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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. Actually Too Human is sounding very much like Diablo on heat - which is nota bad thing in my book.
  2. No he doesn't looks nothing like M.D.Luffy. Actually reminds me more of loyd out of ToS than anything
  3. I say we should do a 360 olympics in the summer
  4. Can't be because, I hate rappers, I'm not mexican, oh and I quite live my 360.
  5. No thats fox being dumb they also said youtube would groom children when it came out. Plus they don't give a rats arse about Clinton News Network otherwise known as CNN or FOX.
  6. Maybe its a mix of all three. Movie buffs buy blu ray drives. Movie studios know this so release their content on blu ray. And around it goes keep getting larger.
  7. Is that for definate - because I don't fancy dropping £60 on it if they bring out a wireless guitar for it
  8. What Tenacious D, heck no it was the best film of 2006.
  9. Basically its a combination between the badge and friends system in the other two paper mario game. Oh and they are called pixels
  10. But they are the dipsticks that said the wiis metal stand was also a power supply for the wii
  11. don't forget forever blue - that game will only work online with voip
  12. When is GH2 coming out. I know it has more tracks than the ps2 version with an extra 10 as dlc
  13. Apparently blu ray is outselling hd dvds in america
  14. I meant create a new platforming platforming - like "A* Hero in Training" Thats what I meant
  15. We cold still get voip in games seen as pokemon: D&P have it
  16. Yeah and lets face it who would want to own that game though. If we get Back to the Future on the NES. Seriously I'm gonna turn everyone at noe hq, into noodles. They should have some quality sensoring going on so that only the games that got above a 5 are let through.
  17. Well noe usually launch their Q2 schedule just before the end of the business year though
  18. Mind you the tellivison thing for the snes was that you could play certain games for two half hour dosses a day on the lttp
  19. Give it another week for noe to release their Q2 lineup.
  20. Oh yeah and its 6 million that are connected to xbox live now. Anywho they make a sleek gui for the main console and drop the ball for online gaming making it slow and cumbersome. And I only played one game on the the ds online, it was mk ds, and boy was that messed up online playing it through my mates 2mb broadband it felt really quite laggy. Shame, please god nintendos next console kill them all if they add friends codes again.
  21. Isn't it supoosed to becoming out in US and europe not long after japan
  22. I'm pretty sure it was released on the 64 in europe, not in america though. Or I have played it on the playstation -but deserves a wii sequel. Didn't eurocom release sphinx and the cursed mummy on the gamecube? Shame the Sony has the rights to it.
  23. If they right a story like one piece and manage to fit it to this game - I will tip my hat of to them. But the game I'm waiting for is Tenacious D: The game
  24. Well then aimless you don't want to play the brawl online, ok then! However for the millions of people who want online play. Nintendo stop using the crappy friend codes if you don't want us to talk online - then why even bother with friend codes. Seems a bit dumb to me.
  25. 1)You are correct no unified system 2)No you will need multiple friend codes for each game. Gamespy helped get the ds online sorted out.
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