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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. Yes it does watch the E3 2005 pre rendered trailer, what I'm saying is you wouldn't be able to play a game like it showed in that trailer and that FMV sequences always come before games. SSBM anyone?? That game never matched the graphics in that trailer but thats ok it wasn't sony. P.S. Hellfire, Rokhed and Caris understood the post
  2. Darkcloud she looks more purecaucasion(sp??). Than anything else really mate.
  3. Actually went into GAME today and although the stores had stock in. They didn't have alot of stock left. Which means Sony got the numbers of PS3's shipped to this country about damn right. And Rokhed of course the game came close to the renders. Most 360 teaser game trailers always look better than the finished game. Oh but I guess your forgetting about that of course because this is Sony we are talking about,
  4. Look it did match kind of closely if youtake away from the fact you'd never play a game like you did in that renderered version. And I was playing Motorstorm on the Unis PS3. Absolutely fun game especially when you have a group of people saying " WOOOAAAAHHHH!!!!" Everytime you take on a jump or about to crash into something.
  5. Its ... Jetpac: Refulled ... OMG OMG OMG Shame I can't be arsed to coonect up the 360
  6. I was wondering what are the GRAW games like - I'm not a fan of fps or really shoot em ups, but like really tactical games like full spectrum warrior. Would it be my sort of game? Cheers all
  7. Even though I want a ps3 to play Gundam Musou, I'll wait just been calculating my finances and I want a new hd tv before I get a ps3 shame. Because I had a go on motorstorm on wednesday on my universites department ps3 and it was mighty damn fun.
  8. And here's me thinking someone made a video of someone throwing a pitchfork at jack thompson shame
  9. Could it be toejam and earl, as the one on the xbox was shit we need a another sequel to those games. Could be klona of course, could be anything chances of it being a memorable game are slim to non.
  10. If it was Stella Blanc, or even normal stella then sure. But Fosters and Becks shouldn't they of used the same alchol to make it look like a true difference.
  11. I have been meaning to ask you Caris whats the movie in you sig about, is that jack thompson
  12. I have been thinking it couldn't it be Boogie developed by EA for the Wii, as the characters look very toejam and earl- esque. Thats what the ONM feautures bit probably is on about
  13. Did an a-level got a c in it, my coursework that I did for it got me an A. Was all about NRA in america and saying how they can get what they want yet theres no challenge to them in the political corridors. Got such a good mark received a letter from my teacher about 2 weeks ago stating that they are using it to show the fantastic level of their politics department. I hate british politics but love american politics, weird huh?
  14. And on Engadgets own website it states the pictures are fake, what more do you need dante. It's fake, microsoft found it a challenge to sell a 10million, they need bigger hd and more software.
  15. No offence to ya but I don't want to keep switching disks just have them all on one. Saves me getting up to change them. I know they can put it on multiple discs but surely its cheaper and better to have them on a disc with more Gb. Thats been photoshopped well my friend,shame its actually a bad april fools joke though.
  16. Especially if it was Bree or Ziek, or better yet both of them.
  17. Just bought a collectors editon final fantasy guide, a couple of other guides. Oh and spirit caller for my cousin, however I'm going to play on it first for a bit.
  18. Haha now thats funny I never even understood how you could do a work around with vc anyway
  19. Lashly should win but was pushed way to earlier as a heavy weight champion, which is a real shame
  20. Don't get any and wait for mortal kombat- Amageddon
  21. Well out of the new guys like cena, lashly, orton etc. The one I don't mind him losing to is batista, especially if at the end they keep reversing tombstone piledrivers. But the best Taker was when he used to have that rock music and the bike, it was when he kept challenging the brock leasnar. Oh and I hope hbk lays out john - the vanilla ice wannabe - Cena. And come on Trump bitch slap vince on the biggest stage of them all.
  22. Not that new a trailer - saw it on xboxyde when the DMC4 multiplatform thing came about Well I bet S-E would say we need discs that can hold 20GB per disc minimum. And microsoft will make that hd player play games.
  23. That was great quote "Fuck off" "I have little children in the room, can you not swear" "Christ he must be an Iraqi" fantastic
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