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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. well you of only posted one picture in your post
  2. No it didn't rock worst game of 2006.
  3. So ... your point being that they called it originally "Grand Theft Auto", so they can't make you play as a cop who wants to rid the city of crime. No, its a piss take on the Metlife building in NYC
  4. And why can't we play as detective who wants to clear the city of scum. Where you get to arrest people and beat them within an inch of your life.
  5. No but at least they made Sonic run on rails system for sonic and the secret rings, and it did improve the franchise. JUst want them to state this new york city, and for once in the 3d GTA games please use real city names
  6. Exactly if they do that its an instant ban in the states.
  7. If they set in any way sort of form in New York City or as Rockstar like to call it Liberty City. Then they won't add flying - because it'll piss off a load of gamers and load of other people.
  8. No flying planes in this game.
  9. I know that but thats because of the incompentant senior management in the game.
  10. Because they won't call it new york city, but they'll call it liberty city. Just call it new york city rockstar and move on. Tokyo beating up yakuza and a godzilla in a mascot suit would be so much more fun.
  11. Maybe do it in wind waker style graphics. Set in the year 3XXX, something other than keep setting in the same place - where its kill dudes earn money buy cars. Maybe where you play as a cop.
  12. Games aren't supposed to mimic games exactly like the world though. They never actually will call this New York City, they'll call it Liberty City - which is a cop out. But they could have set it in any country in the world and done it in the style of crackdown, Rockstar aren't really innovating now like the first GTA in 3d - they are all the same now.
  13. Seen the trailer, first word that came to mind was bland. At least Saints Row and crackdown for the most part had colour in them GTA 4 just seems very bland from this trailer.
  14. Who would have thought GTA killed the internet, yet Halo 3, didn't even slow it down. HA HA HA
  15. Tokyo come on rockstar. So we can bash otaku heads with lead pipes.
  16. I was actually talking about Donkey Kong Jr. Maths game actually. But yeah I know mario is missing was geographaphy and there was another game released was about history.
  17. Yep thats the one - games are about fun, and maths ain't no fun
  18. Oh dear god, nintendo bury these games like the educational history game with luigi and yoshi, please let these games die.
  19. Pikmin + Fable = Overlord. You Control imps and such to pillage and destroy villages etc.
  20. Personally Takeo, Bioshock looks like every moody FPS though. What I want is collectors edition of Overlord with a plushie imp to be included.
  21. The DS version sold out nearly eveywhere I looked
  22. Have luck finding it though!
  23. He doesn't need to try hard being cool he is though cocky cool. Well if I told you, I probably would be banned - but anyway leave it to your imagination, Main 360 = berlin
  24. Well to complete a level is hard to do and its all about the bosses like cerburus and the twin brother guardian statue things from DMC3. It has puzzles and Dante is one of the coolest gaming heroes ever conceived.
  25. BMX XXX comes to mind though doesn't it Cox
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