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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Aw shucks, you really know how to make a girl feel special! *giggle*
  2. Mrs Iun got REALLY peeved at me for going to Hooters with the lead guitarist from the band last night. Damned if I'm going to apologise.
  3. Oh the pain, the pain of it all... I'll download this later at home. Off back to Blighty for a brief stay tomorrow! Woo!
  4. DON'T USE THAT ACRONYM! I still get cold sweats...
  5. I'll give you a thorough "slide" later mr!
  6. I found it unplayable. The game kept getting interrupted with cutscenes, the story didn't seem to make sense and the character controls were sluggish.
  7. Masturbation in a group is fun! What are you talking about? J/K I hated working with partners at University, they were all lazy idiots. It was never fun and nothing ever got done until the night before.
  8. Just to clear one thing up for everyone wanting a Shenmue sequel: Shenmue is shit, so is your face. Stop living in a ridiculous FANTASY WORLD where shitty games that sell two copies get sequels. *ahem* Starfox, Pikmin and F-Zero. Starfox: Bring Peppy back on the team. Kill Krystal. Painfully and graphically if age rating allows it. Pikmin 3: Good move getting rid of the time limit for the sequel, now we need more levels, and perhaps a multiplayer experience similar to C&C. F-Zero: Hold the Wiimote sideways? Motion control the racer? NO THANKYOU. The GC versionwas great, just needed a few more tracks. AND THAT'S ALL.
  9. Happy Birthday, Jordan's Ex and some guy...
  10. At the risk of making my head asplode... I totally agree with Ramar. Giggs is in his twilight years as a footballer, and it's evident that he was overlooked in past years due to other stellar talents. WELL TOUGH COOKIES! There are any number of awesome footballers and sports professionals who should have got the award, but they never did. This is a lifetime achievement award and NOTHING ELSE. Arrrgh! You could say the same thing about Jenson Cadbury's Buttons! He won what, three races before this season? He should have dropped to the A1 GP but NO! He stuck with it and provided Britain with her second world champion in as many years! Name Most Likely To Be Confused With "Twaddle" In The Sporting World. It was a wonderful achievement, brought tears to my eyes... so much hope... so many years of promise... *sniff*
  11. Interesting morning. On Sunday during my warm-up for sparring at the gym, I twisted my ankle quite badly - spent the day off work yesterday. I came in today because I lose about 40 quid for every day I don't go in, so yeah, have to be careful. Anyway, my work is out of the city using a 45 minute long underground trip that gets EXTREMELY crowded at the main terminal (people actively fight over seats). But luckily I hobbled to the front of the queue and got on. A slightly -certainly not past 3 months pregnant lady came up to me and asked me to give up my seat to her, which I politely declined. Can't be standing up for 45 minutes, wouldn't make it, sorry, ask the guy over there. I twisted my ankle love. "That's not my fault, give me your seat." Pointing at her half-assed bump: "That's not my fault. Get the person responsible to give you his seat." She walked off in a huff. Actually it might have been a minute and a huff. Thing is normally I would have given my seat to her on any other day, but no way will my ankle take it. Also: Shanghai's house prices are going through the roof at the moment. When we bought our apartment in about May, we paid 1.6 million RMB for it. Six months later, it's now worth almost 3 million, 2.71 million RMB to be exact. I'm hoping we get more of a rise before things stabilise. The plan is to sell it in 10 years after half the mortgage is paid off. If the place is worth 2 million by then, we'll have more than 1 million to use as a deposit on the next place *happy smiley face*
  12. Our happiness is off-white, not clear! Mwah! And Mrs Iun says thank you all for the kind compliments, it brightened up her day, the vain thing that she is. She seemed a bit confused with the above picture: "Is it a hint? You want that for Christmas? I already bought you something different... I'll take it back! You want that thing your friend likes?" The other day was a classic one, there was some programme about the climate change meetings and people were holding up big banners with Written on them. She turned to me with a confused look on her face and said: "Vote? What's that mean?" Communist Dictatorship FTW.
  13. Events: Well, we should (fingers crossed) be moving into our new home mid-to-late next year. First we have to save enough cash to ensure we have everything we need - this apartment is brand spanking new and doesn't have interior doors or even a floor, so it'll be quite expensive. But it's Mr and Mrs Iun's home together, so that's nice Entertainment: Iron Man 2. I hired the whole of a small cinema here for me and a few other people to watcdh the first one, and while I can't afford that again, I'm going to be first in line to see it. Which reminds me, I have the largest collection in the world of pre-movie Iron Man action figures. I'm considering a sale, if anyone is interested.
  14. Underwear?! The man who sold it to me told me it was the latest word in men's hats! Well, I never!
  15. Iron Man 2 trailer coming soon...
  16. Metroid Prime Trilogy: Metroid Prime. Arrgh. What a schizophrenic game! Corruption blows it out of the water like a stick of dynamite. Every good section is moderated by these frustratingly dull and pointless areas which totally detract from the rest of the experience. Take for example the sections with the pirate lab - they're atmospheric, fun, exciting and unique. You get such a feeling of claustrophobia when those lights go out, when the enemies pounce suddenly it's as frightening as any Resident Evil game. And all you're doing is facing off against weaker opponents in circumstances far more favourable to yourself! Then you get back to the large swathes of the Phendrana Drifts filled with camouflaged semi-platforms, Baby Sheegoths that respawn every time you shut a door, ultrasonic bats half the size of your hand that somehow have the power to knock you off a ledge it took you ten minutes to reach and ruined houses that really don't seem to do anything other than serve as a place for you to get cornered in. The good parts are fabulous, but the bad parts are atrocious. 6/10
  17. It was quite an unusual smell to be honest, this warm-ish coconut thing with a hint of pee. Or maybe that was my undies. My ugly mug, lost a lot of weight since the wedding pics were taken!
  18. It was taken in Hainan, which is China's tropical island in the South China Sea. That evening we had an enormous barbecue dinner and the next day we spent about 6 hours at a hot spring having coconut milk baths and fish eating our dead skin. My fingernails have never been so clean! mm! I was more thinking of the resultant pictures but... yeah, y'know.
  19. As it was hired, no, but I wanted to negotiate with the photographer for an "after hours" rental. Hur hur hur...
  20. Mrs Iun I finally got round to getting an Information Superhighway digital photograph storage account.
  21. Unusually for China the highlights were shown. Seemed like a scrappy game, well done to Villa for securing a surprising but heartening win. Wasn't there some problem midweek with Park though? Something about a flare-up of an old injury?
  22. Whistle blow, Rez. But not within the company. Go to an outside organisation and tell them. I tried to pull the plug on some dodgy activities by my ex-colleagues at GAME by going to the Regional Manager... he was in on it. I went to the people at Loss Prevention to report this... they had encouraged the practice to "help shares improve". My manager at the time started a campaign to make me leave or join in, by putting false reprimands in my employee record etc. In the end I pretended to be cool with all the shit and "wet my whistle" too. All the time recording everything that happened using a jury-rigged minidisc player and microphone. Then I blackmailed them to shit, telling them to wipe my false record clean (they gave me black marks for not being a "Team Player") and if they didn't, I'd report them. So all the false accusations against me were dropped, I got an absolutely glowing reference from the newly appointed head of Customer Services and my name put up for the customer service awards in the retail industry. Moved to another store when I went back to University... ...and then sent all the evidence in to the head of the company anyway. About 20 people lost their jobs and I got a few hundred quid in cash and a pay rise.
  23. You win. Competition over. World ends. Big sign where Earth used to be. Says "Sheikah Is Teh Winnar". Seriously though, that did make me crack my cheeks. Classic one... called my French teacher "Dad". I was 22.
  24. The 1 i n 3000 comes from the Yahoo answer you gave me, rounding down from 3333.3(recurring) ie 3 in 10,000 and the 1/250 comes from a shed load of studies from the UN, HRW and even the CCP.
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