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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. Its not too high its just that the position of the tv is somewhat slightly off and the wiimote can only really detect the motions not the pointing. Oh I know why your looking forward to it because after the gc remake, its the final new RE game to come to a nintendo home console.
  2. The guy who firstly created Katamari is no longer working in the games industry. Read this douchés http://gonintendo.com/?p=16425
  3. I like companies that try to try to create the highest tech around DCK and others - if you adopt that strategy we would just be moving off the BBC Micro.
  4. I'm not arsed about them resusing good engines and hell yes I want them to reuse the re4 engine. But I want them to actually put a little effort in and give us either gc remakes of their re franchise or give us umbrella chronicles with re4 controls. I hope to god this game does terribly just to allow them to see the light. Futhermore yes it may of been the teams decision to want to do this, however its a business and we need those fuckers to remember this if nobody buys this garbage then they won't make it.And yes I did know that they were using the same engine for games on pc/360/ps3. I know this game isn't fucking gun survivor title, you know your pretty dense Capcom produced the title - yes wasn't developed by them but produced by them they partly own the code to the series. And in business its called rebranding they knew gs was shite so they rebranded it. But the where my tv is in my room, you have to stand to play most of the games on it that uses point detection such as when you fire a gun, etc. If its just motion sensoring no problems Well where by tv is in my room the only way the sensor bar, even the nyko one to lesser extent, doesn't detect the pointing functions if your sitting down in my room. And yes it looks mighty fine looking game - but gameplay looks shite. It has to be a joint effort from gameplay and graphics. And do you think this game will stay on the wii exclusive. At Capcoms first chance they'll tart it up and put it in arcades.
  5. Its not unreliable I bet you place stuff on top of your 360, have it not well ventilated area to play in. I bought my xbox 6 months and is still doing playing games fine. Maybe your just unlucky.
  6. The producer said in a quote that they did try using the remote but it ended up in serous control issues they are still looking into it but until they find a decent control scheme no way hosé Seen as he left Namco as well as the Games industry I doubt it.
  7. You guys entertain me as well. Right we know capcom produced the gun survior series or whatever that crap was. We know it sold very poorly. We know that on the GC RE4 sold the most. So why the fuck did capcom do it its like a suicide note in the making. Maybe they were thinking right we don't really want to be making a new re game. Hey wait we have the gun survior code from that project we produced, a few improvements there - oh and we reuse the re4 gc engine. Yes new games cranked out at the speed of light. I know its a business decision behind this but the wiimote has to be pointed at the screen to play it thus means me standing. Why the fuck should I stand to play a videogame. Not just capcoms fault but nearly everyones who is developing fo it.
  8. Exactly its sub par. And Pedro Capcom says its great - of course they would say so. And the previews have said it cold be ok. Not fantastic not brilliant just ok.
  9. Firstly wiimotes don't act the same way as lightguns. I fucking know this, what I was implying was I hope they release a lightgun to play this game with. I am not saying the gun survivors were made by capcom but they have to green light the project so they effectively created it maybe more from a production stand point though. Yeah its about umbrella corporation that saga finished and we have started a new saga - I like the idea fro the umbrella story its not that I'm referring to a cash in. I'm referring the gameplay of the game as a cash in.
  10. You can't see why its a cash in instead of giving us a "Resident Evil" game they us a cash in of House of the Dead meets RE characters. I hated the FPS RE games for that reason as well. I hope they will give us a lightgun and not use the wiimote. Because its not another installment its the side story of how the umbrella organisation ended. Treasure Island Z is the only capcom wii title that I'm looking forward.
  11. My Sony laptop when my VGN-FE28H cost me £950 and that was brand new in September 2006. Why would I want to upgrade a laptop when I could transfer all of the data to a new laptop, reset my current one and sell it. Made poorly - mines been through enough to know thats a lie. You seem to think that the Hard Drives are full of crap. thats why 160 GB HD in this vaio laptop only 2.5% of that was filled with pre installed software. And Macs are shit to program on so they are like a white elephant, or should that be a white mouse? Oh sorry you know programming as in coding
  12. But a Mac - a computer that hardly anyone produces software. Sony Vaio laptops are better loads of memory can program the hell out of them.
  13. It's still a cash in why can't they give us Resi evil 4 wii, but with the story of resi evil: umbrella chronicles. Lightgun games are only fun when used with a lightgun. The wii controller doesn't work like a lightgun. Arrgggh I'm so annoyed with capcom - they give us a cash in, a gamecube port, and one brand new great looking game.
  14. I like Gamespot better than IGN, but why wouldn't anybody be in love with 360. As far as them showing it though the wii launch, examples please? 'Cos I can't remember anytime when they did that.
  15. If we look at the region free games so far - they have been region free woldwide. However the Jap version isn't region free so I wouldn't get your hopes up.
  16. Well for me personally thats better because you kind of can guess the people who are playing people on a server. Whereas on Halo 2 I always end up with people who don't give much of a challenge or just or too good as in playing. There isn't a happy medium on that game online.
  17. For me personally Halo 2 just didn't match my skills with the game never got matched with people of my own standard. However the multiple pc shooters I play on the pc I seem to always match perfectly with them. Either I have faster direct connection/or I'm just better at playing pc shooters than console shooters. But anyway for me Halo franchise in terms of general storyline/characters/etc. Just feels like it was done before Halo you save the world frrom certain doom. Feels very samey to me. Why I'm from Newcastle I'm expressing opinion and he can't ban me its only admin.
  18. Your just annoyed Moria that I have proven you wrong and you can't say sorry can you.
  19. Bascially your biased because your with a japanese lass, and from what I have read else where and heard of mates who have visited tokyo who have said that. And if you want further evidence Japanese government want to stop english being taught in non private schools
  20. Yeah but 360 is more popular in the west so its kind of a tough call do you want cumlative global sales to be high or just in one particular region.
  21. I know thats it for money but its also true to get usefulness out of their white game engine they created. But just think why did Dirge of Cerburus sell more than the game of than they should of: Two things and both things are in the title "Final Fantasy" and "VII" - together they are quite the potent combination - something that I wouldn't be suprised if SE try to build FF13 up to stature of FF7
  22. Whats the betting that it doesn't stick to that release date.
  23. Hey can I not have an opinion and state for many people want to say. Halo games have been themost generic crap I have played in years. The only thing I can say was amazing in Halo franchise has been the AI on legenday campaign and thats it.
  24. Because ones an action adventure game, ones a rpg, ones a card battling game, ones probably a mmorpg, ones probably a racing game ones probably a shooter. So basically to do loads of different genres out of one license.
  25. Battlefield any of them has a better system than Halo, and pretty much were the same - even counterstrike was better at online than Halo 2's online component. And I never had trouble holding my own in any match I play online on the pc. Halo 2 never pitted me fairly with other people though I always got lame ass kids who camped the warp points or some shit like that. They wren't really breath taking even when I got my xbox 6 months after it launched - I found the vehicles not really stable too floaty. I fixed the rest for you in your quote. ^^
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