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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Well, a win is a win. I suppose you have to look at it like that.
  2. I want to see this very badly. Sadly, it won't be available in the cinemas here. In recompense, however, I have Avengers on pirate DVD.
  3. Can I be brutally honest? I've read it (it's one of China's "famous" novels) and it's really just not very good. The first book takes a long time to get going, then it's reasonably fun, but by the end of the second book, you will notice it's the same old tale time after time and it's just boring. Similar situations repeat themselves throughout, but only the names are changed. If you want to understand a few aspects of Chinese culture, and a lot of Buddhism, then by all means, give it a read. But it's a hard slog with little payoff.
  4. Do you Know the muffin man? The muffin Man. The Muffin man. Do you know the Muffin man Who lives on Drury lane?
  5. Simply say "I'll tolerate your tolerance of me-for now" and the problem is swiftly solved with a double-backhander of FU.
  6. I Like Beans with Most things, especially Pies.
  7. Great minds think alike, and have a tendency to come in the same places.
  8. Ah dangert... Well, no shame in being beaten by a better team.
  9. We have maybe two ADHD kids in my school, my observation of their behaviour gives the definition as "literally can't sit still". It's like they are constantly vibrating in their chair until the moment they can't old it any longer and something bursts inside and they HAVE TO jump up and down for a few minutes. There's a line between that and attention seeking - attention seeking children are the ones who are looking for a reaction to their bad behaviour, ADHD kids don't care.
  10. A sad loss for mankind, but who could honestly hope for a better legacy than he?
  11. I've always wanted to go to Alton Towers, but the only time I'm back in the UK is Christmas *sad smiley face*
  12. Food SHOULD be eaten in a certain way! You go round in a circle eating a little of each evenly, like this: Meat first, root vegetables, above ground vegetables, beans, potatoes. In THAT ORDER on the plate and THAT ORDER ONLY.
  13. I'm chancing to give it a will! But honestly: I never liked this programme even 20 years ago. They just tried too hard to be funny, and they weren't. British TV is awesome. Seriously. Here in China, there are either badly made period dramas or The Monkey King. And that's it, apart from the odd reality series or the nightly "Two Minutes Hate" of everything Western and the "Three Hours Love" of everything the Party has ever done.
  14. I scored a 32, sounds wrong. I'm just UNCOMFORTABLE WITH CHANGE. Anyway. Yes, I'm, confirmably mental. I've had debilitating OCD for years: I can remember the first instances around five years old - I used to brush my teeth upwards of ten times a day. I still do, whenever I'm anxious. Used to have little mantras for crossing the road, picking things up off the floor etc. When I lived in France for a year I used to get worried about the fridge door not being closed so I'd get up and rock the things back as far as possible to make sure it was closed. Still do it occasionally. Also, I can't have any noise at night when I'm sleeping (imagine THAT in University dorms with 23 other boys who just escaped from their parents for the first time) and if my hands are in any way dirty I cannot concentrate on what I am supposed to be doing. Cannot step on cracks in the pavement, can't walk over three drain covers in a row, have to catch any dandelion seeds in the air.... ...the worst one is still the teeth brushing though. Thing is, I can control this if I want to, but honsetly, it makes me feel better. And then there's Bipolar disorder. That one is amazingly fun. I can feel the low coming on like the sea at high tide, building slowly, rising into a black undulating sea of despair. At that point, the window begins looking like a terribly tempting option. Then comes the high, which basically turns me into Jim Carrey on caffeine. But I know everything I'm doing, just can't stop it. Like being a camera on the wall and cringing as I watch myself trying to run ten miles in ten minutes.
  15. Well, they got Colin Farrell to do Total Recall so probably... Shia LaBoeuf for The Running Man? I mean how many other thoroughly unlikeable and untalented actors are there out there with the same pull?
  16. Adam Sandler. For making Jack and Jill. Jack Black. For everything he's ever been in ever. Sarah Michelle Geller. She looks so damned happy with herself.
  17. I think Flinky makes a point - Twins was an excellent film. As long as it doesn't go too far from the ridiculous one-joke it has. He was genuinely watchable, likable and even funny in that film. I even dare to say that Kindergarten Cop was pretty good as well.
  18. Well, RIP. Can I say that I am more familiar with the work than the man, but I enjoyed the work a lot.
  19. What...exactly were you guys expecting from a website that has a section labelled "Vegan Fashion"?
  20. Looking forward to seeing this on a poor-quality half-dubbed pirate DVD soon!
  21. Yay, a win on the first day and our manager sent off! Woo! Feel a bit sorry for Spurs, but that's football. *smug Iun is smug*
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