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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. No not really they announced at GDC it would be playable sometime this year, I take it that they were at that time talking about the US region. So based on that presumption I can only think it will be releashed in US November/December.
  2. This is true but they don't want to lead to cannibalization of their own products i.e. if they do release super paper mario in september some people will just hang on and wait for mario galaxy. Plus they don't want to release so many big games that they end up getting not the same expected sales as they would if they end up releashing 3/4 nintendo games instead of 6-7.
  3. I feel the same way flameboy, US and Japan will of course get Galaxy this year, but for us no way two mario games within the same probable quarter. This is because nintendo are distributing quite a few 3rd party games now. Plus I feel Nintendo of Europe is trying to concentrate on the DS.
  4. No its not what I meant why could they of either a) not done this episode in New New York as in the New Earth's one, or b) just had these two episodes in new york aka 1930. All I'm saying is they put crap in each episode which isn't required for the season or for a episode, they could of cut out the whole hooverville thing and end up with them meeting the show girl person, or cut out the whole showgirl thing. I'm starting to side with Rokhed00 now that this is a great comedy series, really I laugh at the chessiness of it all the time, however this terrible scifi
  5. Edit what I said this made some of my blood vessels pop
  6. When they go to the sewers the first time they should of got caught then save all the crap from dance musical thing. On another note from last weeks episode I thought this one was going to be set it New New York.
  7. They could of easily reduced that episode down by my calculations a minimum of 15 minutes
  8. Prefer the sven song over vinderloo song and 3 lions over the sven song. *ZF sings the song while doing maths coursework* Cheers Flinky
  9. Both of you attack me personally why so? I never attack members on this forum so why do I get attacked? All I'm saying is this looks like a delibrate cash in proably was something else the game idea, but they attached the RE franchise to it. Then we have GC game coming to the wii again. Oh yes and Capcoms third venture something that isn't a cash in not a gamecube game. Shock horror an original IP well thats a first for the wii then a new IP that will be good.
  10. Apparently the little furball thats running around will make an appearance in the anime shortly.
  11. Right so you don't want to have good looking games and good controls on your games I take it. Because the way I see this game is at best a very poor copy of a House of the Dead game. In that you could blast a zombies arm/leg off and their was actually battle damage to the character models. Its the same reason why Sega hasn't announced HOTD yet these lightgun style games need an actual lightgun not the wiimote pretending to be a lightgun which it is not.
  12. Hell I'll admit EA did a good job - like Tiger Woods seen as I play golf it fealt slightly more natural than wii sports. However doesn't matter who a game appeals to if its a shit game like it was on other formats it'll be a shit game no matter what
  13. Wouldn't put anything past the police, never the less.... ... guess my secret identity has been rumbled. :shock:
  14. I got told they were wanting to cancel english in state schools by dabookerman - and this is the guy who loves japan to bits. He has been to Japan as well and agrees with me.
  15. There were GC games Shorty just not adventure type games, there were some fighting games. But they weren't very good.
  16. This game is ps2 game with wii controls attached cash in, wasn't a good game on the formats either. *Goes back to watching Yu Yu Hakusho*
  17. I am positive that its 18 hole golf just like albatros 18
  18. You should never expect everything to work perfectly because with everything there is a 5% chance it won't work
  19. Oh well I'm lucky I guess still been on one 360 since July last year.
  20. No its only the vc when emulation isn't buggered up and super paper mario/treasure island z that are restraining me not to sell the console. Well I would of course preferred umbrella chronicles to be more like re4. But then they want to sucker people in to purchase this title to recoup their r+d costs they have used on treasure island z, so I'm all for it just don't have to buy it.
  21. The programming tools I use don't run on macs at all oh well. I hate all Apple products really. They say it is immune to virus's however black top hackers don't see the point when they are more pc users than mac users. Wy may I ask do you like Macs they have as far as I'm concerned one of tese worst interfaces for a a gui.
  22. They haven't announced it will come on the wii this year instead they are looking at whether it would work as well as the other versions. See the link I posted above.
  23. Totally love light gun games. However seen as the wiimote doesn't work at all like a light gun, therefore a let down. Unless capcom produces a lightgun to use with it. But ya see my tv's attached to the wall so it looks slick, unfortunately the position ing of the sensor bar is annoying. This is using an update of the re4 engine Firstly I'm not trolling were having discussion. Secondly you want a source to the fact that capcom owns the characters, models, story and own in part the gs gameplay engine code. Ok, that makes no sense gapcom had idea and outsourced it to another company to create it. Same as Nintendo owns the Battalion War games oh wait they weren't developed by Nintendo that means Kuju owns the rights to it. That must be it right? Wrong. Nintendo owns the fast majority of the content but both can use the gameplay engine if they want to. Cheers Hellfire - where like ying and yang right right? But I like you to. Your the loveable face of the portugean mafia.
  24. You have to worry about all tech though from video game consoles/pcs/ tvs/ digiboxes etc. And don't forget if theres an issue about something internet will over do it about 95% of the time. They arn't burning out in a few months if follow what it says in the manual you'll have no problems.
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