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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Nah they weren't amazing, Grand Adventures was pretty entertaining though. I wanna import grand battle 4 because it has Oyiabin (spelling?) from the foxy pirates in.
  2. There were a few: One Piece: Grand battle 1-4 The first game was released in the US and UK, the rest were JP only. A rather basic fighting game. One Piece: Grand battle Released in Japan and US, pretty much the same as the grand battle games but with a larger story mode. Went up to the Skypiea arc. then there was a One Piece Grand carnival or something with was released in the US and JP. I think it got a GC release. Looks like it goes up to the Enies Lobby arc.
  3. FUNImation is now dubbing One Piece! When they start showing in America in August they will be continuing where 4kids left off, which is the filler arc Rainbow Mist, but after it the Jaya/Skypiea arcs. So chances of this getting English release has increased hopefully.
  4. I have a question: how far is the manga in America, does anybody know? One Piece: Grand Battle went up to the Skypiea arc, which the anime never got up to (and never will, since 4kids stopped dubbing it). Anyway i really hope it gets EU release, looks great.
  5. Haha, same thing happened to me, i was hoping to get the game early. it comes out on the 30th though, it was pushed back a week.
  6. How do you get past the spiked ball when your in the pot, in pirate islands' die hard challenge?
  7. Old characters get a small stat boost if you plug in a GC memory card with a completed PoR save. You can also unlock PoR supports to read on GoD.
  8. Does Link look fuzzy to any one else using component cables? Also his picture on the Collection screen is terrible for me. Anyone else get this?
  9. Got my official component cable today, can't say I've noticed a major difference in quality though. Text isn't blurry anymore but that all i noticed.
  10. I tried PSO ep3 and it complained that there was no modem/broadband adapter, so no online won't work. The servers will be shut down April 1st anyway.
  11. Will this do? feonline.simgames.net/fe10/images/fe10logo.jpg (can't post URLS atm)
  12. There screenshots from a japanese magazine(i forget the name), looks like gamefront just ripped them and enlarged them. It uses the Classic controller instead of the Wiimote.
  13. Check the latest trailer, it has footage of the Japanese GC version.
  14. ms.nintendo-europe.com/wii/ ^ NoE Wii page Seems to be the same as NoAs, but the NoE has a area to sign up for a newsletter and Super Smash Bros Brawl has a info box instead of just a link to the official site.
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