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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Aw, I have Phantom Hourglass and SSBB pre-ordered at Gameplay. Might have to reconsider now.
  2. Do they always ship so early?
  3. Soren might appear as an Assist Trophy, he was pretty popular.
  4. We have the uncut DVDs though.
  5. No, the version we get is shown on Jetix and is also dubbed by Jetix plus another group, it's not the same as the US version.
  6. Yeah, 88%.
  7. Stunts? Bleagh.
  8. What? Tingle is limited quantity? Since when? I like the boxart, though it is a bit too yellow. Wonder why EU is getting the Japanese boxart these days since Phantom Hourglass also uses the Japanese boxart.
  9. =o It was good when it first came out, it hasn't aged very well though.
  10. I liked that song.
  11. Nice, was wondering when we'll get some English media considering it's out in 2 weeks. If I pre-order from Gameplay with 1st class postage, what day am i likely to get it on? I've never pre-ordered a game from Gameplay before. My local shop will probably have it on the Thursday so I was wondering if it was worth pre-ordering online or not.
  12. Will we be able to e-mail the screen shots after taking them?
  13. Great game, too bad it don't sell to well. I found I can't play it for long periods of time though, since my arms got tired.
  14. Well it's real: - Jet the Hawk will return for the sequel, as will other new characters - Storyline details: Sonic finds an artifact that allows for manipulation of gravity, and this catches Jet the Hawk’s eye as well. The two hotheads fight over who deserves the artifact, and they decide to race to settle the score. - A couple of courses: Botanical Kingdom, Crimson Crater - Trick system from Riders will return, Turbulence system will not Stolen from Gonintendo.
  15. I don't want a Wii Pokemon RPG, it's fine where it is. As a hand-held game.
  16. It did on GBA. Or is that a different game? Sort of like our FF3 was actually FF6 or something?
  17. Personally I've never heard of them before so I'm going to take it with a grain of salt. Still it's not totally impossible, PoR was released less than a month after the US release.
  18. I won't be surprised if it turns out to be true, the first was pretty decent I thought.
  19. The black and white bit is a flash back, everything should be coloured after you beat that bit. And no, we haven't got BOF1 yet :P
  20. According to Gonintendo the US is getting Super Metroid in 2 weeks, and Metroid next week.
  21. It's £25 at virgin megastores.
  22. Source please?
  23. Super Paper Mario did come with a firmware update and from what it seems, it did force the update to happen. Maybe the EU version will come with the 3.0/E firmware.
  24. Yeah it'll be the last place you saved at.
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