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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. Firstly Halo is on Pc so i don't see the the reason why thats a problem if i say Killer 7 is a better game because its also been on PS2 I don't see how i'm ignorant when i cut the crap of marketing out of the equation and just looked at gameplay, and to be frank I found little in it too make it enjoyable for me :( However i don't see why really Halo needed a sequel in the first place
  2. Nah don't think there is anyones like that up here in Newcastle, but maybe fellow Newcastlions (the equivalent of Geordies, just thought it sounded cool ) know. Just i thought because Game staff are stupid i could trick them somehow. Best examplified by a member of Game Staff saying that i shouldn't get Killer 7 because, now get this, its a weird platformer game. :eer: :eer: now i ask you is that ignorance with a capital I or what ?
  3. Do any of you guys know if Gamestation or Game would allow you to trade in US Gamecube games cause i have five which i'm going to get in pal versions, Thx for the help
  4. Die hard was quite good actually better than Rainbow 6 games and probs all Tom Clancy games put together
  5. ya know the bosses in this game are SO cool the best i think are Ulyemeda, and the one at the end of Part 1of Encounter you know the school head women in the car park that manages to take the piss out of anime, just class This game deserves a bafta award its just pure genious
  6. Actually most gamers bought it because most gamers are ignorant they would rather play some half baked crap, than actually pick up true masterpieces of gaming genius such as Killer 7 to name but one. I however blame it on the gaming journalists that put Halo 2 as 10/10, 100%,10.0. Anyways you get my drift that no game no matter how good it really is can get full marks. Oh yeah and and btw InternalEternal its called Geist not Gesit like you have put
  7. First Halo was really overated when they added the tagline combat evolved there was nothing in that game that hadn't been done in other games better. Then Halo 2 what a pile of garbage (lets just say its similiar to Geist ). So really in retrospect Halo + Halo 2 wern't just overated a little bit but as nearly infinity in overated terms nothing they could do could really make the Halo franchise a better game
  8. I went to Gamestation and they said they would give me £26 for four "old" Gamecube games, went into game they said they would give me £15 and I showed them the note to be accepted and maybe get £30 BUT NO! They said(in a very monotone voice) "it's on screen thats what you get" Not like the good old days where EB games and Game used to compete for preowned games :(:(
  9. ok tried dvdboxoffice took ages (well it was about 6 weeks thats long to me) and i want so many games and anime its not even funny
  10. However I would rather may a few quid more and know that I have it rather than wait a few weeks
  11. Can someone please reply to this I need to know before i go to Edinburgh?
  12. Hi all I was wondering whether any of you know if thee are any import games stores in either the North East or Edinburgh(just cause i want to get more DS games ) Thanks in advance me the Freak of Zelda
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