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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. The US version is definately region free
  2. Was playing a match of WWE RAW vs smackdown 07 and this brittish guy said he would leave me neg feedback for not saying good match, and called me a little bitch for not speaking to him. Ohh and no ones doing created champs online. where from?
  3. Last time I looked in gameat the bundles for all their consoles, gamestation still had better value bundles for sale
  4. The bit of Prey I played on my other account is like Prey > Fear and Gears. But I need points.
  5. Anybody want to help me out to do co-op please.
  6. em you know gears achievements for completing an act, can you do it via co-op.
  7. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars it won't come out to europe until everything else has been published. I downloaded Kirby for the NES yesterday, and its laggy as hell - plus theres a weird band on the left hand side of the screen about 1cm in width that stays a fixed colour or messes up. Surely they could of fixed it for selling it as a download. And they annoying thing is that it only happens on that vc game.
  8. Firstly is it AC4 out, if not is it region free?
  9. But didn't also the guy who was the created Megaman, Lost Planet and DEad Rising also state that games were not Art but they were a product.
  10. Its all right SimonM7 - like I stated previously I thought the previous NiGHTS game was beutiful. I just thought the gameplay wasn't upto much when comparing it agaist games from the same time frame.
  11. I do actually have a bit of a powerhouse computer it has a faily decent new computer you see. Oh well guess I am not a liar then :awesome:
  12. Daves Sega Saturn Page please, now come on if you look hard enough you can get decent quality emulators if you look in the right place. It was a shit game, I played it for christ sakes. Its boring, repetitive and yawn inspiring. And if people think its an actual "good" game then colour me golden and give me a million pound. Look in the right places then you can find an emulator to run NiGHTs. Tis still crap though.
  13. I don't want to create controversy all I'm saying is that Sega is creating a game that is kinda lame gameplay wise. And I can bet your bottom dollar you probably won't use the controller on its side but pointing it as a wand to try and steer the character through the rings. But I slightly digress I played it using a controller called the EM pad or something like that for the PC. And Zelda at least has some variety in the continuaty(sp?) of the formula for it. Whereas the NiGHT game is go to goal, defeat boss oh wait you finished the game. P.S. I'm not Solinaze, or whatever he was called, all I'm saying is the original game was hyped to the nth degree in the states and in japan - whereas us europeans thought it was a shit game. So I'm just saying ...
  14. Oh yeah because its been proven that violent films and violent lyrics in music results in people being more violent. So your saying video games can't make people more violent. Ok then your talking shit then I guess...
  15. Yeah well Its better killing criminals for doing stuff thats actually breaking the law, instead of killing police officers that are just doing their job. Yeah I know this is a game. But seen as gameshops sell this game to minors, especially impressionable minors. No wonder we have the amount of the crime in the world today.
  16. Well why the heck are you criticizing my point of view then. If your not impressed with me actually playing the game and not actually a good game, and the fact that it got some very bad reviews from european magazines.
  17. But really come on now with the advent of downloadable content they could add a NiGHTs character via dlc
  18. All I can say after having ago on the original NiGHTS game is why would anyone want a sequel - the game played a bit meh. You float through rings to stop nightmares and save children. Just seemed like the original game was shit, not from graphics but from gameplay point of view.
  19. Yes i do realise where the term comes from - but the last couple of 3D GTA games seem to be pushing car stealing and further and further into the background so to speak and concentrate on crime in a much more general sense. SO why on earth can't they stop making you the criminal, instead make you a bad ass cop who beats up the criminals then nicks their cars from them. And it doesn't have to be a spinoff in the games franchise. Instead it would open it up to new features. Say being told theres a robbery on 31st street getting to be able to beat down on criminals is far more satisfying than attacking police officers.
  20. No because it wouldn't be banned if you had to stop the scum of new york city as a police officer. They wouldn't if you actually played as a cop to stop the bad guys though.
  21. Well why not call it New York City then? Plus in game advertising would also reduce the cost of the game. No I don't, I just don't see why Rockstar North can't just say its in New York - or maybe they are scared people wouldn't buy it.
  22. Why can't they just call it NY City, get money from chains like BK for adverts in the game and maybe some real movie posters - sice they are going for realism after all.
  23. What I meant was you should of only posted one picture and then your statement. Not post multiple pictures. And anyway the getalfe/metlife building made more sense to your question.
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