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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Iun


    ...would also be an apt description for someone like Paris Hilton or Lady Gaga: You know it's horrible, and that someone probably paid dearly but you just can't help your fascination.
  2. I'm obsessed with getting to the TRUTH... ...I swear you're all in on it... if I can just find someone to trust, we could make sense of this mess.
  3. Iun

    Brian Mcoy

    Iun all wish Brian Mcoy a happy birthday, they have always felt that he added a breath of fresh air. Iun would also like to collectively apologise for their being late to this birthday thread.
  4. Getting two Cadbury's Buttons and putting them flat side to flat side and then eating them. It makes the bag go quicker, but the texture is simply divine.
  5. And maybe I'll start peeing Chocolate Buttons like I always wanted. Doubt we will even be able to hold them to a draw, but it would be lovely. I just hope we can avoid getting steamrollered.
  6. I don't know, who've you been shagging, Susan Boyle? /jk Yes, I used to get that all the time. Actually, most animals have that reaction.
  7. Walking through the fields near my parents home at sunset/twilight, there's something so magical about watching the golden circle of the sun fade over the hills, to be replaced by the gentle flickering glow of the lights in the farms and cottages that dot the winding lanes filled with wild grass and the soft sound of birds and chirping insects. It's something China can never hope to replicate, so I miss it dearly.
  8. That is also what she said. And I have no idea what she was talking about.
  9. I had one earlier with Mrs Iun... we were talking about the protests by Chinese Expats in Paris. Me: So I hear the protests have been terrible! Her: Oh no! My poor countrymen! Me: Yeah, I hear that the protest grew to several thousand strong, not just students and ordinary people, but workers, academics... Her: That's wonderful! They should stand up for their rights! Me: Oh no though, it all went sour! The government decided to send soldiers and tanks to quell the protests, thousands were killed and many more have been "disappeared" from the face of the Earth! Mothers will be left without sons, wives without husbands... a whole generation destroyed fr being audacious enough to stand up for their beliefs. Her: WHAT?! How can anyone let this happen!? The West is so evil! They were just innocent protesters! How can you murder them in cold blood?!? What a wicked, corrupt and unjust society! Me: ... Oh, hang on, I made a mistake... that all happened in China. Her: .... FUCK YOU! So I'm sleeping on the couch tonight, but it was well worth it. Okay, it was more of an awkward moment for her, to be honest.
  10. Do they start shouting to get your attention? "Hey! Crepuscular! OI! Crepuscular X. Batfeces! It's me! Your old friend from school! You remember me, right? We used to sit next to each other and you kept peeing your chair so you had to wear rubber underpants! Crepuscular! It's me!" Reminds me of Alan Partridge Series 2. "Dan! Dan! Dan! DAN! DAN! ... no, he hasn't seen me. DAN! Dan!"
  11. No, no, I got it! From now on I'm going to call you Crepuscular X. Batfeces. End of thread.
  12. Foxcrud Winterborn Pootips J. Fillingthrop Excretia Hammerstein Johnturd Falliastone Plopsworth R. Handyshandy Squeaky McButtcheeks Anus Bighole Poopenheimer Followthrough
  13. Danish Bacon Danish Bacon Yummyyummyyummy! Happy Birthday! Is it legal for me to do terrible things to your bum yet?
  14. One of my degrees is in Fren and their politics, society and history. Need any serious info and I can help. Otherwise Wikipedia is a good source.
  15. So, I...uh... heard you like Mudkips...
  16. Minge? Anyway, so I was living in France and there was these old gentleman living on the ground floor of our apartment building, he was always staring out of the window at everyone who walked by - it's actually a national past-time there. So I was waiting for my friend to turn up so we could go for pizza on the beach and the guy is staring out of the window and he beckons me over with a wave of his cheese knife. Over I go, smile on face, not sure what he wants as he's always staring and hasn't made any contact in what... 2 months? So he strikes up a conversation while he's eating at the open window and I ask him what kind of things he sees watching from his apartment... Him: "Well, I watch the world, I'm very lonely, I like to see the people here." Me: "Sure, I'll bet. There's goodness knows how many people live in this area, they must surely come from all walks." Him: "Yes, there's a nuclear engineer in the building, teachers, construction workers... I was an engineer myself. I'm so lonely." Me: "No family here?" Him: "No, I'm gay." Me: "Oh, how about that..." He fixes me with a stare, chewing a mouthful of some kind of meat slowly and looking me right in the eye. Him: "Would you like to come in and eat some sausage?" ... Seconds later, I realise that he was referring to the piece of charcuterie on his plate in front of him, but that has to have been one of the most awkward moments in my stay there. In fact, it was an awkward year.
  17. I was enjoying a post-dinner jostle one evening, when my dad burst's into the room "Hey! Your grandma is... OH!" And he shuts the door, and says quietly: "Your grandma is here" Then from behind the door "No, don't go in... he's busy... Well, he hasn't had a girlfriend for a while, so I suppose it's ok." Turns out grandma was standing slightly behind my dad when he opened the door.
  18. With the best will in the world, I've been called an anti-semite for calling Jewish guy an asshole. I never mentioned the word "jew" to him or made reference to his religion, but apparently you can't be an asshole if you're Jewish. This situation in the Middle East... the Israeli's are being real fuck-ups about it, they've lost most of their support after that Hamas assassination and the forged passport scandal. The only real support they have is from the US, which comes in the form of support from American Israelis and the fact that America is waging a war on terror - something the Palestinians are very much guilty of. Talking straight: The Israeli's need to follow the rules - stop all the settling in lands occupied by Palestinians and engage in meaningful dialogue. The Palestinians need to stop reacting to the sight of every JCB with a rocket attack and be prepared to not get everything they want. No-one is going to come up smelling of roses, but if both sides are prepared to give their shit a rest for a while, then things could change. Right now it's tit-for-tat all the way.
  19. Well, it is a shame, I always enjoyed him in Land of the Dead which is on my iTouch rotation, and he was amazing in Blue Velvet and Easy Rider. However, the guy really did phone in a lot of his later performances.
  20. Father was by his bedside? Didn't his parents thieve his whole fortune?
  21. I've no biggie with anyone holding hands or kisses. ...but attempting to insert your tongue into your boyfriend/girlfriends' rectum via the mouth is where I draw the line.
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