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Everything posted by Iun

  1. My illness is becoming more noticeable, people have made a few comments about the pained expression on my face. But with an iron-will it's manageable. Despite this I had a great afternoon in the company of two rather gorgeous and adorably bonkers Chinese ladies at their University in Songjiang. Probably the best afternoon I've had in months, despite the pain.
  2. Iun


    'sup Rummy? AOL Service? More like Service AWOL.
  3. Love is something between an itch you love to scratch and a painful dermal abrasion that drives you over the edge every time you try to go about your normal life.
  4. I learned that I'm having trouble to adapting to life without my DS9 collection on-hand whenever I feel like watching.
  5. I couldn't agree more.
  6. Hah! We're all mongrels round here! I myself was born of Native American Heritage. If you're going to look up Marillion, just go for the first 4 albums, after Fish left they really lost their edge.
  7. Good man. Are you a fan of Marillion? That's who your name reminded me of, though I see your not from Scotland and a lot younger than me so I'd understand if you thought I was babbling.
  8. Boys, boys boys... put on your big-girl panties and stop with the sniping. The Fish: When I read your first post, it came off as sarcastic and arch. Deal with it. Fields: I read your sexist comments and was not impressed, neither were other people. Take it outside the forum, or don't bring it up at all. Dynastygal: There are more important things to worry about in life than everybody else's opinions. People may respect your beliefs, but disagree with them. That's just something you have to learn. It's a hard lesson, believe me. Maase: Welcome, I'm Iun and I'm a feature writer on the main site I hope you enjoy your stay and if you have any questions please contact any member of staff.
  9. I was serious! I have a lot of admiration for Damon Albarn, his musical talent eclipses many modern performers. I think if he was more prolific he could be the David Bowie of our generation.
  10. I'm so better looking than him... still, he's a clever man and it must therefore be a favourable comparison. Thanks Haden!
  11. Has been or no has been, Michael Biehn has starred in some of the best films made in the 80's, and he is a darned fine actor.
  12. I like the smell of his jumpers and he has a great Xbox live name.
  13. Depends on the medication. And if that doesn't happen, how easy it is to come by a new liver :/ Anyway. I find "Emily" to be a quiet repulsive name. But I love a good Beth. So much so I made one of my Chinese staff change her English name from Emily to Beth.
  14. I moved here about 8 months ago, give or take a week. I'm doing a multitude of different things at the moment to earn money from teaching to giving voice-overs for books and TV.
  15. Glad you managed to find a decent place, my first appartment was absolutely terrible but considered absolutely wonderful by the locals. Now I have a much better place and it costs twice as much...yay. Still, Shandong is a way off - do you ever get to Beijing or Shanghai? I'm in Shanghai at the moment. It's a phenomenal place.
  16. It's a bright day on the boat of Alan MacGuire's puppy. Thundercats: They're on the move. Thundercats are loose.
  17. I think it's a cushion by the bag of remotes. Translaion of Aphasia: Why? Dear lord, why? It only needed to be two films. Not three, and certainly not more!
  18. Yeah, but with a lot more "Yunn" in it than Ian. And it has the unmistakable benefit of being (a) Foreign (b) One of several of my actual middle names © Native American. But MoogleViper is pretty hot with the soft sounding "oooo" and the "Viper" bit at the end which adds just a hint of danger. *shiver* oooh... And sadly I have been very unwell. And am likely to remain that way for some time
  19. I think you're hot, Moogle! Missed you, honey! Rebecca has always done it for me, and Jason is pretty manly.
  20. Me neither... "Ring Raider" always made me chuckle. Still. I was surprised what a thriving scene there is here in Shanghai. There are a shed load of Ladyboys from Thailand who are great to hang out with, they're always so sweet to me Plus there was a drag competition the other night, but there were too many sweaty blokes wearing knickers for a laugh and not enough "Artists" to make it fun.
  21. Have to agree. Timesplitters 2 was simultaneously one of the funniest and most intelligently designed games of our time.
  22. Did you read my review? Now I have finished it, I have to say I was too kind with the score. This is more of a 6/10 than an 8/10.
  23. I'm nice, but I am honest. And I generally view people as stepping stones to my success or things I want.
  24. I used to get Ultimates, Ultimate Iron Man, Avengers, New Avengers, Iron Man and Transformers Infiltration. Now I live in China, I can't find any.
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