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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Japanese-style barbecue chicken breast with a ridiculous amount of butter. White bread.
  2. This was getting repetitive until I discovered Adventure and Challenge mode. Also: the blude lady with the book is awful. SHOW SOME BOOB, WILL YOU?!
  3. Where are the Tottenham fans? The Toon finally got a win and I feel the need to gloat.
  4. Underwhelmed. The scenes in the wrecked city recalled the first film. The Pinnochio references were interesting, but only "got" them after a second viewing. There was no humour in this at all. I hope this is not another Star Trek Into Darkness - they reference the character for the sake of the fans, but everyone else is just nonplussed. "My name... (tears) (emotion) (definitely not a one-dimensional actor) is... Khan." Everybody Who Doesn't Know Who Khan Is: "So ----ing what? Who gives a crap? If you had said 'My name is Frank Frankersson' it would have meant the same." Fan of Star Trek: "What a shit way to introduce an awesome character. Ricardo Montalban is spinning in his grave. SPINNING." Anyway, we will see, but thus far... trepidation.
  5. Pfah! I just did four day, one day off, then five days. Nine days, one day off. Now we have a weekend, then next week: pre-field trip visit to Chocolate Happy Land (yes!), parents evening WITH NO SCHEDULE FOR MEETINGS - "you might have to stay until 9:30-10:00pm, book week preparations, buddy reading system to put in place, mid-term tests to create...
  6. Franklin? Who's Franklin? One of the Koopalings?
  7. Belated and beknighted birthday wishes!
  8. Nothing speeds up a promotion like a job offer: If you're happy and they know it (clap clap) then there's no reason to make you any happier. But if you imply that your dissatisfaction with a lack of advancement may be sufficient to spur you to change, then... ...mua ha ha ha.
  9. No, don't do it! It's too late for me, but you can still save yourself! Escape while you still caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! I mean, congratulations.
  10. It has been a bit of a year, hasn't it? Anyway, Joan Rivers. Never really found her funny, but I know people who did. And I have absolutely no idea what she looked like before the surgery. Nevertheless, I feel for her family, and it seems that she was relatively healthy before she went into the hospital a few weeks ago.
  11. Well, yes, I think depression is something that people have a poor understanding of, and many consider themselves "depressed" when they are not, and then there are those who are suffering from depression who don't get diagnosed and have treatment. I think it's quite an easy malady to fake once you have an idea of the symptoms - and many psychiatrists and counselors I have met are either easy to fool, or so disinterested in their patients that they will just continue to prescribe medications. My own psychiatrist just kept ticking the boxes -"are you feeling happier?" "Are you sleeping better?" "How's your appetite?". Then regardless of the answer she just upped the dose of medication and told me to come back in three weeks to give her more money so she could ask the same questions again. And up the dosage. I used to have a negative impression of people with depression, because I did not understand it - the ex-girlfriend was depressed (or so she said) and it manifested in a lot of incredibly selfish behavior designed to maximize her own happiness. She slept like a log, ate like a horse, easily got excited about fun things - but had no interest in work or any activity that would not promote her own pleasure. Now, going by the criteria that I know, that was not depression, she was just being a selfish bitch. However, I don't pretend to have all the answers, nor can I say that I have the monopoly on understanding depression. I can tell you what I've felt, and I've considered the same road out as Robin Williams, but I'm still here. Lord knows why, it seems like a punishment. Nevertheless, one good thing came out of it: I demonstrated once more my impressive willpower as I weaned myself off the medication. Same as I did the sleeping pills. I rock, and you know it.
  12. @Rummy Am I allowed to say something now?
  13. Iun

    Mario Kart 8

    Since downloading the DLC, I have had terrible trouble staying connected online. It's gone from maybe one error every eight races to one every race. Also: The rubber banding is out of control. Every single race on 150cc I have been hit with a shell before the finish line. Every. Single. Race. Thanks for rendering my game unplayable, you asshats.
  14. He was sick for a long time, poor man. One of those rare genuine talents in front of and behind the camera.
  15. Not happy at the new school: First day the HR people sent me to the wrong place at the wrong time - wasn't even supposed to be in, actually. Second day, manager sends wrong place and time again. Six day week for the second week, finishing at 8pm on Friday. Haven't even met the headmistress yet, but she has issued a number of edicts already. I just can't respect someone like that - I've been here two weeks and you haven't had the courtesy to introduce yourself, but you expect me to do the dancing monkey routine? I suppose it may be the Chinese way, but I simply don't hold with it. You want me to stay until Oh-Fuck O'Clock on a very long week, fine. But have the professionalism to come see me personally about it, not just pass the message on.
  16. It's interesting how many people have now changed their stance on suicide as a result of this - "Oh yeah, before I believed it was a selfish coawrd's way out, but because someone hilarious and funny like Robin Williams did it, I've re-thought my position." I read: "I was a selfish and disrespectful c*nt before with no thought given to the finer feelings of people who I may have never met before because I am incapable of empathy, but because Mork killed himself, I've now come to realise that other people DO have feelings."
  17. If Ballmer came to my house with a big pile of ice, I'd tell him EXACTLY where to stick it... ...around the back with all the rest of my ice treasure! Us Eskimos LOVE ice!
  18. Yes, I also have one of those!
  19. That's the thing, having played the Mario games since Super Mario World on the SNES, I don't see that anything has really changed. Only occasionally does Mario get a new suit, and I'm reminded of that Simpsons episode with the Lisa Lionheart Doll: "It's the same Malibu Stacy that you were buying before!" "BUT SHE HAS A NEW HAT!" Also: @Animal @EEVILMURRAY @RedShell - I have made friend requests to all of you. The rest of you: Please, add me as a friend, I'd love to play MK8 with people I know for a change! My ID is narsfweasels.
  20. Well, I did it, and I'm thoroughly in love with the gamepad and MK8! However, NSMBU (the pack in game) can just go and f--k itself. There's nothing new about the game. EDIT: my NNID is narsfweasels.
  21. It was pants to be honest, nice to have a FPS early on in the life of the console, but truly not an outstanding series of games in any sense. I had the original and the sequel, and neither got much more than 5 hours play time.
  22. [quote name=Wii;1698771 You don't really live in Shanghai do you? I was looking on gumtree and they've some decent ads there. Whatever you buy make sure it has a receipt for the console. http://www.gumtree.com/search?q=wii+u&category=all&search_location=&current_distance=&search_scope=title Wow. It's not just the shops over there' date=' even the ad sites are better than what we have in Ireland. I might try scouring that site for bargains for myself. That is if if they'll post and some ads only have phone numbers.[/quote] Sadly yes, I am in Shanghai. I can get a receipt for anything here, but whether or not the retailer or seller will go our any warranty or anything like that is really a personal decision on their behalf. Consumer protection laws are not really followed.
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