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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. How about leeds
  2. QFT Shame it'll never happen as long as we have a corrupt government.
  3. caris is from Newcastle.
  4. Why not go to Newcastle
  5. When have I caused controntations in the PS3 thread? I was banned from this thread for using a disgusting slur that was directed at Takeo which I'm truely sorry for. And why can't I say Halo are bad games? I don't understand these forums you can't tell a games crap these days without people being offended.
  6. To me the first two halo games were crap, chances of this being a good game 10%? If that even.
  7. Feel the same way, and we all know the master chief will win and save everything. Microsoft Game Studios are you listening? I'll explain something to you tell your studios to come up with interesting storylines - not push the same clichés down out throats for the nth time. Please.
  8. Still I hate the bbc, I don't think we need to have a licence to watch TVs when 95% of the shows I watch are on sky anyways.
  9. Isn't he dead though
  10. I have been watching the Kelly Osboune 'Turning Japanese' and J Ross 'Japanorama' seriously most perverted country.
  11. Nah and if you go trawling through the internet you will find FOX network owns something like 50.5% of all Futuramas assets. These assets include all artwork, episodes, fictional planets/characters/items/races/etc. And FOX won't be happy about some organization just nicking the name. I'm sure JKR would feel same way if someone used Diagon Alley without paying her a ton of cash Debate that with the lawyers then Ashley I think you will find they would beg to disagree
  12. No because fox did
  13. They are still breaking copyright laws by referrring to it as New New York. But I've tipped FOX off. Hopefully I'll have a reply in a couple of days. Hehe now they'll have to set in 1920s new york where it should of been from the start.
  14. Which they are Stefkov, they don't like foreigners in their country full stop. They don't like tourists are non japanese people who live their.
  15. Yep boring game - but for the price nowt wrong with it, from what I've played of it, the flow of the game is:- shoot, run, shoot, shoot, stomp, stomp, cutscene. Fairly boring game with good looking graphics. And lock on its an action game so where the hell is the standard automatic lock on like GRAW has.
  16. What do you mean in Futurama its called New New York, and this next Doctor Who is set in New New York. Point?
  17. Nah it was just the fact that after a 5'o clock everything seems to shut down even bars etc. Whilst the US and GB don't really do that. Plus more expensive than the UK and US. Cheaper to go and have a fortnight in the US than in Japan.
  18. No it wasn't Peter Kays fault really - the fault was putting him in a drama turning him into some kids vomit, and then attaching crappy plot. And yes I liked the sakespearen code good episode. @triforcemario: FOX own the rights to futurama. And according to wiki only Futurama has used that name before.
  19. Well according to one of my closest friends they are quite racist in some parts about foreigners full stop. She also said if you like US or GB - you really will hate Japan.
  20. Well I preffered this episode instead of when they had peter kay in as that villian that was serious crap. Anyone think that FOX should sue BBC next week for the 'New New York' name, I do.
  21. Is Genji 2 better or worse than the one on the ps2
  22. We should have an uno tourny sometime,
  23. @Stefkov did you think my coughing(through being) unwell was disruptive. Some american **** seemed to think so.
  24. Does anyone want a nice game of uno
  25. Luxor 2 is da bomb though, very enjoyable game not worth really 800mp should of been 500mp instead
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