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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. Agree single player sucked in both and probably will again in the third. However totally disagree with the multiplayer - cheaters/weiners/hackers arn't what I'd call good. Especially seen as it didn't really deliver anything new for a multiplayer online experience that the pc was doing before it came out.
  2. I bet S-E have been reading Nintendo's and Sega's 'How to milk a franchise and ruin its potential' Reason is McMad is because it'll sell more in the west, plus S-E have a new mmorpg in the works for pc/ps3/360 so one of those could be that.
  3. Totally agree wit you Rokhed besides the last two seasons of the new dr.who have been more 'Wheres wally - with a tardis'
  4. Wild Hogs I give it 10/10 funny as hell - I would rate on a par with the hilarity of Hot Fuzz, damn fine film with some great comic talent in.
  5. The scariest thing I saw was probably on xbox live actually on a vision camera, this girls brother/husband/boyfriend was beating her up while swearing at her, you could hear it from the headset. So did the only thing I could do was ring up microsoft tell them about the gamertag and they passed it onto the police down in mancester way. Anyway got a call from the police down their thanking me for my quick thinking. All I know is their some crazy things out their for our little planet. Damn its cruel out their I want to curl under the duvet and watch tv.
  6. No monsieur I'm wondering why there are no americans in New New York, @Harribo nope there is a New York in this country you know and thats the point I was getting at.
  7. Apart from time crisis one and two playing in arcades great, however this seems to be cash in on resi evil franchise stuck to a body of House of the dead.
  8. So does anyone know how to get the two achievements beat all women and beat all men on TopSpin 2 did it with one person yet no achievemnet. Am I missing something.
  9. Taunts are done by holding the c button and doing guestures. Such as how they did the guesture based dx taunt. But anyway Caris to do a grap they push presumaby the a button + guesture.
  10. Actually you mean Geordies as their is a new york up near newcastle. Booyah. Comes up when you go to the odean at silverlink an advert for a restaurant at New York which is supposedly two miles away.
  11. I know that but this weeks episode has from the sneak peek tons of americans voices in it. They may of said its set in New London and all the cars were trapped on the new M25/A1.
  12. Can I ask you guys a question? The episode on saturday it was set in New New York - where the fuck were the americans. Then on a sneak peak look at this weeks episodes theirs loads of americans in it. Where ther fuck was all the god damn americans.
  13. Been given my revision timetable its pretty good apart from I have 2 group projects and one programming coursework and one maths coursework to hand in. However I hate uni with style. I want to be up in Newcastle to see my parents ant a whims notice. Not a 1 hour taxi + 2.5 hour train ride.
  14. You can use the colour face buttons as well, I think its guitar hero meets fantavision. Which in my book is an awesome combo!
  15. to show gamers that your so good you didn't get it
  16. Yes there is beat all licensed players in exhibition mode, and another one for beatinmg all the licensed female players in exhibition mode
  17. I'm pissed of with Top Spin 2, I beat all the male licensed players using one, which I assumed would be just fine now it won't give an achievement. Aggghhhhh!!
  18. Its addictive though I'll give it that
  19. Boom Boom Rocket absolutely fantastic everyone needs to buy it, and I presume we'll get to download more songs in the future.
  20. How much of the bbc does anybody watch, I watch ITV/CH4/five/ and loads of sky channels. But its a way to protect the bbc from their own stupidity of making business decisions.
  21. Right Hero do you think my gamertag is a) Gay b) female C) sad. Two Amercans were taking the piss all night, tracking me down playing uno against me and contanstly saying your shit etc. And when I didn't respond they said I guess he must me crying. Ahhhhhgggg Live american crapos are all the range now.
  22. That red zone isn't really the middle to me. THe middle location on that map is Leeds, plus its easier to get to.
  23. Actually been thinking Newcastle is the Central of the UK, because of it being in the middle of England and Scotland.
  24. Do you honestly think I come on here to have arguments with people, I have better things to do, I state my opinion. Sorry that its not popilist view like everyone else.
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