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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I'm down for a new Famicom Detective Club game.
  2. Wow that was satisfying, unsurprising since Golden Dazybees are the Metal Slimes of Paper Mario. Manages to defeat 2 in one battle. Is 100 the cap per battle? Bit overleveled now, got quite a few from the Pit of 100 Trials.
  3. Agree with you on this. I'm honestly surprised it's got so much hype around it, but I was never that much a fan of that gameplay style. They've said the characters aren't balanced so you're probably going to run into the same set of characters online. Xenoverse 2 (which is pretty much the same gameplay wise) and Kakarrot are still getting DLC up too recently so most likely this will get DLC for a long time. The Ultimate Edition is £95 already. Mind you, it good look very good graphically and my finger has hovered over the preorder button more than once, it but ended up talking my myself out of it. Thankfully there's enough coming out in October for my wallet to say no and possibly wait for a sale. Edit: Oh, also had Stroopwafel today. It was good.
  4. Got good results this week, so I'm not complaining. It's Baby Daisy next week...
  5. Says the Mii player 😛
  6. Preorder cancelled 😡
  7. Shame about the match with you as Duck Hunt Duo.
  8. Dana from Ys VIII announced Adol apparently already announced a while ago. Might be of interest for @darksnowman?
  9. Appreciate the gesture but only do that if you're sure, it's usually your lot game night so I don't want to make you miss out or anything.
  10. I should be able to play at 8:30 if someone can't make it or anyone else wants to play and we can make a second group.
  11. Yuko Minaguchi voiced Videl on Dragon Ball so they got a good cast so far. Funny how it was featured in the Nintendo Direct first and eShop is the only store you can't preorder it on yet.
  12. But there isn't much activity happening after a game has released to warrant a second thread. Paper Mario thread is only 3 pages. No one has talked about Luigi's Mansion 2 HD since it came out.
  13. Wow, another October game. Pre-ordered the Collector's edition, I quite like that bag/sling.
  14. English release announced.
  15. Thanks for the work, Shorty! The new forum has badges, how long will it take for @Hero-of-Time to get them all?
  16. Didn't realise you could get the Super Missiles early. Anyway, wasn't planning on playing it, but saying your post made me want to. I lurve some Zero Mission. Results not as good as yours, mind. You must have to know the map by heart to get 100% in under 2 hours. Had this sorta funny moment as well.
  17. All right, who had 5 Red Shells at the end of Kalimari Desert? (it was 6 but I didn't see 1) The timing on this Boo as well. Who could that have been?
  18. Currys are doing 15% off digital codes which works with eShop credit. Works well with the current voucher deal as well. Code is: DIGI15 It's a digital code so you can claim it immediately.
  19. Haha, thanks. I knew up special would be a bad idea.
  20. Seems to only be Nintendo eShop cards that forces you to eurogames. But they do show them as an alternative store, this is PSN top-up: They have big banners advertising the site as well, so feels a bit dodgy they seem fine with associating themselves with them.
  21. Was quite surprised to find out Sakurai went all digital, would have thought he would have preffered physical. However considering the way he stores his games, maybe it's for the best.
  22. I had a look on Shopto for some eShop top-ups and they took me through to a place called eurogames, who is a key reseller site, definitely dodgy. The memberships seemed to be sold direct from Shopto so those should be fine. Used cdkeys a handful of times and they've always been fine. I am always slightly worried when I use them though.
  23. I was under the impression you hadn't played it at all. If you played it and didn't like it then fair enough. I do agree there's a lot of faffing in between missions. I think they took onboard the feedback and made the HQ more concise. Three Houses lets you warp once you've unlocked the facility though. You're not really, I know it feels weird not to recruit everyone in a Fire Emblem game (it did in my first play through), but there's really no reason to recruit everyone, you don't have enough deployment slots. Even just having the DLC students felt like there were too many to manage. I find it easier to focus on that class's students only (+ the professors). Actually means there's less faffing later on. You technically can't recruit everyone anyway I think. Do you not use the training facility in Hopes (I forget what it's called) to build their skills quicker or do you just switch classes/weapons more frequently. That's the main reason for building the motivation for your units. I guess that means you didn't use the Somniel in Engage much then?
  24. Well at least it wasn’t me this time. Think it’s a requirement if you get Wolf. Time makes it hard to guess who won sometimes.
  25. Good taste. That's the colour I went for too! Possibly controversial , but Speaking of Three Houses, curious to know why you refuse to play it when Three Hopes has the same Persona elements, that I seem to recall is the reason why you said you wouldn't play it. Hopes' is it a bit more streamlined but still there.
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