'm assuming that's the militant Christians? Some of it says "Your risk is lowered by..." but there's no accurate numbers, and the Chinese like their accuracy. Trying to promote condom use, so any information on protected sex is most welcome.
  9. Oooooooooohhhhhhh.... I wish you could meet my girlfriend, my girlfriend who lives in Can-a-daaaaaaa! I have Skype, but for a while ISPs in China were blocking it because they have their own pay services.
  10. Iun

    Would you?

    No. I'd kill all three to save me the trouble of worrying about whether I made the right decision. One from realityfor the boys: Would you donate sperm for a lot of money (say about a grand a pop), knowing that one day your knuckle children could track you down and ask you why?
  11. You and I have had this conversation before, it means we're awesome and Christian Bale sucks rabbit dick.
  12. Christian Bale: When you just need to make everyone else look really talented. That's what Heath Ledger got the posthumous Oscar, it wasn't an award for being good, but an award for not being Christian Bale.
  13. 5. And seeing as you're a year older than me, should I worry about going senile soon? Seriously, My Little Pony? Really?
  14. That's not what he said, you ignorant wretch, your Span...Russian is worse than your English.
  15. Allow me: I meant any country that is dominated by a muslim majority. And in particular, Saudi Arabia. Smartass.
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8385069.stm Hmm. An important day in the stand against a hypocritical religion that refuses the right to open worship of other beliefs on its home country's soil? Or: A sign of growing right wing unrest, and a bad move on the part of the Swiss public making them a target?
  17. That's great! What's this for? EDIT: Oh, wait. Yeah, these are a joke.
  18. That would be me, aye. The other one can't send for some reason. :/
  19. Sending 3 .mov files your way, baby. There's no point in me trying to compress them, so they're pretty large.
  20. Star Trek 8/10 The Good: -It wasn't as angst-filled as I expected a modern film would be. Though Spock showed a few emotions throughout the film, and obvious contempt for his treatment, it never made him seem a whiny little shit. Same for Kirk. Obvious father issues, but he obviously needs the pain. -Some very nice nods to the heritage of the series, without getting bogged down in the whiter-than-white vision of the future that Roddenberry wanted. What made DS9 good was their courage to say "There are still assholes in the future" and it worked here too. -Pine managed to successfully show the transition from arrogant farm boy to arrogant ships captain with good acting ability. -Props to the writers, director and actress for not making Uhura too... black. Now, I know King V will probably get all upset at me for this, but hear me out: there's a tendency in film makers to not be able to get past certain racial stereotypes with characters. Asians are good at maths, Hispanics have to call everyone "jefe" or "cholo" at least once and black characters have to be streetwise and confrontational. Luckily, like in the Original Series the character of Uhura wasn't played as a black woman, but just as a woman. -Fabulous space battles. Probably the best in the franchise since First Contact. Though the two Armadas in "Sacrifice of Angels" still gets a "FUCK YEAH!" from me whenever those green disruptor bolts start to fly. The Bad: -Eric Bana. It's not that he's a bad actor, I just feel he's never had the right role. -The supporting cast were a bit of a joke. Scotty in particular was poorly used as comic relief. Here's the guy who in the original series used to fix the ship using sellotape and started a barfight with a room full of Klingons when they called the Enterprise "Garbage". I know Simon Pegg is a comic actor, but... come on, yeah? -Not enough fighting after the first battle. You can't have such an awesome opening and then get all talky for the rest of the time. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by this, and I am really excited to see more. Though for me, Wrath of Khan will always be the definitive Star Trek film.
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