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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I was sat on the metro the other day next to this woman, and my goodness... she just reeked fertility. She was not that attractive to look at but for some reason she was exuding this scent that was telling every male in the carriage that she was ready for the baby making. I wasn't the only one, lots of other people were staring at her. It was unsettling.
  2. Double jump. There are some interesting walls out there that are screaming out to be explored.
  3. Rage. Pure and unadulterated, pleasure-filled rage. Bruised my hand quite badly at the time, and I kind of wish I hadn't done it now. But then again, the guy was trying to put me down for good.
  4. I have had 18 legal boxing matches, all of them I won. 8 by knockout. There is a long scar on my arm from a barfight from a few years back, couple of guys get into an argument, everything erupts. Some chav has a knife and sticks it into my arm. With the knife still hanging there I punched him until his eye-socket shattered. He's now partly blind in that eye. And a reformed citizen, I hear. I consider that a fair trade for trying to kill me.
  5. I'd like to get the following back into standard cool usage: Balderdash Poppycock Flim-flam
  6. And the game really has only just hit the radar properly in terms of media and release date. If memory serves, when they showed the game last year it was just a crappy demo.
  7. We could never afford Center Parcs, plus we did not agree with their bastardisation of the English language. We went to Butlins at least twice a year until they got so run down and horribl that we couldn't take it any more.
  8. I thought you'd been kidnapped? Is that the ransom demand? "1x Chocolate Milkshake, no ice. God help you if there's ice" ? I'll be having KFC for lunch, maybe... Anyway, blogs are dull unless you know the poerson or they have something funny to say.
  9. I scared the shit out of my landlady once when I woke up the house roaring "EULAAAAAALIAAAAAAAAAAA!" in my sleep. I was fighting Also I talk in my sleep and am able to have entirely lucid phone conversations with people, just totally unable to remember them.
  10. ...but would anyone be interested in reading? Who knows? Who cares? Who wants a milkshake?
  11. If you're into Professor Layton, then I strongly suggest you pick up the Sherlock Holmes books. There's a completed edition with everything available and it's really rather good.
  12. This from a man who revels in the demolition of opponents several leagues inferior. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your team, but your success is measured by the strength of your opponents. So anyone who rubs shit in the faces of a team with obvious deficiencies in strength, tactics and overall ability is nothing more than a glory hunter.
  13. Bluey, you gotta know that imported foods are expensive out here... Still, I'd have to say a chocolate Rich Tea would be rather scrummy. Or one of those oaty biscuits with a toffee middle under a layer of thick chocolate.
  14. *cough* There's quite a few good Chinese places here... but that much should be obvious. It's the Western food places that are terrible. I had a vile chicken fillet burger at a trendy bar the other day, and lemme tell ya, the chicken could not have been more scraggy and dry if I'd cooked it myself.
  15. I'd be the surly bookstore/teahouse owner. I'd have a gruff exterior, but under that would be a heart of gold. And under that would be the soul of a mass murderer.
  16. Definitely a Solo. Playing and interacting with other people scares me.
  17. I speak: English, French, German, Italian and Chinese. I can read Spanish and Dutch.
  18. Churchill was a hero. No quotation marks.
  19. I'd kill for a bacon sandwich about now... Nonetheless, happy birthday, miss!
  20. I don't have enough phlegm to say it in Welsh, so happy birthday! Worry a sheep for me!
  21. That was what I was implying, just without the blood pressure thing. I should be meeting up with a gay friend this holiday, he's a lot of fun, but the Chinese attitude towards homosexuals (it's okay so long as you never admit it or do anything about it) has left him a little socially backward.
  22. It's actually the Year of the Mouse. And Mrs Iun and I will be celebrating with about 5 straight days of going to restaurants and putting up with her awful family.
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