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Everything posted by Ike

  1. The new site should already been finished. Mostly likely they are currently uploading the new site and testing it. Due to the size of the site, and the new features, this could possibly take a while.
  2. Just dug up 2, 000 points, but it doesn't let you register them properly yet, you have to wait until the site goes back up.
  3. Give Tingle's Balloon fight!!! Might start register stars now, hm... Or maybe not since the product registration is all weird.
  4. If the last 3 got a EU release, this one will too. Also the save transfer bug has been fixed, NoA will be offering a replacement service in December. I guess it is sometimes advantageous to get the game last, as the bug should be fixed for the EU release as well.
  5. Please be a new layout, please be a new layout... And stars to Wii points. Then I can register all the points I've been hoarding for months. Oh, looks like they are officially calling it Club Nintendo now?
  6. Pre-order official soundtrack (JP import) Edit: oops, pre-orders start "soon". It's the Club Nintendo soundtrack, so probably limited, no price atm.
  7. yeah they are pretty good. They have the Silver Zelda DS lite atm... for £140. And the Zelda collector edition guide, which I now have :P
  8. Maughan's Microcomputers (or something like that) in the Metro Centre. It's sandwiched between HMV and GAME.
  9. Odd, I've just seen a PAL copy in a shop today. They were selling it at £39.99 as well.
  10. Playing with component, I can like see white lines around Mario sometimes. Is this normal or is it just me?
  11. Mine came this morning as well, got the first 10 or 12 stars atm. Just got back from a GAME event. There was a massive queue, quite a few people dressed up, including these kids. One kid was dressed as bowser, pretty good costume as well. Everyone's was tbh. I got the goodie bag, it has a Sonic + Mario poster, a MG hat, a telescope keyring, which doesn't work unfortuantatly. And oddly a MG rain coat.
  12. Bah, hurry up Mr. Postman, I have to go out soon!
  13. Yep, your right. The English version was just known as Fire Emblem until the full title was announced. It'll be Radiant Dawn for the PAL version as well.
  14. GAME has finally shipped mine
  15. phpBB2 is easy to mod, just make sure to follow the instructions carefully. Or try installing Easymod (self installs). That'll install mods for you, but it's not guaranteed to work all the time.
  16. Great game SMB3, though it seems to have a bunch of graphical glitches on the right hand of the screen.
  17. Shopping channels been updated: Super Mario bros. 3, NES - 500 points BLUE'S JOURNEY, NeoGEO - 900 points Power Golf, TurboGrafx - 600 points
  18. Wait, your guaranteed to get a free game, or you can win one? I'm going to the Metro Centre one, though I can't hang around to long.
  19. Where did you find out about the GAME events btw?
  20. Oohh prizes, might have to go. Which Metro Centre GAME is doing it? There's 3 of them. Also will they be giving out the stuff all day or just 6pm - 9pm?
  21. Mario RPG needs a EU release :P Hope we get SMB3 this week, and I'll need to buy some points.
  22. Bah typical, I was gonna get it for Christmas as well.
  23. The song was used in the Japanese FE6 commercial if that makes you feel better :P
  24. Hmm, I'm still missing two expansions. I check Vahalla and Bryyo Ice as well.
  25. Thanks, can't believe I didn't see it X.X
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